Stop Theft

Monkeys Never Get Old :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

The only thing with the club is that its obvious. Out here in utah most people don't know what a Gn is so the more descrete the security the better. The python 991 has a senosor for the tow truck reason meaning once it is elevated the chit goes off. Not saying that it cant be done just that it will cause a scene in the parking lot and casuse people to notice. Like most people have said many layers hence the ravelco and the powerlock.

Any and all kills are great and a local informer/pager to owner.

These can be integrated with a Telematics system

If you want to find it or get it and possibly get it back, get a Telematics system.

ATX, is one there are many.

Later AJ
installing a pager style car alarm this winter....going with 3 separate under hood, one back under the car in case they cut the wires to the under hood one....and one 120 db siren under the dash on a 30 second delay(so if they do get in the car....they won't like it)

right now i have the grant "no wheel-no steal" system....


replaces your steering wheel with a cap...if you get the car running, you might be able to turn the wheel if you are Popeye.....also got a few other things....since i did the 5.3 swap i can swap relays(one has pins, but no internals) and nothing works....

also going with a poor mans lojack....a prepaid cell phone rigged up to the battery and hidden somewhere in the car....use the cell phone tracker gps website and you know where it is at all times

Clutch, 6 speed, is that a twin turbo GNX:biggrin:
get an air raid siren :D

nothing is going to stop the pro with access to a flatbed + more.

good insurance with full coverage & stated/agreed value payout with provision for cost of mods is the best thing you can do, NOTHING will stop theft.
you can stop amateur joy riders, that's about it.
nothing is going to stop the pro with access to a flatbed + more.

My garage with two cars behind the GN plus a few guns and flood lights would do the trick. If your car can be grabbed by a flatbed or a tow-truck you need to rethink your storage situation.

Seriously though. You can utilize a multi layer defense like I do, but if you don't park it in a place, that will stop a flatbed, you will increase your chances of theft. Things like taking the steering wheel with you, putting in a hidden kill switch, along with a motion detector, hooked up to a very loud siren with it's own power source, are some things you can do. Always park in a well lit area, that is in view of everyone, and if possible, have someone park behind you.
Not sure if anybody has used one but I'm really leaning towards the rod tracker. I really like GPS systems but wasn't into the monthly fees. This one comes with 200 free "locates" and you can buy more as needed. It works via computer or cellphone so you can set a perimeter alarm around your garage and if the car moves it will text your phone and email you. You can track the location and even remotely disable the starter so once they turn it off they won't be able to restart it. I think this works well against some of the tow truck thefts and you can combine it with other techniques (of couse the police option preffered over .45acp option but to each their own)

at $349 I think its a good deal...I want to hear from somebody that's used it.

Rod Tracker
You put a pressure switch under the seat, when the fool sits down it activates the windshield washer pump/tank in your trunk which contains a very flesh eating caustic pic one... then it sends the evil liquid up through tubing into two squirters you have placed up in your trim facing the about to be faceless bafoon giving him a full dose right in his eyeballs.

He will then proceed to forget all about your car, run down the street blinded for life screaming like a little girl and since he is blind he will fail to see the open manhole cover and then will promptly fall into it and become food for a long discarded Gator that has made its home in that sewer.

Of course your seats will prolly be toast but thats a small price to pay:biggrin:

i don't have one but i do have a 2 way, only downfall is if you far from it you won't get the warning. i installed for yrs and there are way around regular alarms. the lowjack is your best bet. once you know it's missing call it in and within a short amount of time you should have it back soon. our cars are way to easy to get into and pop so invest in a lowjack. it'll give you the piece of mind and not have to worry about finding it stripped. as i said i've installed and most installers try and get it out the door ASAP and put the brain in the normal places. So my 02 cents is lowjack with a battery backup and it'll give you a pieve of mind when she's not within your vision. most people disregard alarms as noise makers. the 2-3 sirens is always a good idea because most alarms come with sirens that are common and you would't be able to tell the differance.
A couple of kills and a collar lock. Make sure your interior is clean so that there are no goodies in the thief's sight to make your car a more enticing target. Also, I've switched from limo'd out windows to the lighter legal stuff. Keeps the cops away and lets a potential thief know it's gonna take longer to take my car if he really wants it.

Also try and park it where you can see it. Or where other people can see it when you can't.

Last but not least, get some good healthy "Agreed Value" insurance. I have that and I don't really worry about the car too much any more.
You put a pressure switch under the seat, when the fool sits down it activates the windshield washer pump/tank in your trunk which contains a very flesh eating caustic pic one... then it sends the evil liquid up through tubing into two squirters you have placed up in your trim facing the about to be faceless bafoon giving him a full dose right in his eyeballs.

He will then proceed to forget all about your car, run down the street blinded for life screaming like a little girl and since he is blind he will fail to see the open manhole cover and then will promptly fall into it and become food for a long discarded Gator that has made its home in that sewer.

Of course your seats will prolly be toast but thats a small price to pay:biggrin:
That's what im talken about....:biggrin:
i don't have one but i do have a 2 way, only downfall is if you far from it you won't get the warning. i installed for yrs and there are way around regular alarms. the lowjack is your best bet. once you know it's missing call it in and within a short amount of time you should have it back soon. our cars are way to easy to get into and pop so invest in a lowjack. it'll give you the piece of mind and not have to worry about finding it stripped. as i said i've installed and most installers try and get it out the door ASAP and put the brain in the normal places. So my 02 cents is lowjack with a battery backup and it'll give you a pieve of mind when she's not within your vision. most people disregard alarms as noise makers. the 2-3 sirens is always a good idea because most alarms come with sirens that are common and you would't be able to tell the differance.
Lowjack is NOT ur best bet. First of all, Lojack is activated when a police officer enters it into NCIC. That automatically triggers it. In some areas it could be hours before a cop even responds to ur location....:rolleyes:

Lojack is not very accurate either. Meaning, it simply gives the cop a general direction of travel and you have to follow the arrows in that direction.

Sometimes we locate em, most times we don't. Once they get on the highway they are shortly out of range in a matter of seconds.

Not to mention Lojack is only useful in departments that have the Lojack equipment in their cars. We have 80 crusiers and two of them have Lojack. Most of the sorrounding PD's don't have it at all. NY has quite a few of em but most areas of the country do not.

GPS not only tells you where it is right now but you get to follow it and it's never out of range. You urself can follow it on ur cell phone seconds after it's stolen. Lojack cannot offer that. Lojack is just another tool but probably the last one I would opt for unless it was free.
didn't know that about lowjack

Lowjack is NOT ur best bet. First of all, Lojack is activated when a police officer enters it into NCIC. That automatically triggers it. In some areas it could be hours before a cop even responds to ur location....:rolleyes:

Lojack is not very accurate either. Meaning, it simply gives the cop a general direction of travel and you have to follow the arrows in that direction.

Sometimes we locate em, most times we don't. Once they get on the highway they are shortly out of range in a matter of seconds.

Not to mention Lojack is only useful in departments that have the Lojack equipment in their cars. We have 80 crusiers and two of them have Lojack. Most of the sorrounding PD's don't have it at all. NY has quite a few of em but most areas of the country do not.

GPS not only tells you where it is right now but you get to follow it and it's never out of range. You urself can follow it on ur cell phone seconds after it's stolen. Lojack cannot offer that. Lojack is just another tool but probably the last one I would opt for unless it was free.

thanks, i have read literature about it but it's always about how great it is and the features. the missing steering wheel isn't all that, had a few buddies who borrowed cars from time to time and they would use vise grips on them to steer the car. sounds like you got alot of opinions on here just talk to the installer and make sure you run a few dummy kill switches. they aren't hard to put in and help alot. if not a fuel pump toggle switch would work in a hidden spot.