

After I moved south I've been seeing alot more spiders and it freaks me out... they are big and white kinda like the one in the picture.

:( :( :(
gogos right, i killed 3 of them tonight in the garage. there common around here but there scared of every thing, especially lighters and wd40.
you guys suck :-|

there are like albino lookin freaky spiders that live in the trees here in IL ..... scares me half to death if im driving around at night and see one run accross my windsheild or even get inside the car!
Those little greenish white ones we have here in illinois are harmless. If they bite, at worse, you'll get an itchy bump. It's the little fat black suckers with the huge eyes you should worry about, those are the wolf spiders, a not so dangerous yet still pain inflicting, relative of the brown recluse. And look out those little suckers can jump!!!;)

I never understood why snakes and spiders would have so much venom. Some snakes can kill a horse in one bite:confused: Why so much venom from these little suckers gee-zzz we are not in their food chain. :mad: :eek:
I had a dream about a damn spider last night. It looked like a Brown Recluse, but it had about a 6-8 inch leg span, and one of those bulb type rear ends. It could also jump about 6 feet in the air. Of course, it was jumping at me, so it was more of a nightmare.
In the Houston area, we have some of those tan colored ones that look similar to the Brown Recluse, and they love to hang out in the cracks of your car door, only to run in there when you open the door. Three miles down the road, it's crawling up your leg, or across the dash, and you (I do anyway) have to immediately pull over, and get it the hell out. Dead or alive, doesn't matter to me.
