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Not a problem Chuck. Just get us your credit card number and we'll get you "re-instated" ASAP. :)

You didn't get it?
I emailed it, same day I posted. Sure hope it didn't get hacked. I use a secure server, similar to Hillarys.;)
I'll check w/ my security person. He may have used the secure server I used, while doing the black ops work.
If that's the case, and you did get it, and opened it, expect the black Suburban's to be in your hood, soon!
So, is 6P being resurrected, or is this a scam, to get my card info?
You didn't get it?
I emailed it, same day I posted. Sure hope it didn't get hacked. I use a secure server, similar to Hillarys.;)
I'll check w/ my security person. He may have used the secure server I used, while doing the black ops work.
If that's the case, and you did get it, and opened it, expect the black Suburban's to be in your hood, soon!
So, is 6P being resurrected, or is this a scam, to get my card info?
RMAR I think Chucks credit card is locked up to the heater with..... OH NEVERMIND,...... this freight train was about to take a dirt road :eek:
You didn't get it?
I emailed it, same day I posted. Sure hope it didn't get hacked. I use a secure server, similar to Hillarys.;)
I'll check w/ my security person. He may have used the secure server I used, while doing the black ops work.
If that's the case, and you did get it, and opened it, expect the black Suburban's to be in your hood, soon!
So, is 6P being resurrected, or is this a scam, to get my card info?
Most likely a scam, but if we do not get the attention (in-directly) of the black suburbans on here, maybe it will be brought back to get rid of us riff raff when we jump off course :p
We just had the big Air Force/ Navy/Army Fly Over in Phoenix about an hour ago. Man those planes are cool!

Of course there are whiney bitches all over the interwebs crying about how they are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in fuel and resources for these things.......... "They could have given that money to "us"......... Who the hell are "they"? Oh, yeah, the gubment teet suckers that were there BEFORE Covid 19............

They've complete forgotten what the sound of Freedom really is............ Friggin' 'Tards.

Not only are they cool but people forget these things are not just about the show. Things like this give us a chance to see what the military's got. Makes a country proud and it gives the crews valuable training. Pilots get their flight time in. Logistics people get to exercise their talents, etc, etc,...
It's a proven method that's been used through out the years.
Besides its funner than calling them or a PM. Can you imagine (the 2 main black suburbans) texting each other right now. Those MFR's are back at it!!
Reason Al has not been able to post here. He's in jail again. I'm worried about Whizzer too.


Uncertain if the girls were able to get the washing machine working.
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F-35's man
I'm a car guy and those airplanes are really fast. Good someone knows what they are. I was over that way the other day. It is pretty breath taking to have one scream by on take off.
Looks like Al got out of the pokey and I almost got thrown in today.
The HB cops just busted me for surfing. It was just a warning "This Time".
Downloading Gopro now.

Glad to hear your able to surf again, though. :)
I'm a car guy and those airplanes are really fast. Good someone knows what they are. I was over that way the other day. It is pretty breath taking to have one scream by on take off.
They are a customer so I get to go to the Assembly line from time to time