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Did Ilean make it back? Somebody lost a sheep...

Eileen was last seen in Tennessee, trying to hunt down Mike E, who pushed T6P off a cliff.
Rumor has it that Mike E is in a hospital there. Eileen was seen renting a nurse outfit and some power tools. Said something about giving Mike a new "special" catheter while he was sleeping. She also said that after examining the patient, she only needed about an inch long tool to get the job done.
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Got a call from Bates Nut Farm this morning. We gotta push the show back two months. :(

Oh well. We'll make it happen. New date for Nate's Butt Farm 2020 is Aug 2nd.
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Piss and moan? Shit! I was bragging. I'm gunna send his dead ass to you with a Bates T-shirt.
Tell me I wont. :unsure:
A little Whizzer present went out today. o_O
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Happy Birthday Biscuit.
Hope it was a good one. (except for the fact of having it on a work day, during this corona crap and after getting your STD results back). :confused:
Is it time for another Sammy Jammy yet?

In the good ol days at The Pee we were into some hard core Polka. Good times. :love:
Happy Friday.
Something new from the lock down sessions.

Sad, but I almost miss the bots.
If you miss the bots too much you can go to SyTy.Net. We have a few that make the rounds over there. Of course you have to read Russian to understand what ever it is they are spamming. But hey, at least they help traffic count, lol.