Somthing Disturbing On This Site!


Well, I did put it up and I do stand behind it. 49 other state members need not pay any attention, if so not desired, however I recommend you watch what is going on in this state and do your damndest to learn from it and not let it happen to yours. Davis and his regime is trying to kill our hobby, if you need the desire to see yet, another connection.
Lets see if this concept can be grasped...
Davis strangles PTS, and other small buisness' in Ca., with enough financial ruin that PTS says well,
"No more, we are out. Not worth it anymore".
Ok then Bruce says , " Well, not worth it to me anymore either".,
And then the board goes away.
Domino effect.
I ask you, How many of you would pay $700.00 dollars a year to regester a 170,000 mile 1989 chevy pickup plus have to smog test dyno style every other year at another cost you?
I used that example because it is very relatable as I just did it .
Last year cost me 215.00.
Some you just don't get it. It is time this country and state stood up and represented the residents not the politicians.
Before you pass judgement, Go research Davis and when you can tell me what is "good" or what "good" he has brought to this state and it's residents he represents, I will recant my statement.
Till then, My house, my rules, and my rules are to support the citizens of this state, as a citizen of this state, and this country and try to make a difference unto them.

WE4 admin.
Go Bruce! :D

I want to know if the posters against this banner stop watching the TV stations that air pro-recall campaign commercials?

Even though I don't live in California, I am concerned about the politics that happen there. California is used as a testbed for most liberal ideas. Then they come to other states (like Florida) and say, "well California is doing it."

Personally, what upsets me is that most people care more about the political agendas of the governors/President than they do about the people that actually have a direct influence on their lives. People such as city councilmen, school board members, and even neighbor hood associations elect people all the time and most people don't pay attention. So many people have fought and died for our rights to vote yet less than half of our population votes on a regular basis. :(

Right on Bruce!

The Gubenatorial recall in California is exactly what is needed. Throw that bum out of office and get somebody else. Anybody else.
i dont think there is anything wrong with saying the pledge in
school. this is america, and your in it, why not pledge to it?

i know there are kids my age in the milatary, alot of my friends are actually. once again, i dont think that has much at all to do with this. i have club foot, they wouldnt let me in if i tried.

bruce you are right, it is your house your rules.

suporting the effort to recall grey davis has nothing to do with suporting the USA. who is in office and who isnt has nothing to do with weather that banner suports USA.

a pro voteing bannar suports the USA.
a vote for SO and SO bannar suports SO and SO.
you can argue that electing SO and SO is suporting the USA,
but thats 100% opinion.

i never said anything about MY opinion on the issue, just that i dont think its right to put up a bannar like that.

but your house your rules,

i was just wondering what other people thought.
if you Ca guys think anything is gonna get better just because you throw the current Gov out, you are living in a dream world!

I don't care if the Terminator or Bustawhatever is Gov, that isn't gonna turn around the liberal, tax and spend, welfare, anti-business climate that currently dominates CA

I really feel Ca is lost, and will not get better as more and more business people leave......if I still lived there now (I was there during Gov Moonbeam's era and Prop 13), I would be selling my real estate and movin' on!

Let the queers and (illegal) immigrants have the damn place.....
I say let's sell it back to Mexico while they still think it's worth something. Please make sure that Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Jeanine Garofolo, Sean Penn, the Dixie Chicks and other assorted liberals are all included at no extra charge. :D
Go Bruce.....;)

All the West Wing people come out of California anyway:mad:
Let the queers and (illegal) immigrants have the damn place.....
I agree
i don't think there is anything wrong with saying the pledge in school.
Me either but i do think that people not saying under God is, lets remember what this country was found under Christianity (Love it Or Get Out)
bruce you are right, it is your house your rules.
True i learned that last week when he had his Lynch Mob moderators on me. :D
Originally posted by njturbo
Go Bruce.....;) but i do think that people not saying under God is, lets remember what this country was found under Christianity (Love it Or Get Out)

Not really. The main reason pilgrims came here was for religious freedom. That has nothing to do with God. So you can worship anything you want. God, a cow, totem pole or what ever turns you on. Or you have the choice not to follow a religion. "Under God" was added to the Pledge in 1954. Pressure from the Nights of Columbus forced congress to vote it in, So at election time they knew they would get reelected. I don't think our founding fathers would have of approved of this shady deal..

Back on topic:Grey Davis sucks and Bruce can do what ever he wants with his board. Most here support him.
Originally posted by njturbo

True i learned that last week when he had his Lynch Mob moderators on me. :D

I thought you were going to quietly disappear along with your post. They are slipping...too many witnesses.....:D
I'd talk to some grown-ups outside the bolshevik teachers unions about the level of official corruption and fiscal incompetence in Sacramento - both in the Governor's office and the legislature. Then you'd understand what all the fuss is about, and why, as far as Gray Davis is concerned, shootin's too good for him, hangin' too easy on him. I want to chop him up into little tiny pieces, and BURN HIM! (Just kidding. I'll setlle for recalling him.)
Originally posted by BlownZ
I thought you were going to quietly disappear along with your post. They are slipping...too many witnesses.....:D

I think Nicks PC locked up as he was getting ready to delete me :D :D
Originally posted by Mac in SD
If I was a bagboy who wanted to argue politcal correctness among the adults, I'd take a remedial spelling course first.

You might consider brushing up on your grammar while you are making fun of his spelling....just a thought. :D
Originally posted by BlownZ
You might consider brushing up on your grammar while you are making fun of his spelling....just a thought. :D

You're right. "If I were a bagboy..." But I deleted the offending sentences. No need for that sort of thing, is there? It is a sad, sad day, though, when my grammatical errors are pointed out by a grit from Baja Carolina. :D :D :D
take all the shots you want at who i am or what i do to suport my hobby.

this is not about weather i like grey davis or not.

let me tell you a little story, you tell me what you think.

i was at work, yeah baging grocries. i went out into the parking lot to gather some carts. i was aproached by a man with a clip board. he asked me "hey son are you 18?" i told him yes. "sign this if you want lower gas prices". hmmm a survey to see what the public thinks about the high gas prices? no. i looked at the form, in fine print at the bottom it said all this stuff about recalling the governer.

hmmm.... he didnt say ANYTHING to me about this having anything to do with the governer. through out the day i saw all sorts of people signing the clipboard, all nationalitys, all walks of life. im sure many of the people who signed didnt even VOTE IN THE FIRST PLACE. im also pretty sure that many didnt even know what the hell they were signing. why should people who dont vote have the right to recall the governer when they didnt even vote in the election?? if they dont wanna take part in democracy, they should not have a say in such a matter.

on top of that, the guy was being paid a dollar for every signature on his sheet.

yeah thats just one instance where a guy was doing the wrong thing right? wrong, a family friend of ours who lives a few hundred miles down south (LA aria) who is a DIE HARD republican
(and an retired GM worker, he worked on the turbo trans am project actually) was aproached by a man in a supermarket parking lot saying the same thing with the same intention. he was furious that who ever was behind it was taking such an un-american aproach at it. :mad:

do you kind of see where im coming from? its not that i dont think the governer should or shouldnt be recalled.
i dont think such matters should be involved with the board.

but like it was pointed out so many times before, its bruces board and he sets the rules. no hard feelings towards bruce. just a diffrence of opinion. im STILL gonna have my trany built at PTS, that is if he will let me :p
Originally posted by krom
KillrV6 you are 18yrs old

I am glad you are taking an interest in your Government, but at your age all you know is what your highschool teachers and family have taught you. I feel sorry for you having only lived under Gray Davis and Bill Clinton type politics. Bush is not perfect but 911 changed everything.

Keep involved and when you vote for the first time use your brain not your heart.

I find this comment offensive. True, he hasn't lived to become as cynical as all of us, but his age entitles him to a vote and he can vote however he wants without the corrupting influence of this negative crowd. How do you know, maybe the kid is a political science bookworm and knows more than all of us?

Personally, I agree the anti-Davis banner and sticky currently posted in this forum are offensive, and completely inappropriate to the purpose of this board. Nothing personal, but the owner of this board is using his power in the media to influence politics. It's no different than if Gray Davis bought a TV network and subversively ran it to aid his campaign. In the media industry, there is a thing called equal-time law that requires radio and television to give time for all candidates to share their message if they give time to one. That's because they are borrowing the public-owned airwaves to make money. I would argue the same applies to the Internet. This site may be privately owned, but it wouldn't exist without the Internet, which at this stage of the game is certainly a public resource.

It seems most people here don't like Davis, whether they live in CA or not. That's fine. But the official use of this board to spread the anti-Davis message gives the impression that other viewpoints aren't welcome in this community, and that's a little scary.
Originally posted by Matt Weiser

Personally, I agree the anti-Davis banner and sticky currently posted in this forum are offensive, and completely inappropriate to the purpose of this board. Nothing personal, but the owner of this board is using his power in the media to influence politics.

OH NO....this will bring out another scolding visit from the SuperMod:eek:
I have lived in "scary" for the last 8 years

It seems most people here don't like Davis, whether they live in CA or not. That's fine. But the official use of this board to spread the anti-Davis message gives the impression that other viewpoints aren't welcome in this community, and that's a little scary

And yes , you are correct. There is NO room for any other options.
And, I do not have to give equal time to anybody.

One sided of not , it is the correct thing to do. If you cannot understand this, I am sorry.

It seems that everybody other than Bruce can post their viewpoints, political or non-political, correct or incorrect, other than Bruce, the site owner. When he posts a banner supporting his beliefs, and in support of his occupation and career, he is chastised for his political beliefs and for posting the banner.
I am proud to be a member of the of the Buick community in general, and thankful to be a member of this site, where I can post questions, responses, and comments.
I fully support Bruce in his beliefs, whether they are the same as mine or not.
Since I have never, to my knowledge, posted anything politically incorrect, I am going to now do so.