I just installed an SMC kit yesterday afternoon. Followed the directions to the letter (it was really easy).
Went for a test drive, and the kit appeared to be working like it was supposed to.

The spray light would come on right at 10psi boost. Did a little tuning and thought I had it adjusted pretty good. Came home and washed the car, with a big
So then I go out after 10:30 looking for a Mustang or F-bod to play with. First time I get on it, all of a sudden the knock gauge shoots all the way over to the red

. Looked at the alky control box, and the spray light never came on.
I hit the prime button to test it. The light came on and the engine bogged, so that worked. Then I eased on the throttle and built boost slowly, all the way past 12psi. The spray light never came on.
I parked and started looking over every connection. Didn't find anything wrong, so I back off the wastegate to my previous non-alky setting. Decided to hang it up for the night and go home.
On the way home I give it one more try and viola, the spray light comes on right at 10psi. Let off the gas, and the light stayed on.

I tried turning both dials, hitting the prime button, and even turning it off, but could not get the light to go off (well yes it went off when I turned off the switch, but it came back on when I turned the switch on).
Any ideas what I should check? Am I doing something wrong?