Rudedawg maybe we need to get together then fortunally my friend owens a machine shop.If he had a pipe to go off of and some pre bent tube.he will make it.ofcourse eliminating the elbow.t
The 3in pipe I made works but dosent look to greatI'm changing up everything to ss.I really wanted brians dp to go with the rjc 3in to crossflow set up ss.but not looking like that will happen in a timely manner.I got some time tho .my block still isn't back from shop and then the pistons are gonna take 3 to 4 weeks to make.So my car is pretty much sunk all summer.
Were do you live at ? I'm. In the ill state working all the time.I'm demoing the motorola center in shaumburg right now.Let me know.
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Im in calumet city about a half mile from the state line off river oaks Drive.
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