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Stroll down memory lane...


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Nov 7, 2002
I was reading though the kills section today and was reminded of a nice kill I inflicted on some pour soul many years ago when the internet had not yet been invented by Al Gore and I thought I'd share... (these were the days when I was sort of like the fabled Mean Chicken as I drove the car daily and raced anyone, anytime)

I was driving home one night (in my black 86 ttype) with my sister as passenger and explaining to her how mean these cars were when we came to a light and some dude and his girl were in the next lane in a mid-80's Camaro. The guy had the nerve to rev on me so I told my sister that I'd show her the power of the Darkside and she chuckled thinking the mighty Camaro would shut me up. The light was a left turn and as soon as we got through the turn he dropped the hammer and apparently the passenger seat latch came loose and the guy's girlfriend fell into the back... All we saw was blonde hair and feet- it was priceless.... I hammered it too and needless to say, roasted the guy.

When we got to the next light the guy revved on me again! At that point, his courtesy light came on and we saw the girlfriend exit the car and run into the woods... It's still one of my favorite kills.:cool:
Thank you gentlemen! Actually, I was thinking about the old days because my nephew who is turning 16 in a few weeks was asking about cars. No one in the family knows anything about cars nor seem to have much interest. Anyway, I mentioned the TR's and referenced some Buick video's showing all of the other cars getting crushed- to which he exclaimed that the video's had to be rigged. (16 years old and an EXPERT already.) LOL

So, while I was thinking about a way to convince him (I don't live close) I thought about another "race" I had back in the day...

After the above mentioned beat down, my sister mentioned this to her then-fiance'. He wanted a ride and was given a little taste. A few months pass and he returns from his military base with a friend in the friend's 5.0 mustang and proceeds to challenge me. We head out into the middle of nowhere to stage up. All the while they're chuckling to themselves so I have a feeling they've got something special planned for me... When we arrive, I,being the cocky SOB I was (and probably still am), decide to really F with their minds so I tell them that their car is so slow (as I've crushed every 'stang to ever challenge me) and that since I want this to be gentlemanly sport, I will spot them two car lengths. The looks I got were incredulous!

But, they took the 2 car spot and I got the old girl ready to go. My sister stood out front and "dropped the flag" and it was on. I was on that 'stang in a blink of an eye. (The next moments seemed to happen in slow motion) When I looked over at my soon-to-be-brother-in-law, he was looking out his driver's window and back. I thought for a moment he had a mechanical issue so I stayed next to him waiting to see what was going on. The he suddenly turned his head and you should have seen the look on his face. His eyes bulged out of his head... (Apparently, he was looking back to find me and I was next to him with a carrot like Bugs and Elmer asking "ehhh. what's up doc?" )

At that moment, I beeped the horn pleasantly and waved and went into warp drive. It was ugly. When we got back to our starting point, the mustang's owner was all bent out of shape exclaiming that it was impossible that I won because he had actually stuck a 351C into the 'stang and it was much more powerful than a 5.0...

Ahhh... the good old days... (I have another story about a late 80's trans am...- almost as good) I love the trips down memory lane...
I must have gotten sidetracked and forgotten about my memory lane...

The year is 1991-92 (it's hazy these days) LOL
I'm in my Black 86 ttype (with ttops)- I have 5 people in the car and we're heading down a very long straight stretch so we can get to the beach and hang out with the other punk kids...
I get to a light and I see this crazy looking 78-80 trans am- looks like a bandit- black with gold trim. It has giant tires, traction bars, a shaker scoop and sounds mean as hell. I think about it for a minute but think I'd better not as it's obviously a big v-8 and those cars were supposed to be fast at least that's what I had always thought) and besides there were 5 people in my car with the spare tire and all! I figured I'd be so bogged down that I wouldn't have a chance.

Needless to say, one of my idiot friends starts talking smack and challenging the guy to run... The light goes green and the Trans Am guns it. It made a whole lot of noise but it seemed to be moving in slow motion. I punched the gas and was on him and past in in a blink of an eye. He got behind me honking and flashing his light for us to pull over (my friends were hooligans and enjoyed a brawl so we pulled over). The guy got out, visibly shaken, and asked what I had under the hood. I told him just a little v6 and he claimed I was full of it. No way a v6 walked him like that. I opened the hood and let him have a peek. The guy was literally flabbergasted. He just stood there kinda mumbling to himself and shaking his head... We chatted for a bit and went on our way. Needless to say, I think I may have made a convert out of the poor fella. I was a little embarrassed for him since he had his chick with him and actually thought he had some bad ride. Ahh well, live and learn.

A few weekends later, at the beach there was yet another mustang... I'll get to that one later...
Well I dung one out of the bottom of the brain closet from back in late 80s. Had forgotten about it until I read the latest posts. I had an 86 T type which I just bought (thanks mom and dad for cosigning the loan J) Anyways I was showing it off at the local hang out in Carrollton Ga. when some guys pulled up in a 72 trans am….it had 455 on the hood scoop. He started talking crap that there was no way a 6 banger could run like that. I told him I was not interested in racing him because I was still trying to recoup from my high speed donut ticket that I receive 2 weeks prior. By the way that ticket cost me 350 bucks and 7 points…damn that hurt.

Anyways I blew him off and 3 girls loaded with me and wanted to go for a ride in my newly acquired car. When I pulled out onto the main drag and eased up to the a red light the two jerks in the TA pulled up beside me. Some words were exchanged (very un pleasant). Well, the light was getting ready to change and the girls yelled “kick his %&^$#” the TA left the line and I was in hot pursuit and closing the gap from my late launch when that A- hole cuts me off as I started to go around him. I stood on the brakes and was sliding right towards a telephone pole….at the last second I let off the brakes and steered around it without crashing into his car or the pole. In any case I was pissed!

I dropped the girls off at the hang out and a few friends loaded up with me to go teach these guys a lesson. We found his car in front of his house so I when up and knocked on the door and his dad answered so I told him that his son tried to kill us! His son came out side and (get this) Slap me! WTF? :eek: I had just got slapped by a guy. I laid into him, the only reason his teeth did not come flying out of his head was because he had braces. I still have the scars on my knuckles. Next thing I know his dad was on top of me and so was his sister. One of my buddies dove right in the middle. It really must of been something to see from the street. It was not long before the po,po showed up. damn that was a long night….I was more worried about my car sitting in the street with the t-tops out of it and the location of my keys which were confiscated by the father….:(
Dang, I guess I'm not the only old hooligan here! LOL Some people just need to be put in their place...
That's pretty messed up that the guy tried to push you off the road...
I've lost a few times (not in any of my buicks) but, I never felt the need to kill the winner...
In fact, my last loss was to a TR which prompted me to find the darkside... Never lost since... (I don't drive the cars much- easier to hold on to the title.) hahaha
My memory lane trip concerning the GNs is from the other lane.
The was about 2000-2001 I just got my 77TA home restored.
Second time to drag race it first time on drag radials .
It was Greenville MS.
Little hole in the wall drag strip lots of betting and grudge racing.
I met a guy from my town he was the Buick guy with a 87 turbo T .So happen there were two other GN,s there as well. We had a ball .
Raced one of the GN,s 6 times I think lost ever race by a lenght or less.
Launch was pretty even he would pull about 1.5 by the 1/8 then I'd pull about 1 back.
I was running 12.8-12.9 with my stock Pontiac 400 rebuild with summit headers.
Beat my turbo T friend he had something wrong on that run he said ,
Okay, memory lane stories good idea.

It's 1989 in Ft Lauderdale, I own my restored 72 Stage 1 but its bone stock and runs 14.0's. I own a very, very quick 455/T400 70 Skylark set up for the eighth mile but driven on the street, hit 6K on the tach at 1000'. I own a new 1989 Lincoln Mark VII LSC. I do not yet own my first of three T's. The Lincoln has a ecm issue and is in the shop but they give me a 1990 Mustang 5.0, 5 speed as a loaner. I'm in the 5.0 on US 1 by the Galleria Mall and Sunrise Blvd and it's about 10:00 PM, traffic is surprisingly light and I'm sitting first at a red light. An 86 GN pulls up next to me with 4 guys in it and they begin to taunt me in the Mustang. I treed him as he built to much boost against his brakes and spun but by the end of first (3.08 gears in the Stang) the GN is screaming by and all the guys in it are laughing and waving bye, bye. Wish I had the Skylark.

Few weeks later I'm in the Skylark, same place. The Mickey Thompson headers and 2.5" exhaust is rumbling healthy on the .500/108 degree divided cam, new 275's out back. I hear this sound like someone is killing a cat, reeoow, reeeeooowww about four times before I realize there is a new 1990 ZR-1 corvette behind me and I'm first at the light with no traffic in front of us. I pull away fast enough to give him a gap to pull into next to me but hold the shifter in first. He pulls out but instead of drawing even so we can roll on he gasses on it as soon as clears my fender and pulls even before I floor it and push the shifter to second. No wheel spin and I'm pulling him pretty quickly, hit third for only a couple of seconds to put a couple of car lengths on him and let off as we are now doing 55+ in a 35 zone. He does the fly bye to probably 80 but I turn off to get lost. Come back to US 1 a few block down but no sign of Vette boy all the way to Hollywood where I live.

This stroll down memory lane is from fall of '88. I was heading to a job in Maine and was rolling thru Connecticut in my 87 gn. Weren't many mods back then, had a chip and a bottle of nitrous. Anyway, I'm in the slow lane being a good boy when up comes another gn and he starts baiting me. I just wave and try to ignore him but he just keeps dogging me.
Well I nail it and hit the fun button and I have about 5 car lengths on him when all of a sudden I look back and see his headlights flashing and lights in the grill!!
I pull over and get out of the car yelling that "that was entrapment" and he gets out of his car and tells me he's not going to ticket me, just wants to know why I was so much faster. My blood pressure goes back down and I show him what I've got and he shows me how a gn cop car is set up. We had a good laugh and he gave me a verbal warning about racing on the freeway and if anymore gn's are dogging me in Connecticut, just leave it alone.
This stroll down memory lane is from fall of '88. I was heading to a job in Maine and was rolling thru Connecticut in my 87 gn. Weren't many mods back then, had a chip and a bottle of nitrous. Anyway, I'm in the slow lane being a good boy when up comes another gn and he starts baiting me. I just wave and try to ignore him but he just keeps dogging me.
Well I nail it and hit the fun button and I have about 5 car lengths on him when all of a sudden I look back and see his headlights flashing and lights in the grill!!
I pull over and get out of the car yelling that "that was entrapment" and he gets out of his car and tells me he's not going to ticket me, just wants to know why I was so much faster. My blood pressure goes back down and I show him what I've got and he shows me how a gn cop car is set up. We had a good laugh and he gave me a verbal warning about racing on the freeway and if anymore gn's are dogging me in Connecticut, just leave it alone.

Back in the 94 I recieved a great severance package from my company. I leased a new Peterbilt and hauled swinging out of a slaughterhouse in Iowa. I'm easying across PA on I-80 at 1:00 am and a bobtail goes flying past me, he comes over the CB and says "come'on Petercar gas on it, let's go". I don't take the bait as I'm over hours and can't afford to get stopped but almost immediately another driver comes over the radio and says "don't do it, he's a cop trying to trap you". You would never be able to prove entrapment either.

Yes, I did get very lucky there, the cop wasn't much older then me at the time. What really amazed me back then was how many tickets I DIDN'T get. In the early days no one really knew what the car was, and besides, Buicks aren't fast, what IS this thing? Here's another quick stroll...
Was heading from NJ to AZ and had just cleared Fort Worth, trying to get home for Christmas. Pretty Sunday morning and hardly any traffic. I'm rolling along with the speedo flashing at me and up ahead coming the other way I see this tricked out car coming, spoilers and flares all over it. Didn't notice until it was real close that it was also black and white. When we pass he has his radar gun pointed out the window at me and I just wave and shut the cruise off.
I wait for him to catch up and pull me over and when he finally comes up his first question was why did I stop, because I never would have caught you. I asked him how far away the closest Texas state line was and that his Motorola was probably still quicker. He agreed and then asked why I wasn't wearing seatbelts. I replied that I didn't know it was the law and he says we have signs all down the highway saying so, but at 134 mph I'm glad you weren't reading them!
He takes my paperwork and goes back to his car for what seems like forever, and when he comes back just gives me the stare and doesn't say anything. I finally ask whats going on and he says I'm gonna lock you and that car under the jail. I contemplated that for a minute, then reached in my pocket and pulled out 300 dollars. He asked me if I was trying to add bribery to the charges, and I said that if your locking me under the jail, what's one more charge? Then I respectfully pleaded for mercy and he took my $300,wrote me for no seatbelts, and warned me to NEVER do that in the state of Texas again. I thanked him and told on my return trip that I would drive around. He followed me for 60 miles or so, and I drove the rest of the way with the cruise on 55. Y'all have a good day.
I was just sitting back reading all these cool stories when this last one reminded me of something foolish I almost did...
I recall being rather cocky after generally crushing any car in town that tried me and my brick... I had the idea to have my rear window etched with the following phrase: " Faster than Motorola".... Luckily, I decided it might not be seen as very funny by a certain few out there. :eek:
It was early summer of 1989. Two of my buddies and I were coming back from a movie. I think it was Lethal Weapon 2 if memory serves me. We were in my buddies completely blacked out "87 GN, vanity plate read BLK OUT. At that time, he had gotten a reputation at school for having the quickest car in school and summer was just getting started. He had a bunch of ATR bolt ons, which I think was their Stage 3 package. Pitbull chip, 160* stat, Blue Box of death ram air kit, MAF pipe, catback exhaust, etc, etc. (His GN consistently Vericom'd low 13's)

Leaving the theater parking lot trolling for kills, we had the t-tops off and AC/DC's Back in Black was blasting on his Pioneer CD player. The twin 15" Kicker subwoofers were booming away in the early evening air.

We noticed a bright shiny red "87 Camaro IROC- Z that belonged to a certain cocky senior that we knew from our school who had just graduated. Car looked just like this one.

He had his girlfriend with him and the t-tops off.
We were hoping he would mess with us on the way home. We turned out of the mall and hit the 4 lane hwy headed back to Clinton. About halfway home, I saw his headlights about 5-6 cars back and told my buddy here he comes. My buddy had slowed down hoping he would take the bait. We were cruising along, doing about 45 in a 55 when he took the bait. Now it was time to set the hook. My friend who owned the GN had this evil grin when the IROC pulled up along side us to the left. Windows down his blonde Big Hair 80's girlfriend yelled over, "Hey! You wanna race that thing?"
The 3 of us just smiled. My friend said, watch this.

With that he turned on the cruise control, set it to pace the IROC, leaned over and put both his feet out the drivers window. The two in the IROC were looking at him like he was insane. He put his hand out the window and waived for him to go. I centered myself in the middle of the back seat and braced for impact. The IROC kicked down and took off getting about a 1/4 car length head start. But my buddy was ready. When he heard the IROC downshift, he frantically started punching the cruise control accelerate button on the stalk until the trans downshifted to 2nd gear. The spool up was instantaneous! WHHHHOOOOOOSSSSHHHHHHHH!!! When the GN downshifted, the back end skittered to the right, severely barking the tires, the nose shot up in the air and we were FRICKING GONE! It was like the IROC hit a brick wall. It only took a second to go flying by them. I stuck my hand out of the t-top and waived bye bye to them as we flew by. He put about 6 lengths on the IROC before letting out at around 100 or so. BLK OUT strikes again!


We were rolling with laughter after that one. I could not believe that car did that by only using the cruise control. I had ridden in it on many occasions and many street encounters, but that one race, completely sold me on Turbo Buicks. I was hooked on boost. After the race, the IROC turned off and went an alternate way back to town. We never saw that car again in town after that Friday night. Word quickly spread all over town and pretty soon, he had a lot of Mustang and F-body owners challenging him every weekend.
That was my first memorable street kill of many.

Great story!! Love the pics too:D

Funny, what you said actually brings me to my beach story...

In my younger days, me and my hooligan friends would spend lots of time at the beach in the evenings, cruising for girls, showing off our cars and blasting music and generally annoying the cops...
One night we go to the beach and we find a spot where some of the rest of the crowd is hanging out. I back into a spot away from the spotlight- don't need to be hassled by the cops and my car's paint wasn't that great so I'd just let her sit quietly by.

We go over to the gathering and there's some rich kid talking all kinds of trash about his white 5.0, his system is blasting and he's talking about how he's got a ton of money in go fast mods and how no one can beat him, blah, blah , blah...

One of his friends points to my car and says something to the guy (who I'm ignoring by now...) Anyway, the guy calls loudly over to me and says "hey, you wanna run that thing?"
Then you hear the "oooohhhh' from my friends (they've been witness to many slaughters already) as I turn and respond "that thing?" "I don't think you want that thing to embarrass you and your car" I turn back around watching the girls go by...
By now everyone is making all kinds of noise and my friends are wanting to take bets.. The 5.0 guy gets all flustered and says he'll run "that old heap" right now.
Getting flustered myself at him picking on the old girl, I tell him we can run but we have to get a clean open road away from people- There's a long stretch of mostly untraveled road a few miles away.
You'd have thought it was the "fast and the furious set" the way the beach cleared out to watch.

I told my friends to catch a ride with a few other friends so I could keep the car light. We started rolling.
Apparently, we drove too fast because when we go to the spot, we were the only ones there. He didn't want to wait...
At the light, I still had my power windows down. He said he'd drop his hand and we'd go- I agreed.
We rolled into the straightaway and he dropped his hand. Then it was like slow motion. As his hand dropped he was slowly pulling away. But, I wasn't ready yet, I had my left hand all contorted trying to roll up the slow a$$ power windows. LOL

I distinctly remember that I was still next to him when I beeped the horn and waved bye bye- (my trademark - modeled after the roadrunner... haha)
Then I mashed the pedal and the 5.0 was a distant memory. I remember the glow of the moonlight in the darkness; the dim dash with the speedo pegged below 85; the whoosh of the wind coming in through the ill fitting weatherstrip; and the thought that I should not just beat the guy but completely crush him... So I pushed the car as far as I could go (not the car).... I started feeling the front end lift and I thought that this was how an airplane pilot might feel... Of course, then I got scared since I didn't have wings and I DID have crappy brakes, so I slowed gradually to prevent a lock up and felt the car sort of wind down...

It actually scared me enough that I pulled over to compose myself. I listened to something on the radio and the 5.0 guy eventually pulled up... The funny thing was he had the audacity to ask me if it was a close race. I recall that I was still feeling saucy and told him it was pretty close until I let my foot off the brake... Needless to say, he wasn't very happy about it but I don't ever recall seeing that 5.0 again.
Yes, I did get very lucky there, the cop wasn't much older then me at the time. What really amazed me back then was how many tickets I DIDN'T get. In the early days no one really knew what the car was, and besides, Buicks aren't fast, what IS this thing? Here's another quick stroll...
Was heading from NJ to AZ and had just cleared Fort Worth, trying to get home for Christmas. Pretty Sunday morning and hardly any traffic. I'm rolling along with the speedo flashing at me and up ahead coming the other way I see this tricked out car coming, spoilers and flares all over it. Didn't notice until it was real close that it was also black and white. When we pass he has his radar gun pointed out the window at me and I just wave and shut the cruise off.
I wait for him to catch up and pull me over and when he finally comes up his first question was why did I stop, because I never would have caught you. I asked him how far away the closest Texas state line was and that his Motorola was probably still quicker. He agreed and then asked why I wasn't wearing seatbelts. I replied that I didn't know it was the law and he says we have signs all down the highway saying so, but at 134 mph I'm glad you weren't reading them!
He takes my paperwork and goes back to his car for what seems like forever, and when he comes back just gives me the stare and doesn't say anything. I finally ask whats going on and he says I'm gonna lock you and that car under the jail. I contemplated that for a minute, then reached in my pocket and pulled out 300 dollars. He asked me if I was trying to add bribery to the charges, and I said that if your locking me under the jail, what's one more charge? Then I respectfully pleaded for mercy and he took my $300,wrote me for no seatbelts, and warned me to NEVER do that in the state of Texas again. I thanked him and told on my return trip that I would drive around. He followed me for 60 miles or so, and I drove the rest of the way with the cruise on 55. Y'all have a good day.

Colorado and Wisconsin both let me go for "excessive speed" as the officers called it when I was doing 90 and 95 respectively in their states with the Pete and a loaded trailer. Both occasions it was after midnight with no one else on the road. Now Texas has always been a very trucker friendly state as far as LE's are concerned. They have always been polite and very, very lenient no matter what they had me for.

My best story and it is true;
Early Sunday morning, beautiful late fall day, not a cloud in the sky, 60 degrees and very dry. Driving from G'ville to Georgia on an open country road. No one out and the road goes straight for 4-5 miles with no cross streets or driveways and very wide easements on each side. So I gas on the T the alky control lights up and the boost gauge goes to 26#. The OTC says I'm doing 145 mph as the front end begins to get lite. The water temp hits 200 and I let off as a corner is coming up and at the same instant I see him!!!! A trooper down in the easement under a big oak tree in the shade, nooooooooooooo as his lights come on.

I hit the brakes lightly slowing down and pulling over about a half mile in front of him and wait. He comes flying up hits the grass and gets all crossed up trying to rein his car in as he pulled over too soon. He eases up to the T hand on his gun and walking very slowly monitoring my every move as we are in the middle of nowhere and he has no backup.

He gets close enough for me to recognize him; of all the troopers in the whole state, I get the one I put an A/C in for him a year earlier and my wife babysits his daughter. Thank you God!!!! I say high (insert name) and he relaxes and proceeds to blast his nervous frustration at me. He asks how fast were you going? You covered that 3-4 miles in just over a minute and I did not have time to gun you. I told him 140 and he gives me another earfull. He then says he won't write me but if he ever catches me doing that again and never finishes the sentence. He then makes me promise I will let him drive it when he's off duty.

Colorado and Wisconsin both let me go for "excessive speed" as the officers called it when I was doing 90 and 95 respectively in their states with the Pete and a loaded trailer. Both occasions it was after midnight with no one else on the road. Now Texas has always been a very trucker friendly state as far as LE's are concerned. They have always been polite and very, very lenient no matter what they had me for.

My best story and it is true;
Early Sunday morning, beautiful late fall day, not a cloud in the sky, 60 degrees and very dry. Driving from G'ville to Georgia on an open country road. No one out and the road goes straight for 4-5 miles with no cross streets or driveways and very wide easements on each side. So I gas on the T the alky control lights up and the boost gauge goes to 26#. The OTC says I'm doing 145 mph as the front end begins to get lite. The water temp hits 200 and I let off as a corner is coming up and at the same instant I see him!!!! A trooper down in the easement under a big oak tree in the shade, nooooooooooooo as his lights come on.

I hit the brakes lightly slowing down and pulling over about a half mile in front of him and wait. He comes flying up hits the grass and gets all crossed up trying to rein his car in as he pulled over too soon. He eases up to the T hand on his gun and walking very slowly monitoring my every move as we are in the middle of nowhere and he has no backup.

He gets close enough for me to recognize him; of all the troopers in the whole state, I get the one I put an A/C in for him a year earlier and my wife babysits his daughter. Thank you God!!!! I say high (insert name) and he relaxes and proceeds to blast his nervous frustration at me. He asks how fast were you going? You covered that 3-4 miles in just over a minute and I did not have time to gun you. I told him 140 and he gives me another earfull. He then says he won't write me but if he ever catches me doing that again and never finishes the sentence. He then makes me promise I will let him drive it when he's off duty.

Why don't i have that kinda luck...I would of been looking though the wire cage out of the back of the police car...I know because i was only doing 122 ( my t would not go any faster) when i was put in the back of that Georgia Highway police car.