stop the FCC

Originally posted by UNGN
Bush is going to stay in office, no worries about that. sorry.

Thats why his public approval rating is at an all time low:rolleyes:

Thats why the majority of the American public are against this constiutional amendment that Bush will try to push through.

Thats why the rest of the world is pushing forward on stem cell research while the US is being left behind.

Thats why Bush is stopping people from buying needed perscription drugs from Canada, so his buisness relations here can charge three times the amount for the same drugs!

Bush will go down as the worst president in history, no worries about that. sorry
Originally posted by smokin'6
Originally posted by UNGN
Bush is going to stay in office, no worries about that. sorry.

Thats why his public approval rating is at an all time low:rolleyes:

Thats why the majority of the American public are against this constiutional amendment that Bush will try to push through.

Thats why the rest of the world is pushing forward on stem cell research while the US is being left behind.

Thats why Bush is stopping people from buying needed perscription drugs from Canada, so his buisness relations here can charge three times the amount for the same drugs!

Bush will go down as the worst president in history, no worries about that. sorry

See my previous statements on this. This Thread is about the FCC and all you can do is "Bush Bash". Bash Bush all you want and it will get you no where with the FCC. Michael Powell gets his brains bashed in from both sides of the ailse from congressmen wanting the FCC to crack down.

What 's he going to say to them? " F You?" No he's going to say great idea, I'll get right on it... don't take my funding away.

Congress is the way to "Stop the FCC". Tell THEM to back off and the FCC will back off.

There are legit reasons to Bash Bush... Campaign Finance reform, supporting steel tariffs, having Ted Kennedy write your education bill, the assault weapon ban extension, extending unemployment benifits for 1/2 a year, etc. The current FCC situation is not one of them.
Im sure he will, till November!

Lets HOPE this lunacy ends this Fall. As more bombs go off in Iraq and who knows where else, folks will realise that GDWs' policies are creating widespread hatred for the U.S.A., and not just in Muslim countries.

Originally posted by Foolis
Lets HOPE this lunacy ends this Fall. As more bombs go off in Iraq and who knows where else, folks will realise that GDWs' policies are creating widespread hatred for the U.S.A., and not just in Muslim countries.


You mean like the "Widespread Hatred" that caused the First World Trade Center bombing, The two US embassy Bombings, the Bombing of the US Cole, The Kobar Towers, the nightclub in Bali?

All Bush's Fault :rolleyes:

Bush and the Congress was going to give $124 Million in food aid to help the Taliban before September 11. That didn't stop September 11th did it?

People are going to hate you, no matter what you do (even if you do the right thing)
If you cannot handle seeing a boob, or someone saying the f-word, please don't leave the US or Canada. Countries considered alot more decent and law abiding show em on regular TV, women tan in their front yards topless and every beach in Europe is topless. Still haven't figured out what makes a 4 letter word so bad to use, or how it could offend someone. When you say the word s\*t when you bang your thumb with a hammer while nailing, who the hell is that offending, and why. I think a politically motivated DJ will do alot more damage spreading political propoganda than some DJ talking about sex. I think a politician lying on TV does more damage than seeing Janet Jackson's boob on TV. Now for the ultimate in free speech...(keep in mind I'm glad the Iraq war happened) The president lied and said we were going to oust the regime because of WOMD when he knew they problably weren't there. He convinced and scared alot of people into supporting him. If that isn't taking free speech to its limits and beyond then we need to rewrite the laws.

How about a constitutional amendment for mandatory jail time to politicians who lie or get caught accepting bribes.
You mean like the "Widespread Hatred" that caused the First World Trade Center bombing, The two US embassy Bombings, the Bombing of the US Cole, The Kobar Towers, the nightclub in Bali?

Lets face it. As long as the US parks there boats in the middle east, the hatred will be there. How would you like to get up every morning and see a Saudi battleship in your harbor?
And now, there are foot soldiers walking the streets. The BBC did a survey in Iraq, and while most Iraqis are glad that SH is gone, a large majority say they want the US to LEAVE.
You mention some old and recent attacks from these terroroists, but IMO, you aint seen nothing yet. An attack of the magnitute of 9/11 is probably not going to happen again, but the smaller attacks, such as the Spanish bomb, will be much more damaging to the US in world opinion.
The Get Em All policy / opinion is losing ground fast. The "Lets Leave and let em blow themselves up" is gaining ground.

As the US continues to Cowboy the BS and the rest of the world reels, I think we are in for an interesting few years, if not spooky!

My point is that the terrorist attacks on the US HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH BUSH'S SCARY POLICIES.

All of the above attacks happened Pre-Iraq, all but Bali happened while Bill Clinton was President. Muslim's send their kids into Israel with bombs strapped on them almost daily. That's Bush's fault?

Even Former Democrat Senator and ACTUALLY WOUNDED Viet Nam Vet, Bob Kerry, said this week that Bill Clinton "should have Declared War on Terrorists" instead of trying to have Janet Reno arrest them :rolleyes:

If you want to go back to those good old days, please find another country to live in. Been there, Done that, didn't work.

Sorry for hijacking the FCC thread. Carry on.
Are they taking Rush off the radio?

"you are talking about taking away the highest rated, most listned to radio program of all time by far."
What are you Smoking 6?

"Thats why his public approval rating is at an all time low"

If you follow presidential elections, you find it is common for the sitting president to see a drop right after the opposing party primaries. I believe about this time the media was predicting a cake walk for Walter Mondale over President Regan.

"Thats why the majority of the American public are against this constiutional amendment that Bush will try to push through."

And your explanation for the long list of state legislatures currently passing bills to ban gay marriage is what? California put it to a ballot vote and gay marriage went down two to one. And I do believe they are liberal out there.

"Thats why the rest of the world is pushing forward on stem cell research while the US is being left behind."

By what reasoning is this true? We are not spending federal dollars for research, but in the last month several American universities came out with developments in their programs. This includes new stem lines.

"Thats why Bush is stopping people from buying needed perscription drugs from Canada, so his buisness relations here can charge three times the amount for the same drugs!"

Here in Minnesota it is a state program to get drugs from Canada. The state is doing the checks of phamacies and the leg work for the consumer to set it up. Senator Dayton (yes a Democrat) even pays for buses to carry senior citizens up and back. One of the Twin Cities television stations took an old lady's perscriptions and shopped at the different phamacies in HER local area. They found she could save over $1800 per year by just changing the place she buys her drugs. There is no competion for drug pricing. We have been trained to just walk in where ever and pay what they ask.

Who is it that tells you people these things and why do you chose to believe them? The Democrats controlled Washington for so long they came to believe it was a birthright. Not so and good for us.

Each one of us can be a part of the solution. Stop the madness of socialism. Don't give all your decisions to the government. Take charge of your own life.
And Back to Free Speech

On what day has Howard Stern not been able to say what ever he wanted? Howard is losing his forum, his market, not his freedom. What he may be losing is income. Could that be what is making him so upset? And hurt pride?

I feel his new poster "The Passion of the Stern" was a pretty bold statement. He was free to make it.

What we are seeing is "The Decline of the Stern" and with his ego that is hard to take. He still has a large following, but some of his early listeners, like me, believe his best days are long gone.