No timing adjustment? Why not? (Do you still have the advance mechanisms in your distributor?)
Anyhow, not knowing anything about your program, I might start by looking at the A/F setting at the appropriate point on the chart, and making sure your VE numbers are realistic. VE numbers for decelleration are very hard to set accurately because the engine situation is very dynamic and you have very low airflow (meaning you have a lot of lag time to your sensor, especially if it is further downstream in the exhaust).
Personally, I don't really use the throttle follower- my thinking is that since when you let off your TPS goes to zero, your throttle follower goes to wherever your idle setpoint is. I've played around with it and never seen a difference, so I just zeroed it out. (Your mileage may vary)
I agree on the zero timing trim method.
Streetracer00, I guess I would go after the VE tables (assuming your A/F table is realistic)- go on the highway and record a decel from 70 to 45 or so (depending on your local speed laws) and see if there is a lot of O2 correction (keeping in mind the delayed reaction because of the very low airflow).
Maybe you could clarify a bit what you mean by a surge- does the engine go down to normal, then up, then down? Or does the engine speed drop so low that the engine starts to stall, then recovers?
-Bob Cunningham