Street racing results..

so do ya think they will find the 2 cars that were racing ??? :confused:

Here's what the AP says,
Police are still hoping to interview more witnesses and are urging anyone who was at the scene to come forward. But they are not actively looking for the drivers who were taking part in the illegal race because they were not directly involved in the crash, Lewis said.
Hey how did that turn-out for you penalty wise if you don't mind me asking? Looks serious!
ended up getting out of there with just a bunch of harassment.. They really couldn't do anything, unless they actully catch you in the act.. I took my tongue lashing and left with my $$$ i had earned..
My first thought was some cop wanna-be thought he would mess with the racers.

I also reported the article to AOL as hateful and inflammatory information on my AOL welcome screen.

It incites discrimination against persons with certain types of cars
Well..seems there is varying stories coming up from people that are locals up that claim is the driver of the Crown Vic was drunk and did not have his lights on..another claims he was running from the cops!

Something tells me..the full story is not being told...regardless sad event and is related to street racing.
Not that this has anything to do with the accident, but putting on my csi-wannabe hat you can tell if a bulb was lit or not if the filament broke in the accident. If the bulb was lit you get a little arc as the filament breaks and the ends will be melted or burnt, if the bulb was off you get a clean fracture. Who knows if anyone will actually examine the car, though :).
This story is still on every major news channel all day long around here. The latest is the kid driving was not under the influence and it's still unclear wether his lights were on. I have been down that road at night and it is dark as hell, also the crowd might not have seen the headlights due to the smoke. One of the drivers has surfaced and he was driving that night with a suspended license. The police are talking about issueing subpoenas because so many people aren't coming forward to tell their story. They have been racing there for twenty years, people will just go somewhere else even though there are quite a few race tracks around here. They used to race in a place called v-street in D/C years ago and there would be massive people in attendance. People would literally be standing all around the cars and also in front of the car during the launch...yes, in front of the cars. The crowd would part to let the cars go by and then they would fill the street right behind the cars, like parting water or something. Be safe out there guys.
Street racing isn't the problem. Stupid people are the problem. I street raced for years and loved every minute of it. The street racing I was involved with involved isolated locations and a minimum of spectators. I never saw an injury or any kind of accident and I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever about doing it. It was a very fun period of my life. I also legally drag raced for years until I got completely sick of paying to wait around for hours for the honor of getting to make a couple of passes. The only good thing about the dragstrip is the timeslip. I have kids now, and between lots of hours at work and spending my time with my family I don't have time for the street racing scene. I went to the track once last year and wasted 6 hours to make 4 passes. Fun!:rolleyes:
As far as these people who died, it's hard for me to feel very bad for them considering the stupidity of their actions. I do feel bad for their families.
I kind of have to agree with Little here a bit...

Street racing is dangerous. But usually only when it is a bunch of idiots doing it in the middle of the city, or where cops know where the area is, so that they'll find them.