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Stroll down memory lane...


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Why don't i have that kinda luck...I would of been looking though the wire cage out of the back of the police car...I know because i was only doing 122 ( my t would not go any faster) when i was put in the back of that Georgia Highway police car.
I was working in Atlanta when a guy offers me a rediculous amount of money for the car. I don't let anyone "test drive" my car so I'm in an unfamiliar part of town going up a long hill when he says punch it. I do then see I'm running out of visible road so I'm backing out of it when the hill flattens for the width of the cross street and then goes back down just as steeply. Out of the corner of my eye I see an East Point cop and then I proceed to launch the car, not quite "dukes of hazzard" style, but close. He didn't see me flying through the air, but he heard me when I landed because I was on the brakes the whole time. He lights me up and I pull over and he's yelling what in the hell am I doing on his streets and that I was trying to run. I told him that I wasn't, but then am stuck with the dilemma- what did he really see? More cops show up and once again, the coolness of the GN and the novelty of my Alaska plates kept me out of jail. He did write me for reckless driving though. I hired a lawyer and we went to court and got it down to 14 mph over. In court he asked me if I still had Alaska license and plates and I told him yes, I was just waiting to resolve this matter then I was outta there. He and the judge replied: be sure you do that!
More cops show up and once again, the coolness of the GN and the novelty of my Alaska plates kept me out of jail. He did write me for reckless driving though. I hired a lawyer and we went to court and got it down to 14 mph over. In court he asked me if I still had Alaska license and plates and I told him yes, I was just waiting to resolve this matter then I was outta there. He and the judge replied: be sure you do that!

Now we are going way back;

It is 1975 and I'm in my all black, 61 vette, 283, cammed/solid lifter, 4 speed. It is a beautiful summer night, full moon and bright out about 1 am and I have the top down. I'm coming back all alone from being with friends on 219 headed north back to Buffalo, NY. One set of tailights out in front and I'm feeling like the 22 year old kid with a cool car that I was. I speed up to catch the lights and it is a 56/57 vette that is set up high like a gasser with a straight axle and very, very, very loud. I heard him long before I caught him. I get next to him and he smiles at the sight of another early vette. He's trying to talk to me but there is no way to hear him over his open headers but I can read his mind. I downshift to second, my solid lifter 283 roars but I can barely hear it as he downshifts and really is making noise now. I get the jump on him, two seconds later I hit third as he flys by in a deafening big block scream that vibrated my whole being and pulls away like I was parked. He hits the brakes and the left turn signal to bang a u-turn and I hit the horn and wave as I pass him still accelerating to 125 and just cruise for a while. I know I should back off but it is straight, divided 4 lane, with no cross streets or driveways so I continue over a slight rise and pass headlights going the other way; the trooper hits the lights as we pass. Oh, man there is nowhere to turn off and run for miles so I pull over and wait. He shows up and immediately oohs and ahhs over the car. He wants to see under the hood, so I'm begiining to feel lucky. Yea right...He writes me for 135 and I say I wasn't going that fast. Too bad!

In New York back then you could call in saying you had to work the day of your appearence and postpone the court appearence up to three times. So I do that and it is almost a year later when I go to court down in that little country courthouse. The place is packed as they are also trying the criminal cases for that county too. They hear the traffic cases first and when mine is called no trooper answers to the name called. I'm thinking yes, yes, yes but the judge bellows 135; find this trooper and get him here!!! The other LE's smile and he tells me to take a seat. I sit there till after 11 pm before all the cases are done and still no trooper. The judge calls me up and says "I have to drop the charges but if I ever see you in my courtroom again....... " I contain my joy, turn slowly and walk gingerly out. I get outside and squeal with smugness get in the vette and leave easy.

Now we are going way back;

It is 1975 and I'm in my all black, 61 vette, 283, cammed/solid lifter, 4 speed. It is a beautiful summer night, full moon and bright out about 1 am and I have the top down. I'm coming back all alone from being with friends on 219 headed north back to Buffalo, NY. One set of tailights out in front and I'm feeling like the 22 year old kid with a cool car that I was. I speed up to catch the lights and it is a 56/57 vette that is set up high like a gasser with a straight axle and very, very, very loud. I heard him long before I caught him. I get next to him and he smiles at the sight of another early vette. He's trying to talk to me but there is no way to hear him over his open headers but I can read his mind. I downshift to second, my solid lifter 283 roars but I can barely hear it as he downshifts and really is making noise now. I get the jump on him, two seconds later I hit third as he flys by in a deafening big block scream that vibrated my whole being and pulls away like I was parked. He hits the brakes and the left turn signal to bang a u-turn and I hit the horn and wave as I pass him still accelerating to 125 and just cruise for a while. I know I should back off but it is straight, divided 4 lane, with no cross streets or driveways so I continue over a slight rise and pass headlights going the other way; the trooper hits the lights as we pass. Oh, man there is nowhere to turn off and run for miles so I pull over and wait. He shows up and immediately oohs and ahhs over the car. He wants to see under the hood, so I'm begiining to feel lucky. Yea right...He writes me for 135 and I say I wasn't going that fast. Too bad!

In New York back then you could call in saying you had to work the day of your appearence and postpone the court appearence up to three times. So I do that and it is almost a year later when I go to court down in that little country courthouse. The place is packed as they are also trying the criminal cases for that county too. They hear the traffic cases first and when mine is called no trooper answers to the name called. I'm thinking yes, yes, yes but the judge bellows 135; find this trooper and get him here!!! The other LE's smile and he tells me to take a seat. I sit there till after 11 pm before all the cases are done and still no trooper. The judge calls me up and says "I have to drop the charges but if I ever see you in my courtroom again....... " I contain my joy, turn slowly and walk gingerly out. I get outside and squeal with smugness get in the vette and leave easy.


lucky you...!
lucky you...!

That vette was a horrible driver. Leaked like a sieve in the rain, more rattles than a covered wagon, brakes were okay but the steering box had 8 turns lock to lock and getting it crossed up was real treat with that huge steering wheel, fortunately it under steered something fierce. But a babe magnet like you would not believe, better than a puppy, I can't count the number of times I found some girl sitting in it or saying take me for a ride at the sight of it. I loved that car.

You know a 56/57 kit car vette would be a great platform for a "t" drive train. I've got a tranny, rear end and 109 block. intake and crank in the workshop out of a wrecked GN, hmmm....
I turn 60 next month and have been married for 25 years so the babe magnet thing is long gone but what a great birthday present to myself

Love these stories, had close call back in 89 I think, it was in the 87 GN, typical mods, Hoosier stickies, Kenne-Bell Hi-Low Pro chip, ram air, exhaust dump etc.
High school buddy (we will call him Charlie !) comes to Florida to visit with his wife and kids, so he and I take the Buick out for beers and cruzin.
Well we ended up in Destin Florida at a large nightclub, lots of ladies walking in and out checking out the car in the parking lot. I asked my buddy if he wanted to see a nice burnout and of course the answer was yes !
Well I pulled up under the awning at the front door as the Doorguy is eyeing the car wondering what we are doing.
Proceed to do a thirdgear burnout that totally envelops the area, in fact the only thing I could see was twinkling blue lights in my rear view mirror.....where the hell did he come from ?
I launched the car out of the smoke and hung a hard left headed to the bridge out of town and across the island, 19 lbs of boost along a 3/4 mile straight with distant blue lights in pursuit, a sliding stop at the stop sign then onto the maindrag and across the bridge, 8 miles back to home on the throttle the whole time.
No pursuit in sight, hey lets have a beer to celebrate then hang a left to cruise the other hot spots on the island, sounds like a great plan !
Well we did and then made a u-turn to actually head home across the other bridge. A white 5.0 lines up next to me revving his engine, I do a little burnout to clean the tires and stage for a quick left and run up the bridge. Light changes and we are off, total dustoff, things are looking good until I crest the bridge and see blue lights in the rearview just now making it over from Destin at the bottom of the bridge. Crap !!
Figured motorola had a waiting herd somewhere in town, so swung quickly into an oysterbar parking lot at the bottom of the bridge and shut off the car.
Was not long before it looked like "Close Encounters" all around the car. I think a total of 5 LEV's and some pissed off LEO's.
These guys were so proud that that had "caught" me ! So the pride turns to interest about this black car that smoked their ass, must be a drug running car !
NASCAR, Nitrous, what the hell was I running !
So I am cuffed in the cruiser and the cops are chatting me up about what they would find in the car with a warrant, just a little V-6 and a beer cooler in the trunk, go ahead take a look !
Well they did, and spied the Kenne-Bell switch plate in the ashtray with a button marked Nitrous, feeling smug they had figured it out ! ( just a switch, sorry guys) Sorely dissappointed in a legal search, the cop then tells me they had no idea what my car actually looked like, just hoping to get lucky and they recognized the sound when I took on the 5.0
I admitted to stupidity, and asked if there was any way my buddy could drive the car home and they take me to jail, no sense screwing up my pride and joy, it was clean. They never even did a sobriety check on either of us (good thing) Buddy drives the car home, wife wakes up and asks where I am, he tells her somewhere safe, she is pissed, even more so when I leave a message to bail me out in time to watch the race on Sunday.
That was a gut churning lesson, that got reduced to a careless driving charge.

I have another story from my 67 Camaro days, and more GN memory lane items for another post.
Funny now 20 plus years later !
Another GN incident was another visit from a Northern buddy, once again beers were involved, but never more than 2 in the cab...empties prompty discarded.

Well anyway, it's maybe 2 in the morning, once again out in Destin Florida ( think maybe I should just stay away from there) car was running good, new goodies added, no speed limiter, they had just reconfigured highway 98 off of the beachfront, so it was 4 lanes of smooth fresh pavement and absolutely no traffic. We had just dumped two empties in the can and climbed back in with fresh ones for a blast home. I let it eat and it was feeling light, thank goodness the road was a gentle banked sweeper, seems there was another car on the road facing the other direction. About the time I passed him, he flashed blues, with fresh memory of the free room and board from the county I coasted down and pulled over and let the turbo slow down, killed the engine, rolled down the window, handed my buddy my beer, and left on the parking lights.
Moment later a state trooper pulls up and parks behind me.
He walks to the door, determines that we are just young guys having fun, no sinister stuff.
Checks the license and insurance then askes what the hell is this thing ? I tell him a Turbo Buick, V-6. He said he thought he had just nabbed some arrogant rich prick in a sports car.
Well how fast were you going and why ?
Really don't know, speedo stopped at 85, got a fresh tune on the car, new empty road, buddy wanting a test drive, all honest responses.
He said, well I clocked you at 145, thanks for your honesty, and why is your buddy drinking two beers ? Is he a two fisted drinker...absolutelty
officer !
He asked to look at the engine, the whole time getting a read on my sobriety, but it was with great demeanor.
Told me I was being a "little" responsible with my choice of location and time, and obviously a car capable of doing it, but that my friend should stick to one beer at a time for the ride home. ( Florida used to not even have an open container law) Also, how about I write you for 67 in a 55 and we part friends, shook his hand signed the ticket and drove home.
I much prefer State trooper's over locals.
Another GN race story, then the Camaro story next...
OK, last one on the GN for now, thinking this is maybe around 95-97, local guy from the speed shop had a late 70's camaro with a roots super charger, think maybe just a 4-71, slicks convertor, gutted car with a cage.
anyway he had been bugging me to run him in my GN, not too many guys asking for that possible smack down.
Dropped my passenger to act an flagman and we lined up on a freshly paved backroad about 3AM, quickly cleaned off the tires while he roasted the slicks.
I spun hard watching him pull off, feathered it and caufght traction then started hauling him down, did not catch him but had it within a car length at the 1/4.
We slowed and negotiated another shot, u-turn and back to the starting spot to tll my buddy what was going on.
Lined up again and this time I did the John Force burnout along with him, this one was mine !
hard against the convertor as my buddy raised his arms then pointed and ran to the woods, we had blue lights in our tire smoke behind us.
The Camaro took off full throttle, I pulled over and waited, the cop pointed at me to stay then gave s short chase, gave up and pulled back to me.
said he had been checking the local college parking lot and heard us pull up, watched the first race, saw me spin and wondered if would come back around, said the fisrst one was on him mbut he could not allow two passes in his presense, but wanted to watch the burnouts first, we laughed and he thanked me for pulling over and stopping, they had been wanting the Camaro for a while, I was free to go, I then asked if they had any idea where my buddy went, said he hi-tailed it into the swamp ! Oh shit, it was cold too, well I drove around and honked the horn, found him an hour later walking down the road 3 miles away, he thought sure I was in jail ! Once again not being a jerk can take you a long way., plus he thought the car was way cool for running down the Camaro.