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Sympathy from the homeless.


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gallo vicioso
Oct 6, 2007
Last week I was sitting at a light on a freeway off ramp and this homeless dude who was there on the median collecting cash comes walking over to my GN and says, "That's a nice Grand National, bro."

I said thanks and then he says, "I used to have one until a couple years back. I loved that car but it was expensive."

I couldn't help but think to that why he's where he's at now....his Turbo Buick sent him down the river?:confused:

I said..."Yeah..they're fun.":biggrin:
He glumly said, "yeah....well good luck with it..."
Then as I'm obviously reaching for my wallet, he walks on to get some cash form someone else.

As my light turned green and I pulled away it sank in that this guy didn't even ask me for a buck....he almost seemed to feel sorry for me....maybe he thought I was going broke on this GN and would be out there soon jockeying for dollars on the off ramps.:eek:

Holy crap....I'm paranoid now......:frown:
with the prices going up on parts for these cars we all may end up homeless soon
Yeah right that guy was just trying to get a dollar out of you!Every person that comes up to me also tells me they had one at one point. But yeah these bricks are expensive
:eek: Same thing around the shopping centers here. The panhandles actually knowwhat a T Type is
This is getting scary-er.......:eek:

The guy who talked to me, had that look in his eye that only a Turbo Buick owner (or former one) has. He definitely knew what he was looking at.
damn, thats f'n nuts!:eek: let me get the money you should have gave him!:o
off subject, but I went grocery shopping tonight. On the way in, this dude was taking donations for the homeless. I told him I needed a donation myself! I've personally like it better when the homeless guys just asked straight up for a beer.
The homeless guy probably still owns the GN... he's panhandling for parts $.;)