Something for "SOMEONE'S" Conscience to ponder...................

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Usually these situations turn out to be more hype than outcome. Next thing that will be posted will be: I've been advised by the DA that I can divulge any info at this time" Now turn on CNN and watch some real news!!! Saddam the Dictator may be in our hands!!! I bet he's sh*ttin himself:D
Thanks Nick

Originally posted by Nick Micale
Bruce has a higher priority right now than doing a post right now. His father is in the hospital.

On Friday My Dad was admitted to the hospital for immediate heart surgery. I was informed of this by cell phone by my Mom during a recital for my child who made the Golden Honor Roll at school. Try telling a 9 year old , who is on top of the world for making the honor roll, that Grandpa is in the hospital having surgery. And we HAD to tell her cause she is going there this week for her Xmas break,as she conveyed and had planned she wanted to spend Xmas break with Grandpa. :(

Sunday the 14th
Dad is home today. I can't beleive they released him but, He is home and actually doing VERY well.
This is why I have been "MIA"
And will continue to be until I KNOW he is ok.

THANK YOU to ALL for the emails conveying prayers and understanding. I cannot tell you how much better it made us feel. :)

As soon as I have my family stable, I will report.
Till then,
Good luck with your Dad Bruce. Mine is going in tomorrow for a biopsy of his prostate. I don't recall how high his PSAs were but high enough that the doctor is alarmed. He just retired this year too....what a kick in the head if he comes down with cancer now that he finally walked out of the mill that he hated for so long. :(
atfter all the hype about weapons of mass distruction and none being found i think a lot of what we were lead to believe in the media wasnt true.i dont like president bush or did i his fathers job as president and viewed their entrance into the political arena years ago a as a covert scheme to feed their mouths with more money while at the time still not having enough room in there to fit another penny in there.millionaires with an insatiable appetite for more money and spreading blood around so they can bleed the pipelines of oil until there is no more.we all know who was behind the trade center,and i was watching it in front of my eyes,smelt burning flesh of the masses that were cremated alive and saw them jumping from windows to their is a shame that our soldiers have to die for people who imo never really threatened our national security.i feel for the parents of the dead in a foreign country fighting under the orders of a dictatorship (USA)with a hidden agenda while the public is being stuffed with mass produced foods that cause hypertension,the freewill to shoot up dope and smoke cocaine ,jerry springers sideshow act,same sex marriages ,the creation of mental disorders spread through means most will not comprehend so they can sell prozak and all that other crap,etcetra.all of this freewill has created for the coming years likely in my estimation by the year 2015 a country with no work force that cant perform job properly,who sit home and get high while being polluted mentally with refried telivision programs with a hidden agenda who no longer have the desire to accomplish anything.this fog has been created by the government to obscure our ability to see them in action. i foresee 10 percent of the population unaffected by this but unable to fight a battle that has been engineered in every way to be won by those responsible for this major headgame.i saw a wonderful message hidden in a graffiti piece on top of a building in brooklyn visible from the brooklyn /queens expressway that read .....CONservative governMENt.does everyone see waldo in this message?anyone see what we did to those poor souls in cambodia?vietnam?iraq?cyprus,greece,russia,and our own people?if you cant swallow the truth just except this as part of being a us citizen.the suez canal,the panama canal,the alaskan pipeline,iran contra scandal,smokable cocaine,agent orange ,the use of a get out of jail free card when you are a high dollar murderer with a dream team of soulless ,consciousnessless lawyers with a hunger for money greater than a man trapped forever in the scorn of the sun in the desert wanting just one drop of water.i lost it a long time ago................................not my mind ,but my trust in a political system based on the greek system of democracy that is a disgrace to the word.i do love my country and those who fight for it as some of my family members did after becoming us citizens,but i despise the way the government has made those who dont think a smoke screen for them to hide behind while they create a world order we must be afraid to send our children into.i want the ragin cajun for president.BUSH WILL USE THE CAPTURE OF SADDAM HUSSEIN TO BE THE FUEL TO DRIVE HIS RE ELECTION MACHINE.i am paranoid but if you see what is going on youll agree i have every right to be.

Are you sure this is in the right thread?


It is Truely amazing how fast the recovery time is to these heart operations,

Im glad to hear your dad is doing well,I hope you and your family have a great holiday.
i think this message wousd fit anywhere a thinking human mind is present with the ability to understand it.turbo lounge..........the drinks are on bruce and no smoking.
Originally posted by chris718
turbo lounge..........the drinks are on bruce and no smoking.

Chris,Thats In NY......Here in NJ,

The drinks are on Bruce...And Puff Till your Hearts content....;) :D
Well maybe Hillary will run and we'll have a more honest/moral couple in the White House again:rolleyes:
BT hope all is well with you and yours. I have not had much time to talk to you or they in ages. Best wishes to your father on a speedy recovery. Alas unfourtunatly, after the rant I just read I have to through my hat into the jackazz ring

I work for the GovernMENt. Here is some interseting info:

a.. Enron's chairman did meet with the president
and the vice president in the Oval Office.

b.. Enron gave $420,000 to the president's party
over three years.

c.. It donated $100,000 to the president's
inauguration festivities.

d.. The Enron chairman stayed at the White House
11 times.

e.. The corporation had access to the
administration at its highest
levels and even enlisted the Commerce and State
Departments to grease deals for it.

f.. The taxpayer-supported Export-Import Bank
subsidized Enron for more than $600 million
in just one transaction. Scandalous!!

g.. BUT...the president under whom all this
happened WASN'T George W. Bush.

h.. SURPRISE ......... It was Bill Clinton!
Originally posted by KLHAMMETT
Mike would it be out of the question to ask you to start a new one?:)
Well........ there is an idea. Out of the question? No. Let me think it over.
Well........ there is an idea. Out of the question? No. Let me think it over.

Can I just make a request (if ya think about it) that there be no lounge or off "Buick" related rooms? There's enuff BS on all the BB's as it is. I for one almost never read the lounge anyway.
Just share info and buy-n-sell parts. No vendor bashing. Let the other BB's do that.
Maybe a vendor rating system. If someone has a problem with a vendor they can rate a vendor good or bad. Over time it would give others a good indication as to what vendor to give their money to.
And stop all the MADNESS.
The Buick community is small enuough as it is and getting smaller all the time. It would be great if there was a BB that everyone could share in and know there would be no BS.
I don't know why the other board was started and really don't care. The knowledge is split. The community is split.
We all here have one thing in common that bring us to these BB's.
The love for these cars.
I liken it to the motorcycle community. We all ride together but us Harley riders "know" theres something special in a Harley.
We all know theres something special here.

I'm never gonna finish this car!:(
That is like saying we only need one car magazine, one adult magazine, one of anything! It was created for a reason. Their are more than just two also. More like five!
Originally posted by slimm

h.. SURPRISE ......... It was Bill Clinton! [/B]

>>> Don't forget the Hummers and I don't mean the truck.....only thing we should be glad for is Bill didn't have his finger on the button mid-Hummer, maybe his finger was wrapped around a cigar:rolleyes:
All the answers from the "Book" can be found here!

The link

"Other" interepretations of the "Book"
J's rules for life that seem to be ignored by the powers here (turn the other cheek, etc)

Story 1

Story 2

The J-Man a pothead?

*** I offer these only as an entertaining alternative view. I neither endorse, nor advocate these links. HOWEVER, I am interested in how those who advocate the Bible as a factual account of the world can pick and choose the pious quotes and discount the plain meaning of the "offensive" ones.

Probably goes without saying, but it would probably be a good idea when you tell everyone whats going on to make it a new post stickied for a while in the Lounge.

Have a nice day.
Originally posted by Intercooler
Gone but not forgotten. I guess someone didn't allot enough time to get the ducks in a row :)

So what are you saying? Are all the G-Men out duck hunting?;)
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