What an awesome cause!
I think this is one of the better charities out there. Nothing like being a kid at Christmas & not have any toys to play with. Just not right. It's hard enough being a kid these days, can't imagine it without toys! That's how you end up shooting up a school or into drugs or BS like that IMO. Heck look at all of us now, we still need our toys!
Check out links below to see more on what Toys for Tots is all about:
Toys for Tots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Marine Toys for Tots Foundation
Oh yeah, Brian got my "care" package for the cause. Figured what good is a cool blue TR without some cool HR parts:
Motor Mount set, $229 value,
HR-0903 Pro-Handling Package, $909 value,
- HR-0202 Upper Solids,
- HR-0210 Lowers,
- HR-0450 Swaybar,
- HR Trans Mount $89,
Total Value = $1227 + shipping.
This is going to be a SUPER nice ride once done! Figured it needed stepped up a little to raise more $$$$. PLEASE give what you can, and don't let the $5 per week or $55 level limit your kindness if you can afford it. I'm a firm believer that you get out of life what you put into it, so I figure the more you give, the better your Karma will be when it's time to pick the winner. If that's all you can do, that's great too. The trick is to do what you can & feel comfortable with, and something is better than nothing.
PS- Since I am without a TR right now, and this one happens to be HR Blue

, it would be fair to say I will also be donating & entering the contest myself

If I happen to be lucky enough to win it (never that lucky), as much as I would love to auction it off & donate the proceeds, I will have to hang onto it

I guess I will have to make an extra big donation if I win it so I can sleep at night & not feel guilty keeping it
Also, HUGE hat's off to Brian & others involved with this project! For Brian to donate the car AND his time AND his employees time AND parts, well that's going WAY over & above just giving to charity.