Somthing Disturbing On This Site!

Re: We can't afford any more.

Originally posted by WE4
Man, I love the turn out in this thread! Awesome.
I know now that I have Ca. members that care, national members that care and a younger generation trying to learn. I look at Matt's veiws almost as questions. We all thought one thing when we were younger and admittingly so, I made some dumb choices along the way too. Not gonna even try to deny that.
But , this time, I have researched, lived and been screwed one too many times by this regime and the state of this states buisness economy.

Man, I love this.....:D

Keep it going guys, that is the only way.....

Bruce: Though I disagree with you about the banner ad, the sticky and the recall, I gotta agree with you here. I'm glad we're having this dialogue and I'm glad you support it. If different minds can't at least talk about this stuff, where does that leave us? Not much different, I guess, than the fatass politicians who spend most of their time fighting over which special interest is going to get our money, then go vote themselves a pay raise.

And as for Black Heat's comments: Right on, brother!

But you may have hurt your case with that "welfare" comment. I think the point is that "welfare" is not a dirty word. Look at the Webster's definition: "aid in the form of money or necessities for those in need." Nothing wrong with that. Some people damn well need it and deserve it. Vets are one example, and we just call it something else for them. They earned it already by giving up the pleasures of civilian life to protect those pleasures for everyone else. They deserve the pension and medical care and all the other benefits they get, at least, to make up for the low pay while they served.

Other people abuse "welfare", which is why it should be temporary in most cases, a bridge between jobs or other hardships. We're all fortunate to be educated, healthy and employed. A lot of other people never get the chance.
Okay... I think we've been snookered. Black Heat's just pullin' our chains for fun. Ya got me. ;)

Now I've got to figure out who you are. I've got an idea or two... Who's the biggest ball-buster I know? Hmmm...
OK Mac:

I think you've found me out. I know you live over by the Mount.
Freddy lived near you, and I know Freddy.

No, Retirees from the service are not on welfare. Just about all of them earned it, a few cruised the entire time. I'm not a retiree (far from it) but I did my time, just like my dad and now my son who is catching hell in iraq and Afgan. Almost took a direct rocket hit a few weeks ago. Thats life when they are over there (as you were) while we have our go at it prior to or during an election yr.

I've not seen the word pissed so many times in my life. The frequency increased when I made remarks that I KNEW would set off people, but I had no intention to piss people off THAT much!

I did enjoy some banter throughout all of this. And, by the way, I am not an elitist as some have suggested. I worked my way up through the school of hard knocks. I do not listen to rap crap, drug crap and I do not dislike or hate conservatives or liberals. And I do know the difference between word usage as applied to politics or to a political discourse.

I'm just a po boy living in that great state of California. Its not my fault that its so ****ed up. It took more than one party to FU
the state. And for God's sake, don't get all riled up by my remarks I have made on this paragraph/post.

I have met many of you at the race track, including Mac. I helped him install/remove his motor (a few times). You love alcohol, well at least the kind that is used on the motor.

Lets get together and go out to din din someday soon.

Inciting a riot is a serious offense, BH. :D :D

Yeah, let's get together. PM me and we'll swap phones.
Originally posted by Nick Micale
I have sat in and looked over Mac's car extensively, and do think any stock block would be embarresed by his complete Stage II set up!:D

Save your squeeze for someone else.:)

Thanks for the kind words, Nick. I meant to say so earlier, but the blood was streaming out of my ears so bad I forgot. :D

I tell ya', I gotta stop taking this stuff so seriously. See ya' soon.
AH HA!!!!!

Originally posted by Mac in SD

I tell ya', I gotta stop taking this stuff so seriously.

Seriously means one thing.... You care! More than I can say for the 66% of Ca. voters who didn't vote. (And are now bitching the loudest BTW)
The fact that it riles you, shows you do care about both the residents and your own livlihood. I think those are star qualities in a person. I commend all who not only stand up for themselves, but I commend especially the ones who stand up for others.:)

WE4 admin
Black Heat

I'm with you , Bruce.

Okay, Black Heat has contacted me, and I want to tell everyone on the board that other than being the oldest Mechista alive (just kidding), he is as solid an American who ever issued forth from an illegal alien mother. :D Seriously, he's a good friend who was jerking our chains - and it worked.

Salt of the earth, Navy vet, at least one son in the service, and many of us have attended Buick parties at this house.

He is a mischievous septugenarian though, and was busting us big time. I started noticing that he knew a little too much about me, but he did have me fooled.
Originally posted by Mac in SD
I'm calling you on it. In addition to being a fool, you're full of sh1t, Black Heat. Overflowing. An ignorant liar. Good luck in life. No, wait. I take that back. Eat sh1t and die. Yours truly,
Mac in SD, USMC (Ret.)

^^^chain jerking not-withstanding,this is still the BEST POST EVER! ^^^

:cool: :eek:

hey mac,you at miramar?

i was there in '95-96,we were one of the first squadrons to come down from el toro...vmfa-323...came right off the boat to miramar...

Originally posted by UNGN
Last time I checked, illegal aliens don't hire people. Having people who do hire people bear the majority of the tax burden makes those people go elsewhere. Arizona, Oregon and Washington hope Gray davis stays put as more jobs get exported from california.

let's make it perfectly clear,ghey davis has not helped oregon one's how it went down:

-california has this huge energy shortage,so they're supposedly gonna buy a bunch of power from oregon.this causes some kind of panic/shortage here,which of course is accompanied by a rate hike,~25%:mad: .

-then it turns out that the shortage wasn't as bad as was projected,and all of a sudden there's a "surplus" of power :confused: and the utilities aren't making as much money as they were supposed to.

-their solution?another fvcking rate hike:mad: :mad: .so now our power has gone up ~40-50% in the last couple of years for no apparent reason.:confused:

-basically,the problem is that the power companies up here are a bunch of greedy c0cksuckers looking for any reason to hike our power rates,and your boy ghey gave them all the excuse they'd ever need:mad:

for that,i'd like to bash him with a shovel.
Well Blackheat, as the crank on your bike is pedaling faster and faster in reverse, I have to make one final observation. You said that this state did not get in the condition it is by just one party. You are partially right, but the actual blame is squarely on the Demo's though. They have controlled the legislature for too many years to count. As everyone should know, they spend the money. They have spent this state into oblivion and really could care less as long as it keeps them in power. Willie Brown and the subsequent leaders of the legislature (which have all been Demo's) have used the state for their own personal bank and power machine for too long. The only way that we have had good times is because we have had several Republican governors come in that were such strong leaders, those idiots on the hill had no way of stopping them from working their magic. That and the fact that Californians are a strong bunch of independent people that will succeed regardless of the government has been the key to our growth. Gray Davis is the legislature’s whipping boy. He does anything they want, as long as they let him be governor. Mark :D :D :D
Originally posted by WFO
^^^chain jerking not-withstanding,this is still the BEST POST EVER! ^^^

:cool: :eek:

hey mac,you at miramar?

i was there in '95-96,we were one of the first squadrons to come down from el toro...vmfa-323...came right off the boat to miramar...


Yo, WFO. Nope, I left acdu (14 years) in San Diego in 93 after a tour on the PhibGru staff. Stayed in the reserves and retired this year with 23 total. I was entirely on the 2nd MarDiv-Medfloat -Okinawa gig, unitl I scored a West Coast billet for my last tour. You still in? Mac.