Newly rebuilt engine, about 125 miles or so on it, trying to get it inspected. Car is up on the dyno for the sniffer test, idling, guy walks off to do something, then all of a sudden a horrible grinding noise. Sounds like they started a car next to mine and the starter was grinding real bad, but there *is* no car next to mine! It's my car making the racket! Reach in, turn the key to off, and the car just sits there, starter spinning the engine over continuously. We watched it for a little while, not sure what to do, it's getting a little weaker as time goes on, finally I get some pliers from the tech and take the positive wire off the battery. Rolled it out of the bay, had to call a frickin tow truck to get me 3 or 4 blocks back to my house. Just a little too far, and a little too busy, to push it home. So, it's cooled off, but any time I touch the positive cable back to the battery, the starter cranks over.
I've never heard of this. Anyone got the answer for me? What the heck went wrong this time? Brand new mini-starter (with the aforementioned 125 miles on it), 130k mile alternator and fusible links. Still too hot to get under there and look at it. But if someone knows what would cause this, I'm all ears!
I've never heard of this. Anyone got the answer for me? What the heck went wrong this time? Brand new mini-starter (with the aforementioned 125 miles on it), 130k mile alternator and fusible links. Still too hot to get under there and look at it. But if someone knows what would cause this, I'm all ears!