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thanks Lou


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gallo vicioso
Oct 6, 2007
Hey, Lou.
Thanks for looking over my 87 GN the other day. I'll probably bring it back to you to swap that timing gear set if it looks too compliacted. It was good to hear an expert tell me a got a great deal at $6K.

I picked up a mid/late 80's truck oil cap at the Chevy dealer, but it doesn't quite fit all the way. It looks like I can grind it in a couple spots to get it to go into the valve cover, but I also worry that once it's in there, it might sit too deep and rub on that rocker arm I think I see just inside the filler hole.
...and while I tried to fit the new oil cap, I did find the OEM filler neck right where you said it would be. It was sitting on the frame rail right next to the steering shaft. I tried reinstalling it but there is no clamping force holding it in place so it'll fall right back out.

After you scolded me...
You'll be glad to know that I went home and cleared a spot in my garage for the GN next to my Camaro, so it's no longer staying out on the driveway at night.

I'm also now so paranoid of theft that if I do take it out, I watch my rear view like a hawk for any sign I'm being tailed, and if I do park the car, I always keep one eye on it (man that hurts). I stopped by home depot after I left your shop...they thought I was nuts cuz I kept walking in the door, spinning around and running back out to make sure my GN. And eye were still there. I'll be getting a functioning alarm, lo jack, column collar, kill switches...10 of 'em...and I'll probably still sleep light with one of my higher caliber semi auto weapons loaded and ready to aerate anyone I find snooping outside my garage.

...Or maybe I'll just over insure the bugger with a collector/classic agreed value policy so if it does get jacked, I get paid.

I'll be getting a scan tool and turbo tweak chip to see if I can get rid of a couple things I think might be related to the no name old school chip currently in the car like the cold blooded stalling at cold idle (the MAF is fairly new); pinging at gear shifts; boosting beyond the OEM gages range; occasional WOT "poof" and missfire low in the RPM after gear shifts like it's back firing throught a carb. I'll also get a proper boost gage on the car like you suggested so I know how high that boost is actually going at WOT.

Oh....and I promise to loose the Monte Carlo looking axhaust pipes...thanks for not clubbing me like a baby seal and for letting the car into your shop with those pipes.

I'm sure I'll be bringing the more technical stuff to you when I need a good mechanic for this GN, so hope that roll up door is open.

Thanks again!

Hey, Lou.
Thanks for looking over my 87 GN the other day. I'll probably bring it back to you to swap that timing gear set if it looks too compliacted. It was good to hear an expert tell me a got a great deal at $6K.

I picked up a mid/late 80's truck oil cap at the Chevy dealer, but it doesn't quite fit all the way. It looks like I can grind it in a couple spots to get it to go into the valve cover, but I also worry that once it's in there, it might sit too deep and rub on that rocker arm I think I see just inside the filler hole.
...and while I tried to fit the new oil cap, I did find the OEM filler neck right where you said it would be. It was sitting on the frame rail right next to the steering shaft. I tried reinstalling it but there is no clamping force holding it in place so it'll fall right back out.

After you scolded me...
You'll be glad to know that I went home and cleared a spot in my garage for the GN next to my Camaro, so it's no longer staying out on the driveway at night.

I'm also now so paranoid of theft that if I do take it out, I watch my rear view like a hawk for any sign I'm being tailed, and if I do park the car, I always keep one eye on it (man that hurts). I stopped by home depot after I left your shop...they thought I was nuts cuz I kept walking in the door, spinning around and running back out to make sure my GN. And eye were still there. I'll be getting a functioning alarm, lo jack, column collar, kill switches...10 of 'em...and I'll probably still sleep light with one of my higher caliber semi auto weapons loaded and ready to aerate anyone I find snooping outside my garage.

...Or maybe I'll just over insure the bugger with a collector/classic agreed value policy so if it does get jacked, I get paid.

I'll be getting a scan tool and turbo tweak chip to see if I can get rid of a couple things I think might be related to the no name old school chip currently in the car like the cold blooded stalling at cold idle (the MAF is fairly new); pinging at gear shifts; boosting beyond the OEM gages range; occasional WOT "poof" and missfire low in the RPM after gear shifts like it's back firing throught a carb. I'll also get a proper boost gage on the car like you suggested so I know how high that boost is actually going at WOT.

Oh....and I promise to loose the Monte Carlo looking axhaust pipes...thanks for not clubbing me like a baby seal and for letting the car into your shop with those pipes.

I'm sure I'll be bringing the more technical stuff to you when I need a good mechanic for this GN, so hope that roll up door is open.

Thanks again!
ThanksTim & tell all these folks that say I'm an a-hole & expensive how much I charged you & if you were abused. Yes I can't warn owners enough about getting their rides stolen. I got a call a couple of days ago from a customer that got his car back thanks to lo-jack. It was taken in Buena Park & recovered in lynwood. Good news is that the thief got apprehended & the only damage was the steering column. Good luck & enjoy your new ride.
I've read the nasty things you all write about Lou and gotta ask....Have you looked at the man in the mirror lately?:confused:

All I can say is, what a great guy he is. He didn't charge me a dime, was about to give me a free oil cap, didn't try to sell me anything, gave me loads of free advice, test drove my newly purchased 87 GN, let my GN into his shop even tho' it has these hideous Monte Carlo tail pipes hanging out behind the rear wheels.

The only edginess he showed was when I told him I'd been parking the GN on my driveway at night...I'm sure you'd agree that I deserved to be abused for that.

Oh...he did say something nasty about what this GN will be able to do to my11 second 68 Camaro some day....but the more I learn about these GN's the more I think....he's probably right.

Before you ask...No...he did not give me anything to write all this nice stuff....yet.;) But I'm hoping he'll cut me a break on the timing gear swap.

What a great guy Lou is!


Finally some class in the southwest section, Thanks Tim & let me know when you're ready & you will be treated right, Regards Lou
Lou's a great guy. Just don't get on his bad side. :eek:

Some Ways to get on Lou's Bad Side
1. Drive up with a bad attitude.
2. Well so & so said they can do it for this much $
3. I'm gonna wait here as you work on my car.
4. The stuff in my trunk also needs to be installed: lights,tires,front Lic Plate.
5. Can you cut me a break on the price!
6. Is my car ready,Is my car ready,Is my car ready,Is my car ready. lol
7. How much to go "X" fast.
Quote: "all I can say is, what a great guy he is. He didn't charge me a dime."

Yea, as I remember, Sid Vicious's dealer gave him his heroin for free the first time too.:D

Your screwed now. Just like the rest of us.

Welcome to the dark side.

I've got to go check on my car now.

Thanks for the pointers guys.
I'll be sure to delete all my stupid questions and keep outa Luo's hair when I bring my GN to him for some professional work.

Something else to think about....If you're nice to the blue hairs and they decide they like you....they'll put you in their will.

Uh....That is not in any way directed towards anyone in this forum...just some off hand advice my mother gave me that I pass along to all my new friends...

Looking forward to meeting you all at some of the events. I cruised through Fuddruckers at just before 6PM Thurs on my way home from work, but didn't see any GN's around (hope I didn't miss them) so I heeded my wifes beckoning and headed home.

I'm still kissing up to her after dropping the cash on this GN.


Quote: "all I can say is, what a great guy he is. He didn't charge me a dime."

Yea, as I remember, Sid Vicious's dealer gave him his heroin for free the first time too.:D

Your screwed now. Just like the rest of us.

Welcome to the dark side.

I've got to go check on my car now.

Well if thats the case I've been known to get high on my own supply.This drug dealer as you put it has out spent just about everyone here to gain the knowledge to enable my customers to haul ass in the least amount of time & expense possible.My favorite example is underboost within in 9 months he went from an 11 second car down to an equivalent 9.99 with iron heads, stock computer 3600 pounds & weve just started. In 1993 my own car the first in the mid 8's @ 160, 1994 SS/DX national record holder plus many other success's with Buick's through the last 20 years & still continue.This is the experience & results you get as a bargain dealing with Lou's Auto Service.None of this was done pushing Ill fitting junk & screwing people.I leave this to some of the other vitamin salesmen.This is not a cheap hobby & I sometimes tire of whiners who complain of cost's & accuse me of being expensive or having a bad attitude. These are the people that I invite out of my shop. (Spoolfool) I'm not taking your light hearted post as a burn but thanks for allowing me to use it to make a point.

If your still having to kiss up to the wife for buying this TR you are in for a rude awakening. :biggrin: This stupid car will take advantage of you in ways you never thought possible. This car has been known to destroy marriages.

If your still having to kiss up to the wife for buying this TR you are in for a rude awakening. :biggrin: This stupid car will take advantage of you in ways you never thought possible. This car has been known to destroy marriages.

Well...I'm already into my 68 Camaro for about $30K over 6 years and haven't even painted it or done the interior, and still want to minitub it and install a DSE Q-link under the back half. So if she's still with me after all that, I guess I'm a keeper...or just her best option....I prefer to believe the former...
My plans for the GN are to get it into the 11's and then just be happy. We'll see if that works out...I'm already shopping for stuff.

Hey Lou.'s good to see a craftsman who takes so much pride in his work and is obviously great at what he does.
Hope I'm not coming off as disrespectful in my posts. If any of my stabs at humor ever do cause wounds, just smack me down, I can take it.


Lou is an EFFING A-HOLE!!!!

He used and abused me, then he didnt have the nerve to call me back. When will I ever learn.... :(

And to think I thought we had something special. This is what happens when you cross Lou with one of his sheep!!! LOL

#7 is a classic...
Best answer, "As much $$$$$ as I can get".

Speed costs money how fast do you want to spend? This concept has been around long before I was born & I'm 64
Reply to the reply of the reply!

Well...I'm already into my 68 Camaro for about $30K over 6 years and haven't even painted it or done the interior, and still want to minitub it and install a DSE Q-link under the back half. So if she's still with me after all that, I guess I'm a keeper...or just her best option....I prefer to believe the former...
My plans for the GN are to get it into the 11's and then just be happy. We'll see if that works out...I'm already shopping for stuff.

Hey Lou.'s good to see a craftsman who takes so much pride in his work and is obviously great at what he does.
Hope I'm not coming off as disrespectful in my posts. If any of my stabs at humor ever do cause wounds, just smack me down, I can take it.

Tim so far so good! the only disrespectful statement is I only want to go 11's & be happy. Wish I had a dollar for everyone that has said that.Then I would be as wealthy as Gary Well's lol.

Lou is an EFFING A-HOLE!!!!

He used and abused me, then he didnt have the nerve to call me back. When will I ever learn.... :(

And to think I thought we had something special. This is what happens when you cross Lou with one of his sheep!!! LOL
Andrew I was just reaching for the phone to call you & then this outrageous behavior. I have decided now to put you on restriction till the attitude towards us elderly improves. I almost had everyone convinced that I'm a nice guy & you just ruined it.
Tim so far so good! the only disrespectful statement is I only want to go 11's & be happy. Wish I had a dollar for everyone that has said that.Then I would be as wealthy as Gary Well's lol.
Be careful what you wish for, Lou, I'm so broke that I have to take a co-signer with me to pay cash. If I ever come into your shop with 2 nickels to rub together, check your change pocket quickly & make sure 1 of them is not yours.
"these cars are a pain in the ass. unlike a women you can sell it when your sick of it." Lou, sometime when I was in the shop.
Hey lou hows it going? I got to say lou is the man. I asked for for a fast street car and I got it. First time out to the track car when't 11.50 @ 118mph first time out. If I learn to drive it im in the 10s garanted. I love my buick thanx again LOU.

"these cars are a pain in the ass. unlike a women you can sell it when your sick of it." Lou, sometime when I was in the shop.
Yes Phil! I have many other quotations & pearls of wisdom to share with you youngsters. But only if they would listen & why do I burden myself with such concern ( sigh )
Andrew I was just reaching for the phone to call you & then this outrageous behavior. I have decided now to put you on restriction till the attitude towards us elderly improves. I almost had everyone convinced that I'm a nice guy & you just ruined it.

Sorry Lou, How can I ever make things up to you? ;)