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Cool dude, No problem here. I am just getting a little ancy. If that is even a word. Good night, I am falling out I have to sell cars in the morning.
Omni-man, before I crash , if you really drive an omni please leave, if not what are you doing here? Do you cruise Gratiot in an Omni or are you a RICER undercover? Maybe this is BADNEWZ as a RICER. Good Night. Forced induction for life.
Originally posted by twinvette
red 94 tt,

Go ahead, say what your thinking.

I'm really not here to start a flame war, it just seems that everywhere Badnewz goes, he has to play the internet tough guy part and create drama, thats all.

Anyway, whereabouts in Michigan are you from?
I am from Harrison TWP area. Do you really think an Omni- Man belongs around here if I dont? Relax a little. It is all good. I hope.., Lights out, Have a nice night boys.
Originally posted by twinvette
I am from Harrison TWP area. Do you really think an Omni- Man belongs around here if I dont? Relax a little. It is all good. I hope.., Lights out, Have a nice night boys.

Thats cool, I actually live in Clinton Twp, myself....not far from you at all:)
Originally posted by twinvette
I am from Harrison TWP area. Do you really think an Omni- Man belongs around here if I dont? Relax a little. It is all good. I hope.., Lights out, Have a nice night boys.

do i have a regal: yes
do you have a regal: no

and you are saying i dont belong here?:confused: he he
Since the other thread got locked I am going to finish up here.

You asked:
I don't know what you mean I am "picking fights for him, which he then has to finish" explain that to me it doesn't make sense. I will look for your reply.

Well here it is. I am basically saying you are a punk... you know full well what my car runs. It is at the bottom of this post. I have nothing to hide and nothing to gain from a race with you, or Dave.
So, you can stop trying to set up races with slower cars to make yourself feel bigger about yourself... I am willing to bet you constantly live in Dave's shadow and it eats away at you, which is why you are running your mouth all over the internet. Hence, yappy little brother.

You wrote:
you wanted me to become a statistic.
"The point is that morons like yourself are just statistics waiting to happen... sooner the better IMO. "

Have you ever stopped to consider the lives you are putting at risk when you race a 11,10, 9 or faster car on the street? The consequences and variables for disaster rise exponentially. And quite frankly the world would be better off without you. Think of the family you are going to kill one night... I hope you can live with yourself when it happens.

Grow up!

And I am done with you and this thread.
Originally posted by Mr. T
Since the other thread got locked I am going to finish up here.

You asked:
I don't know what you mean I am "picking fights for him, which he then has to finish" explain that to me it doesn't make sense. I will look for your reply.

Well here it is. I am basically saying you are a punk... you know full well what my car runs. It is at the bottom of this post. I have nothing to hide and nothing to gain from a race with you, or Dave.
So, you can stop trying to set up races with slower cars to make yourself feel bigger about yourself... I am willing to bet you constantly live in Dave's shadow and it eats away at you, which is why you are running your mouth all over the internet. Hence, yappy little brother.

You wrote:
you wanted me to become a statistic.
"The point is that morons like yourself are just statistics waiting to happen... sooner the better IMO. "

Have you ever stopped to consider the lives you are putting at risk when you race a 11,10, 9 or faster car on the street? The consequences and variables for disaster rise exponentially. And quite frankly the world would be better off without you. Think of the family you are going to kill one night... I hope you can live with yourself when it happens.

Grow up!

And I am done with you and this thread.

Yeah, your buddies on that board obviously locked that thread because they knew you would make an idiot of yourself if you responded to my posts on exceedspeed.

You must be watching to much Dr. Phil and Oprah, that stuff about me living in my brothers shadow is pretty funny. You still danced around my question, explain what you ment when you said,"picking fights for him, which he then has to finish"? What is it that you think I can't finish with you? You haven't done sh!t except run your mouth on the internet. You let me know what I can't finish with you. You dug yourself into a hole with your keyboard/mouth and you can't back it up. I think everyone knows you are the only punk here.

Here is the way I see it. You originally responded to a post that you didn't know sh!t about( because you don't even live in the country, and it is 5 hrs. away from you). I called you out on your lack of knowledge and you BS, and your trying to save face.

You sould worry more about what goes on in your own land of Canada, eh. Instead of trying to right the things you think are going wrong in a 10 mile stretch of Michigan.

Believe me, the more you respond to this thread the more of an idiot you look like. I look forward to laughing at your response.... if you come up with one.


Defending Michigan from self righteous Canadians
It's been my personal experience that cruising Gratiot is pretty
cool. At times their are some sweet cars out. Alotta kids come out
primarily on Friday & Saturday nights. The cops are out in force though.

See what you do you gotta pick your prey on Gratiot and then take em over to Groesbeck where you got plenty of room to play as most cops tend not to congregrate in this area. (Depends on day & time of course)

Any of you local guys gettin' 2gether anytime soon as the weather begins to break?


I agree cruising Gratiot can be alot of fun. We are lucky to have a place to cruise and check out the action. Groesbeck is nice now that is paved south og 6-96.

I guess this Canuck Mr.T. just wants to start trouble by ripping on our cruising area, this cat isn't even from around here and he talks like he owns these boards and our streets. I guarantee this dude would get walked by you, me, badnewz, red 94tt, blackbuick87, and ever other car in this area.

You guys make me homesick, I cruised Gratiot in my slightly mod. 87 from 92-97. Now a have a blown GN and there is no street racing, no cruisin' out here I've found yet. What a drag to have a racer with no one to race! Enjoy what you have. :cool:
Nice to see some detroit boys. Gratiot is cool to cruise you'll be seeing me out their this year. If you guys want to get some real street racing going we usually run on Jefferson in river rough that's how it was last year this year could be different tho. If you guys go to downriver cruise we can get somthing set up for racing then.


I'm down for the racing this year...Working on getting my TE-44 & heated 02...I'm coming prepared. Plan to have full tank of race gas & boost cranked up over 20psi's....Never really raced last summer.... I hope to make it up and then some this year....

Todd where are you from? I'am waiting on my T49 I hooked up all my nitrous lines today that's how I intercool. I should be hitting the streets within the next week or two.


I from the Southfield area & U? Matter of fact I tried calling my vendor today and he will not pick up the damn phone...Hard to catch that guy....You do know about the spring get together that my buddy bill is putting together for May 10th right?

I live in lincoln park. I just sent my turbo back out (I sent it to PTE by mistsake instead of limited. Limited has way better prices Jon is the man). So that put me a week behind hopefully I can have things rolling by then. No I don't know about may 10th inform me.

Check out East coast forum and they are getting together to meet one another...In Chelesa Michigan..

He got to you before I could, yeah but that's pretty much it, we're having a meet over in Chelsea on the 10th. Be cool if you could make it. The more the better...Always nice to attach a face to a name...
