Something for "SOMEONE'S" Conscience to ponder...................

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Originally posted by The Radius Kid
Awe comon' Rich.Smell-ovision?It's more like turd-ovision these days.
However I will agree,time is passing and inquiring minds want to know the outcome.:)

>>> John........just quoting the ever famous Elmer

Agreed..........sure we will hear soon.
Originally posted by TurboMike
Circa 1998...

Ring, ring...

Me: Hello

Licht: hey, i heard of this new thing called the ultimate message board. It looks real nice. Do you think the TR world would use something like that?

Me: Yea, I've seen a couple of them. I like it.

Licht: If i set it up would you oversee it?

Me: Yea it would be great!

Licht: Let's give it a try....

I can't believe what it's turned into.

Thanks for the memories. It is a sad time compared to what our intentions were then. I always just thought this would be something that the Buick guys should have and for a few years it gave me great pleasure to provide a place for this. Something that would have added value to our community instead of tearing it apart. If I had known what this was going to turn into this I would have done some things differently, those are decisions I regret now. This is a true low point for the Buick community and everyone involved and I hope ALL of you take some time to reflect on what your actions are doing here. NO winners, everyone loses. If the people running both boards don't see this or understand it then they have no buisness doing it IMO. The big question is what are they going to do about it.
Well,I guess that would depend on what *it* turns out to be.
One thing's for sure,*it's* had a big buildup.
I wonder if *it* will be a big let down.:)
I have the following mods:

no cat
no muffler
boost at 22-23lbs
nitto DR's
built tranny w/ shift kit, etc
ATR intercooler and 1/2
cold air kit

Using my g-tech pro, I got a 13.1 on the street. I was hoping for something better. Or does that sound about right?

Water temp was about 180. Outside temp was about 75.

Sorry, forgot to use my Turbolink...
Originally posted by Mike Licht
Thanks for the memories. It is a sad time compared to what our intentions were then. I always just thought this would be something that the Buick guys should have and for a few years it gave me great pleasure to provide a place for this. Something that would have added value to our community instead of tearing it apart. If I had known what this was going to turn into this I would have done some things differently, those are decisions I regret now. This is a true low point for the Buick community and everyone involved and I hope ALL of you take some time to reflect on what your actions are doing here. NO winners, everyone loses. If the people running both boards don't see this or understand it then they have no buisness doing it IMO. The big question is what are they going to do about it.
Mike would it be out of the question to ask you to start a new one?:)
Someone already has Otto and to hear Mike Licht himself tell it,the board has grown into what he envisioned this board to be.:)
some words of wisdom:instead of the masses flocking to view and aggravate this growing ulcer we should be looking for a way to remedy its negative effects on our board.if we all poured this much effort into helping others we would have something to smile about when we opened the doors to our homes and step out into the waiting world......some more words of wisdom from eleftherios victoras kokkonis my grandfather:you cant trust anyone because you cant trust your own a$$hole ,you go to fart and you $hit your pants.
Originally posted by The Radius Kid
Someone already has Otto and to hear Mike Licht himself tell it,the board has grown into what he envisioned this board to be.:)
You ruined now Mister! This will now get vaporized. ;)


Yea! It could be changed if the powers that be would listen to reason a little and not be so heady. It hasn't happened so far so I have my doubts.
we removed it after hearing something negative.i hope we all get to see that something negative soon.

And the dusty book quote of the day is.....

A fool Finds no pleasure in understanding, but he delights in airing his own opinions.

I like that one:D :D
THE owner made the whole stink about this and no "crime" yet. What's going on?

No one's going to forget until HE comes out with the evidence.

Oh well, back to planning my new tranny shop. I have a feeling there's gonna be alot of business. ;)
Originally posted by BlownZ least I understood that one. I am not being funny or flaming or anything but when you quote you have those memorized or do you have a bible handy? I frequent another board called Glocktalk that has a religous forum and some of the guys on there are just amazing how quickly and proficiently they can quote line after line of scripture. It's impressive.

No offense taken. I have learned some off my head through the years of study, however I am a mere speck of some I know. And I am sure people may wonder, No i do not speak in tongues. :D
Originally posted by chris718
we removed it after hearing something negative.I hope we all get to see that something negative soon.

You might,but it won't be attributed to the "someone",someone else is hoping it is.
Your grandfather was a wise man Chris.
Cali Sera.[hope I spelled that right :)].
Well 48 hours has long since past. Did the G-men and lawyers all synchronize their watches? :D
Bruce has a higher priority right now than doing a post right now. His father is in the hospital.
Oh no.I hope his Dad is all right.I talked to him by phone earlier this year.
Any idea how he's doing Nick?
What's wrong?
Originally posted by chris718
plenty of serbian,ukranian,cro/ats and others around here.this is nyc.have a good friend who is serbian,eugene gabelika.what does koorats mean?
Hi Cris
I'm Serbian and all I can say it's your third leg.One bonus on being Serb and Orthadox,You have two Christmas.Hey there 86Brick
We have got the #1 Evil person on the U.S. list:D :D

Maybe this will show us what really is important in the world. Our guys sleeping in muddy pits in the cold, our guys being spit on and shot at. Seeing their Friends killed, being away from their loved ones during the holidays. Here is what the thought from the DUSTY BOOK is:D

When a wicked man dies, his hope perishes:all he expected from his power comes to nothing.

Boy does that fit the day.

I said a prayer for your father, I hope he is feeling better:) :)
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