Somthing Disturbing On This Site!

i was at work for 8 hours that day. all day long i watched people come up and sign it. i know what i saw, i heard everything that was said. "will you sign my petition for lower gas prices?" "sure! gas prices have been so high lately". when i took a look at the sheet, he dint even have the sheet with the fine print on top for people to read. it was under all the papers he had.
i have no problem with him getting paid. he is doing a job.

i dont think that it is fair to take advantage of people like that.
if you do, than there is no point to saying anything else on this thread. im done posting on it.

If we leave him in office until the next regular election, every limp richard getting in office will come to the conclusion that he can do whatever he wants to until next election.
Pretty much, "strike while the iron is hot"
Throwing him out of office will probably end his political career, or let's hope so.
Originally posted by KillrV6
i was at work for 8 hours that day. all day long i watched people come up and sign it. i know what i saw, i heard everything that was said. "will you sign my petition for lower gas prices?" "sure! gas prices have been so high lately". when i took a look at the sheet, he dint even have the sheet with the fine print on top for people to read. it was under all the papers he had.
i have no problem with him getting paid. he is doing a job.

i dont think that it is fair to take advantage of people like that.
if you do, than there is no point to saying anything else on this thread. im done posting on it.


I'm not disputing that you didn't hear or observe the above events, but if you or anybody else signs something without reviewing the contents, you get what you deserve. And I just won the lottery (and will split it with you) and need your help securing funds, so can you please wire me $10000, your bank account number, social security number, illegal alien drivers license number, ect.,,,:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Additionally, the petition I signed (received by mail) clearly defined it's purpose. To recall the governor (from Rescue California).
Originally posted by gofstbuick
The fact that your opinion of the recall being a bad idea is a moot point.

Wrong. Don't forget, there are 2 questions on the ballot:

1. Recall YES/NO?
2. If recall YES, who do you elect as governor?

It might be hard for this crowd to accept, but there are still lots of people wondering whether the recall itself is a good idea. Last poll I heard said 46% oppose the recall.
To all you commentators:

Get over it, Davis won the last election fair and square, if you want to talk deficits and fiscal irresponsibilitys, look toward the East Coast, specifically look at who is running the country RIGHT NOW!! The republican party want a damn republican as governor in every state, including the takeover of Canada and Mexico.

Rather than bitch about California's current condition, why don't we all just join the military and finish off the job in Afgan and Iraq?? Maybe when we all come back we will appreciate our country and come up with solutions to all our crisis instead of knocking others down.

Yeah, I know, some of us are ex-military including special forces/operations and all that, but whats happening in Cal is also happening in many other states that are governed by republican governors.

The entire economy (except for isolated locations) is in one bad shape. Quit reading just what you want to read, go out and read opposing views.

We Americans tend to be so damn righteous about how we critic others, that we can't see the forest for the trees.
We can't afford any more.

Just look at the signing of the illegal alien can get drivers licenses.
This screws us many ways, the main one being , they can now vote. Legal or illegal. Then there will be a spoof about this and another lawsuit. It never ends. CLOSE THE FRIGGEN BORDER!!! NOW!!!
How many other things will Governor Davis sign before he leaves knowing he can leave on OUR RETIREMENT and not look back? Wouldn't you.? Get what you can get a get out later?
He is a cancer that is matastisizing at a rapid rate.

Man, I love the turn out in this thread! Awesome.
I know now that I have Ca. members that care, national members that care and a younger generation trying to learn. I look at Matt's veiws almost as questions. We all thought one thing when we were younger and admittingly so, I made some dumb choices along the way too. Not gonna even try to deny that.
But , this time, I have researched, lived and been screwed one too many times by this regime and the state of this states buisness economy.

Man, I love this.....:D

Keep it going guys, that is the only way.....

No offense Black Heat but you are wayyyy off base there....
NO OTHER STAEE IN THE USA HAS THE CRAP CA. HAS HAD HAPPEN... Trillions gone.. TRILLIONS Man...with a freakin "T"

WE4 admin
Originally posted by black heat
To all you whinners:

Get over it, Davis won the last election fair and square, if you want to talk deficits and fiscal irresponsibilitys, look toward the East Coast, specifically look at who is running the country RIGHT NOW!! The republican party want a damn republican as governor in every state, including the takeover of Canada and Mexico.

And the Democratic party wants sunshine and lolipops for everybody. What's your point. This isn't a "republican" vs. "democrat" thing. Its a lying, tax raising politician thing.

Last time I checked, illegal aliens don't hire people. Having people who do hire people bear the majority of the tax burden makes those people go elsewhere. Arizona, Oregon and Washington hope Gray davis stays put as more jobs get exported from california.

Talk about Whiners. Gray Davis is King of the Whiners. It's all those mean Republican's fault :rolleyes:

When there's no republicans left in california, who will he blame, then?
bruce, maby a political forum could be opened up in miscilanious?

good spot to get a bunch of republican view points and a few demacratic ones? lol
Did you see the tv last night?

You see WHO was at an all Black church in LosAngeles?
WHO came to support the liar, the cheater, the theif Davis?
And they praised him. I was F****** APPAULLED!!!
Clinton is THE WORST thing I feel to have representing you to try to get back in office. See all of the conivors hang together. They should all be shot. Remeber Davis' huge seperate church and state? Now look. Freakin Clinton in an all black CHURCH! WTF?

Sharpton, Jackson, and Clinton... Man I would hate to have them on my side. I would be pushing them in front of a bus one at a time as fast as I could.

Of course its not about a Demo vs Repub, I agree, but so many of my republican and buick friends simply refuse to see the other side.

Hell no, I don't like welfare cheats and free loaders of another kind--and you certainly are aware of those who bitch about all the free handouts and they themselves are recepients.

Like I told my friends who retired from the military and are drawing free money for life and didn't put in a dime into their retirements--thats welfare in my books.

And no, I don't want any illegals driving around with available (they are NOT free) driver's liscenses.

I also don't want old people to do without the most basics such as medical care. Are you aware about how many of us have old folks that are living on meager income? Every family in America has some friends or relatives, or parents who could use some of that money we are giving away in the Mideast.

Rather than spending the next three generation's money on Iraq and Afgan, lets put that money to good use in this country and put as many people back to work (yeah, I know, some people will never work for a living--you and I know a bunch-don't we)?

Finally, Terminator doesn't know jack **** about governing a state, if you don't believe it just ask MaClintoc who is also runing for Governor. He just may well be the best one to GOVERN CAL, BUT HIS PROBLEM IS HE IS TOO ONE DIMENTIONAL. ta da
Man you have no clue , huh?

Originally posted by black heat
Of course its not about a Demo vs Repub, I agree, but so many of my republican and buick friends simply refuse to see the other side.
There is no other side right now, don't you get it?

Originally posted by black heat

Hell no, I don't like welfare cheats and free loaders of another kind--and you certainly are aware of those who bitch about all the free handouts and they themselves are recepients.
Move to Ca. You will have a front row veiw. Why is it called the welfare state?

Originally posted by black heat

Like I told my friends who retired from the military and are drawing free money for life and didn't put in a dime into their retirements--thats welfare in my books.

I will give retirement money any day of the week to those who fight for us. You are an idiot making this statement. They do not get paid enough , their families do not recieve enough and they get nothing to speak of for retirement. Look at what the Vietnam vets went through when they came home. Man, I haven't said this ever on this board, but you my friend have ALOT to learn and I am just, well I had better shut up, as you are sooo far outta line on this one, I think you should shut up, pay attention and LEARN!
I have no problem with you revealing you veiws but that last statement my friend was WHACKED, and I, as well as the militarywould probobly be, am insulted as an American.
I have free travel all over the world. How would you like a first hand experiance of what our brothers and sisters are dying for.? What a truly moronic statement. I have no problem with other peoples views and support them but this I just cannot support!

Originally posted by black heat

Finally, Terminator doesn't know jack **** about governing a state, if you don't believe it just ask MaClintoc who is also runing for Governor. He just may well be the best one to GOVERN cAL, BUT HIS PROBLEM IS HE IS TOO ONE DIMENTIONAL. ta da
WE4 Back to talking
He doesn't need to. He already stated he doesn't even want to be paid. So automatically you just took the wind out of the sails of the fags, the eviromentalists, and whatever other lobbiest are try to "BUY" what they want. He WILL NOT take special interest money and if you cannot see that you are Helen keller my friend. Ca. needs to be run like a buisness not a hand out. The Liberal people of this state have one frame of mind... "Throw money at it and it will go away"
Doesn;t always work like that I am sorry.

WE4 Pissed off
If I were them, I would defend everybodys house in this country but yours.
These guys allow you to be you and don't you ever freakin forget it! EVER!!!!!!:mad:

WE4 admin
A military retirement is WELFARE??? And you told friends of yours that? Military retirees? To their faces? I seriously doubt it.

I'm calling you on it. In addition to being a fool, you're full of sh1t, Black Heat. Overflowing. An ignorant liar. Good luck in life. No, wait. I take that back. Eat sh1t and die. Yours truly,
Mac in SD, USMC (Ret.)
Originally posted by black heat
Like I told my friends who retired from the military and are drawing free money for life and didn't put in a dime into their retirements--thats welfare in my books.

You are equating a military pension with welfare? If that same person had chosen a career in the public sector, he would have acrued a lot more money for his retirement and probably a similar pension, too.

Originally posted by black heat
I also don't want old people to do without the most basics such as medical care. Are you aware about how many of us have old folks that are living on meager income? Every family in America has some friends or relatives, or parents who could use some of that money we are giving away in the Mideast.

It's NOT the government's responsibilty to take care of old people. People need to take responsibilty for themselves. If They can't it should fall on their relatives and those that care about them. They would be far better served by these people than by government. Government only cares about itself, it uses old people as pawns to get what it wants. If government was smaller, people could better afford to take care of themselves.

The Money being spent in the mideast is for the most part going to AMERICANS. Those in the military, those who manufacture weapons, those civilians contractors that are helping to rebuild Iraq's infrastructure, etc.

When the oil spigot is turned on and gas is $1.25/gallon (it won't in california because there are probably $1.25 of taxes), you can give all the money you would be spending on gas to the old person of your choice, cutting out the inefficent government middle man.

As you see from above. I agree!


What a whacked staement to make. I bet any military guy he told that to their face would dot his eye;)
Gad: These posts really woke you up and stirred you up a tad.

Where in blazes did you all go to school at? I just measured your heart beats and your pulse rate--be careful.

Hey, don't give me that crap that you are greater and or better than I. I served in the military, my dad served in the military and was injured, my son is in Afgan right now in the biggest firegfight of his life.

Quit reading so much into what you see on this site. Talk about defending the country? Bullcrap, I won't run away from anything.

How come Mac can write the full word "****" and not be censored, but when I write it I get censored (how about that WE)?

About military retirement pensions, don't get too carried away, I am not insulting anyone who is on a military retirement, my friends seem to agree that it is a form of welfare, just accept it, its no big deal. My own father received a form of welfare, it was for his injuries during the war.

Lighten up. I don't want you to raise the US flag any higher then mine, I fly it every ****ing day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and damn proud of it.

If I ever see you driving on the freeway, I'm going to beat your ass in a quarter mile run. Hey Gyreene, you are not drawing a retirement, at least not yet--so cool it for now:D :D :D :D :D

Meet me at Carlsbad, and I'll whip your ass with a stock GN.
Your Stage don't spook me one bit. I'll maybe hit the squeeze a bit, but its worth it to beat yo ass.

Yo friend.:cool: :D :)
Originally posted by black heat
How come Mac can write the full word "****" and not be censored, but when I write it I get censored (how about that WE)?

Because Mac isn't a Dumb@ss.

The board has an Autocensoring feature built in to keep "at work" filters from blocking this site.

What did you think it was, some kind of Vast, Right Wing Conspiracy? :rolleyes:
Fairly perceptive for a bagboy....

i was at work, yeah baging grocries. i went out into the parking lot to gather some carts. i was aproached by a man with a clip board. he asked me "hey son are you 18?" i told him yes. "sign this if you want lower gas prices". hmmm a survey to see what the public thinks about the high gas prices? no. i looked at the form, in fine print at the bottom it said all this stuff about recalling the governer.

hmmm.... he didnt say ANYTHING to me about this having anything to do with the governer.

I have to say that your observation is pretty intuitive for a bagboy (no offense intended using "bagboy" here, I used to be one).

Whenever I see a clipboard in a parking lot, I walk away. The clipboards usually support causes like saving the owls, whales, or snail darters from my experience. Frequently, the petitions are so myopic in grasp of any sort of "big picture" as to be childish in reasoning and scope.

Go ahead and continue to be skeptical about those clipboards in the parking lots, you are wise beyond your years :)

As far as Grey Davis....I'm believing the man has acted in the interest of unions and special interest groups....Yes, that includes special interests of illegal alien's . From "assistance" to driver's licenses, he is giving California away to be politically correct. Doing all this for special interests at the expense of hte ordinary Californian and California's commercial infrastructure. Tsk tsk tsk, bad boy Davis.

Thank heaven the "progressive" movement put the recall provision in the Ca constitution in 1906!

Think of it!!!! Giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens is something the other 49 states and Canada must recognize as an official right and form of ID. A very bad precedent for the whole nation. And, he doesn't care :-/

A reminder for you young board members relating to Bruce's position: He who has the gold rules :D

P.S. I'm sitting here unable to feel my legs and feet, with hands that don't work very well. I'm a disabled Vet. Believe me, all you liberal pussies out there....I'd rather have my youth back than collect the paltry $475 in monthly disability checks (which, by the way, the govt subtracts dollar for dollar from my modest military retirement pension). The military routinely does the impossible for the ungrateful, as evidenced by some of the remarks above.

Lee Burough, USAF Retired
Originally posted by black heat

If I ever see you driving on the freeway, I'm going to beat your ass in a quarter mile run.........Meet me at Carlsbad, and I'll whip your ass with a stock GN...........
Your Stage don't spook me one bit. I'll maybe hit the squeeze a bit, but its worth it to beat yo ass. Yo friend.:cool: :D :)

I have sat in and looked over Mac's car extensively, and do think any stock block would be embarresed by his complete Stage II set up!:D

Save your squeeze for someone else.:)
Blackheat, when you grow up and have some knowledge of the workings of government you may have some understanding of the frustration that the working people of this state, and the whole country for that matter have with this goobernor and politicians in general. This government is oppressive at best. This country came into being because we were tired of being overtaxed by a foreign government. What you are witnessing now is another revolution, the beginning stages. The small businesses and family businesses that supply more than 80% of California's jobs, are being pushed out of state by this very over taxation problems. No one except the ultra rich and the welfare dependant losers are going to be left here.
It is a typical liberal elitist attack on a valid point by going after someone’s grammatical mistakes, so you just showed your true colors to me. The point is valid, and you are a simple pseudo intellectual, with no, or minimal real life experience. Anyone that has to work for their money would never back a group of thugs that are bankrolled by every special interest group and lobby in the state. If you want to be overtaxed and see the fruits of your labor given to a bunch of lazy bureaucrats to use for buying votes, I suggest you more to Europe. That is strictly their style and we prefer not to have it here.
Just because we don't agree with you doesn't mean we don't understand your point. We see your point and have also seen it fail around the world. It's not a matter of comprehending your ideology, it's a matter of it just plain sucks, and hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mark :D :D :D

P.s. By the way, you don't have anyone's heart rate or blood pressure up. If anything, the ludicrous statements so void of anything pertinent or useable, have given me a great chuckle