Somthing Disturbing On This Site!

Yes you absolutly sure can...

Originally posted by Matt
May I run a banner?

$75.00 a month
$400.00 for 6 months
$750.00 for a year

Not at all an issue.
State whatever it is you so desire.

WE4 admin
Riddle me this Batman...

Also read this again:
Pushes for New Form of Taxation – Taxing the Internet: Never has there been a more dangerous threat to commerce in the state and indeed the nation than the current consideration by Gray Davis of inventing new ways to tax families and small businesses. Gray Davis has now proposed implementing a tax on Internet commerce for any company with a retail outlet in California. This will provide one more means for the government to collect more of your money so that corrupted and incompetent politicians like Gray Davis can mismanage it

Never has there been a more dangerous threat to commerce in the state and indeed the NATION than the current consideration by Gray Davis of inventing new ways to tax families and small businesses.

It would only be a matter of time before some other state says,
" Well..... Ca. set the precident"
For us and ANY other buisness in Ca. It would be at a hugh disadvantage, for any of us to do buisness here anymore including, no offense, internet commerce. Who would buy from us at a internet tax AND a sales tax were imposed , if they could buy elsewhere in the nation without it?
Just so you can relate to how this will directly effect you and our members.......Also this tax would include being taxed too. Who the f*** is going to pay this? Are you going to cut me a ck to compensate this ridiculous idealogy? Answer this one for me, please.

If he stays, PTS will go....... that I can almost gaurentee.........

See it is more than a thread on a board, it is our life and livlihood at stake here.

WE4 admin
not that im justafying grey davis in any way, but california is in a defasit. money hasto come from some where dont it? most small buisness owners are middle class. the middle class will always see the worst taxes because they are between the lower and uper. please corect me if im wrong.

and there is no need to get testy people!
Originally posted by Red Regal T

Righhhtttt... because we all know that bush has the national economy booming, i don't understand how everybody can blame the governor for their states fiasco(which he is very much a part of it) but they can not accept when somebody critisizes the president for hurting the national economy(which he has)9/11 had a bad effect on the economy but the republican controlled everything has only compounded the problem(spending more than you take in seems to have that affect). There are a few republican governors that have screwed up other states but u wont hear about it because they are small states that nobody seems to care about. And everybody really needs to stop bringing pointless propaganda trying to make anybody that isn't full blown bow down to bush conservative seem like they support terrorist or silly stuff like that. And by the way I am for the recall on DAVIS he is a fraud and the prices ive seen quoted for college and registaring a vehicle is outrageous.
a recall costs 30 billion dollars. where will THAT money come from?

if cash isnt being drawn out of where you dont want it now, how about when we add another 30 billion to the defacit just so we can have him out of office a few months earlier?
Originally posted by KillrV6
a recall costs 30 billion dollars. where will THAT money come from?

if cash isnt being drawn out of where you dont want it now, how about when we add another 30 billion to the defacit just so we can have him out of office a few months earlier?

Huh? I can see why you are a democrat. Either you will believe everything you are told or you have zero math skills.

The total budget shortfall for california is around $30 billion dollars.

The recall will actually pay for itself through additional tax revenues from the money flowing into the states from political donations, media expenditures and advertising/tourism.

The recall might cost the state $30 million dollars total, but see the above why it probably won't cost the state a thing in reality.

Lighten up dude. Few people deserve to loose their job more than Gray Davis. California has a recall law. The recall is legal. Democracy is strenthened by the exercise of its laws.

The three moron panel that are saying the recall violates the constitution are using the basis that minorities are too stupid to use punch card ballots properly (their argument, not mine) so minority votes won't be counted as much as white votes.

If I were a minority I would be offended if someone thought I was too stupid to use a punchcard ballot.
i am lightened up. i was actually asking a question, but sorry it dosent come through in typeing how it would in words.
thank you for ansering it. i got sort of off track, the original questioning of this post was if it was right or not to put somting so one sided up. im honestly neither dem-o-crat nor republican. i like some ideas of each. i think alot of people judge them for curent traits and asume the whole bunch of them are the same.
happens both ways.
Originally posted by KillrV6
i am lightened up. i was actually asking a question, but sorry it dosent come through in typeing how it would in words.
thank you for ansering it. i got sort of off track, the original questioning of this post was if it was right or not to put somting so one sided up. im honestly neither dem-o-crat nor republican. i like some ideas of each. i think alot of people judge them for curent traits and asume the whole bunch of them are the same.
happens both ways.

It is Bruce's right to banner whatever he wants. You can agree or disagree. But the bottom line is, he provides this board for our use. He backs it financially and puts in the time and effort to keep it running (for our benefit). The banner prices were previously posted and that is the price for equal time. POLITICIANS PAY FOR EQUAL TIME VIA CAMPAIGN ADVERTISING. IMHO, I don't think Bruce is denying anyone equal time. Personnally, I agree with Bruce's political position 100%. I was happy to see that banner. I'm more dismayed that the liberal 9th circus court of appeals is trying to derail the constitution of CA. It is even more disturbing that it feels it needs to protect 40000 stupid people from voting incorrectly. Let this election proceed and if the margin is less that 40000 votes, then object to it in court. This state has used those voting machines (and tallying system) for a very long time, it was never an issue (in CA) before and shouldn't be now. I don't even care about props 53 and 54. Delay them until the next election (props 53 and 54) and let the recall election proceed as mandated by the CA constitution.
Now I am upset that I can't find the banner.:(
Is there a link? Where is it?

Freedom of speech baby. If people don't like it, start up a web site and put whatever you want on it.
Originally posted by KillrV6
a recall costs 30 billion dollars. where will THAT money come from?

if cash isnt being drawn out of where you dont want it now, how about when we add another 30 billion to the defacit just so we can have him out of office a few months earlier?

The total state budget deficit is $30 Billion...with a "B"
The estimated cost of the recall is $ 30 Million...with an "M". Or roughly 1/3 of one DAY's deficit.

Get it?

KillrV6, you need someone to tell you that you are a child with much to learn. You are entitled to your opinions, but you actually should refrain from expressing them for a few years. I don't say this with malice. I was young and starry-eyed once, myself. You just need to realize that you know and understand very little about the world.

Originally posted by UNGN
The recall will actually pay for itself through additional tax revenues from the money flowing into the states from political donations, media expenditures and advertising/tourism.

This is a HUGE leap in logic. Most of these expenditures are not taxed, and I have a hard time believing tourism will be affected one way or the other by the recall. Also, most recall costs are being carried by local governments that are already strapped, and none of the recall-related expenditures will trickle down to them. My county is already out $400,000 for printing sample ballots and absentee ballots for the recall. It will never get this money back. And now that the election has been delayed, they are worthless and may have to be reprinted if the recall is rescheduled. That's precious local government revenue that now can't be spent on anything that might actually help real people.

The root of the problem in California is Proposition 13, which froze property taxes a generation ago. On top of that, nobody is willing to increase any other kind of tax. In this state, it's a fact that a rich beachfront mansion owner can pay the same in property taxes as a blue-collar family living in a tract home in Fresno. Believe me, I'm not suggesting any taxes should be increased. I'm just saying this picture is way out of balance. And as others pointed out, you just can't blame it all on the Gov.

Prop 13 is a sacred cow in Calif., but even rich guy and financial genius Warren Buffett, advisor to the Arnold campaign, was brave enough to tell it like it is when he said he pays $14,401 in taxes on his $500,000 home in Omaha, Neb., but only $2,264 on his $4 million second home in Laguna Beach.
Originally posted by Matt Weiser
This is a HUGE leap in logic. Most of these expenditures are not taxed, and I have a hard time believing tourism will be affected one way or the other by the recall. Also, most recall costs are being carried by local governments that are already strapped, and none of the recall-related expenditures will trickle down to them. My county is already out $400,000 for printing sample ballots and absentee ballots for the recall. It will never get this money back. And now that the election has been delayed, they are worthless and may have to be reprinted if the recall is rescheduled. That's precious local government revenue that now can't be spent on anything that might actually help real people.

The root of the problem in California is Proposition 13, which froze property taxes a generation ago. On top of that, nobody is willing to increase any other kind of tax. In this state, it's a fact that a rich beachfront mansion owner can pay the same in property taxes as a blue-collar family living in a tract home in Fresno. Believe me, I'm not suggesting any taxes should be increased. I'm just saying this picture is way out of balance. And as others pointed out, you just can't blame it all on the Gov.

Prop 13 is a sacred cow in Calif., but even rich guy and financial genius Warren Buffett, advisor to the Arnold campaign, was brave enough to tell it like it is when he said he pays $14,401 in taxes on his $500,000 home in Omaha, Neb., but only $2,264 on his $4 million second home in Laguna Beach.

No the REAL problem is SPENDING not a lack of Tax revenue. The Ballots wouldn't cost so much if they didn't have to printed in so many laguages, have multicultural commitees studying them and lawyers suing them for "voter Disenfranchisement" :rolleyes:

Warren Buffet is talking out of his @ss. People are bailing out of Nebraska in droves because the taxes are too high. Less than 1/2 my high school graduating class still live there (and maybe 25% of those that went to college are still there). I know this because I lived there for 24 years. Yearly taxes on a $200K house in Nebraska is $7500 and Nebraskan's don't make what people make in Higher tax states.

If Warren thinks he should pay more property taxes, he should go ahead and do it.
Originally posted by Matt Weiser
...The root of the problem in California is Proposition 13, which froze property taxes a generation ago. On top of that, nobody is willing to increase any other kind of tax. In this state, it's a fact that a rich beachfront mansion owner can pay the same in property taxes as a blue-collar family living in a tract home in Fresno. Believe me, I'm not suggesting any taxes should be increased. I'm just saying this picture is way out of balance. And as others pointed out, you just can't blame it all on the Gov.

Prop 13 is a sacred cow in Calif., but even rich guy and financial genius Warren Buffett, advisor to the Arnold campaign, was brave enough to tell it like it is when he said he pays $14,401 in taxes on his $500,000 home in Omaha, Neb., but only $2,264 on his $4 million second home in Laguna Beach.

So let Warren throw a couple hundred thou into the CA general fund if he feels so friggin' guilty about it! CA has the same reasonable real estate tax rates as several other states: 1% of purchase price per year, with a 1.5% increase in tax allowed per year! Plus a max income tax rate of 11%! Plus a 7.5% sales tax!

That's PLENTY if the goddamned legislature will stop blowing money! The deficit is exactly equal to the increases in spending over the last few years. If they hadn't increased spending, and if Gray-out hadn't sold the State down the river with ridiculous electricity purchases, we wouldn't have the deficit problem.

I'm guessing you don't own a house, do you Matt?
Blame it on Prop 13? Don't think so!

The reason Prop 13 passed was because Gov Moonbeam was sitting on a multi billion $$ surplus and property taxes had risen so much that I had neighbors paying more in taxes than their mortgage!

Prop 13 rolled taxes back to 1975 levels (this was in '78 I think) and imposed a 1% of sale price tax when the house was sold...the idea being, not to punish someone that stayed in their taxes went from $3,000 to $995 when Prop 13 passed.......on the other hand, when I sold my house 2 years later, the property taxes for the new buyer went immediately back to $3,000+ because the house sold for $300K+

Blame CA problems on the sicko, liberal politicians (Willie Brown comes to mind) that served in the Legislature over the years....not Prop 13
just because i dont think anyone saw it before,
(sorry if you did)

Originally posted by KillrV6
take all the shots you want at who i am or what i do to suport my hobby.

this is not about weather i like grey davis or not.

let me tell you a little story, you tell me what you think.

i was at work, yeah baging grocries. i went out into the parking lot to gather some carts. i was aproached by a man with a clip board. he asked me "hey son are you 18?" i told him yes. "sign this if you want lower gas prices". hmmm a survey to see what the public thinks about the high gas prices? no. i looked at the form, in fine print at the bottom it said all this stuff about recalling the governer.

hmmm.... he didnt say ANYTHING to me about this having anything to do with the governer. through out the day i saw all sorts of people signing the clipboard, all nationalitys, all walks of life. im sure many of the people who signed didnt even VOTE IN THE FIRST PLACE. im also pretty sure that many didnt even know what the hell they were signing. why should people who dont vote have the right to recall the governer when they didnt even vote in the election?? if they dont wanna take part in democracy, they should not have a say in such a matter.

on top of that, the guy was being paid a dollar for every signature on his sheet.

yeah thats just one instance where a guy was doing the wrong thing right? wrong, a family friend of ours who lives a few hundred miles down south (LA aria) who is a DIE HARD republican
(and an retired GM worker, he worked on the turbo trans am project actually) was aproached by a man in a supermarket parking lot saying the same thing with the same intention. he was furious that who ever was behind it was taking such an un-american aproach at it. :mad:

do you kind of see where im coming from? its not that i dont think the governer should or shouldnt be recalled.
i dont think such matters should be involved with the board.

but like it was pointed out so many times before, its bruces board and he sets the rules. no hard feelings towards bruce. just a diffrence of opinion. im STILL gonna have my trany built at PTS, that is if he will let me :p

it just aint right!!
Originally posted by Mac in SD
The total state budget deficit is $30 Billion...with a "B"
The estimated cost of the recall is $ 30 Million...with an "M". Or roughly 1/3 of one DAY's deficit.

Get it?

KillrV6, you need someone to tell you that you are a child with much to learn. You are entitled to your opinions, but you actually should refrain from expressing them for a few years. I don't say this with malice. I was young and starry-eyed once, myself. You just need to realize that you know and understand very little about the world.


than write to congress and tell them not to let me vote. ;)

i was simply asking a question, no need to take offence to it. im not a political genious. good you figured that out! i just take alot of intrest in the matter and think that if no one questions things, than we will slowly loose our freedomes.
Originally posted by Mac in SD
I'm guessing you don't own a house, do you Matt?

Wrong. I'm on my fourth house in California. And I've been on the losing side of the situation Woody described where taxes jump for the buyer of a home that was under an earlier Prop 13 assessment. So I know how property taxes can nail the pocketbook even at these rates.

To get back OT...

Don't get me wrong guys. I'm no Gray Davis defender. I agree he mishandled the energy crisis and squandered money in the process. Among other things. I just think the recall is a bad idea. Instead, just throw him out at the next regular election.
We read that.

hmmm.... he didnt say ANYTHING to me about this having anything to do with the governer. through out the day i saw all sorts of people signing the clipboard, all nationalitys, all walks of life. im sure many of the people who signed didnt even VOTE IN THE FIRST PLACE. im also pretty sure that many didnt even know what the hell they were signing. why should people who dont vote have the right to recall the governer when they didnt even vote in the election?? if they dont wanna take part in democracy, they should not have a say in such a matter.

Gray Davis is the governor of people who don't vote, also. You are the one complaining about "freedoms being taken away" and, yet you want to take away someones right to vote.

Pretty presumptive of you to think the people signing the petition "didnt even know what the hell they were signing". It said it was a petition to recall gray davis. If people sign stuff they don't know what they are signing, they are going to have bigger problems than waking up one day and finding out their governor was recalled.

Also, you seem to take offense that the person getting the signatures was being paid. Doesn't he have to eat too? Maybe the GOVERNMENT should give him a job to stand around and NOT get signatures?

By signing the petition they ARE taking part in democracy.
Originally posted by Matt Weiser

To get back OT...

Don't get me wrong guys. I'm no Gray Davis defender. I agree he mishandled the energy crisis and squandered money in the process. Among other things. I just think the recall is a bad idea. Instead, just throw him out at the next regular election.

The fact that your opinion of the recall being a bad idea is a moot point. Many Californians already signed the petition to move the recall forward. Now let it proceed as outlined in the California constitution. As far as him being thrown out by the next election, he is a lame duck govenor, subject to term limits. I hope the recall will finally end his political career. I'm not a defender of Gray Davis either, and IMHO this state cannot afford the rest of this guys term.