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The Numbers Game with the (SPI) Trunk ID Label - Kirban


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Low fuel and 145mph speedo.

kirban 2 cents worth

Still wrong that answer (145 speedo) was guessed earlier in that contest 54rich has fallen behind the 8-ball on posting those wrong answers...

I will tell that answer tomorrow and announce who won the other contest.

Its unlikely anyone can guess the missing option I am thinking of. I never sold many of them and it involved more than one part. However, all the wrong answers has provided everyone with a fairly good idea of what you can add to your turbo regal that was not originally for your turbo regal. That was the purpose of that trivia question.

Hopefully 54rich will list all those options tomorrow in one posting so everyone can see what is basically as direct bolt in to our cars and yet retain the factory look. Companies like myself that is how we make money by exploring different things and seeing what fits from other models etc.

The low fuel was probably the easiest to install feature. Also one that makes sense as our fuel guages are not very accurate when they get low on fuel. Even the smartest of us have run out of gas in these cars myself included.
Triva Question Post #877 Started 5/21/09
Low fuel light is ½ the correct answer
Wrong Answers So Far:
passenger power seat
Lighted rear-view mirror
power 6 embroidered floor mats
145mph speedo
Trunk Release
upgrade CD player
full-loop seatbelt guides
twilight sentinel
EXPRESS down Power Driver side window
Leather Buckets
lighted inside rearview mirror
auto dimming rear view mirror
AM/FM CD Radio

New trivia contest: This one is Turbo Buick related and I need a correct answer so we can explore other options.....meaning some of you (us) may learn more about the cars.

Prize value $25

Open to anyone except Turbo Buick related past winners are eligible.


I m thinking of 2 factory options that were NEVER available in our cars (1984-1987 Turbo Regals), yet companies like myself have sold to owners over the years.

These 2 options came in other GM models.

They are interior related.

You must post both guesses in the SAME POST.

Post as many different posts as you want.

You must pick the 2 options I am thinking of.
Here is a little help on the other as technically it probably was not a stand alone option. I sold it in kit form meaning more than one part was involved. I never had them brand new only used to sell.

They really gave the interior a nice touch.
kirban 2 cents worth

The grand prize winner on the single year turbo car is:


The correct answer is the Ford Fairmont 1980 model

Rich: send me a pm with your address and what you have won in the past to avoid duplication and if you could give a explanation on a post here on how you figured it out....since you must have tried 30 other answers with no luck. Also what size shirt you take.

According to the article I have Ford made 1,158 of these turbo fairmonts. Motor Trend claimed excellent acceleration of 13.5 seconds to reach 60 mph. May have been good times in 1980 but not impressive at all today.

I think someone on a good 15 speed bike could accelerate quicker.

In all the wrong answers someone did come very close by naming the sister car the Mercury version. Article I have is dated 1989 and states that it is unlikely this car will ever reach collectible status. I think that point has been proven. Although I am sure somewhere a few owners think they are collectible.

That contest certainily proved to be a winner from my standpoint. I tip my hat to everyone that participated.

54Rich....I hope you can continue to track my contests if they go past 1-2 pages.....keeps things fresh.

New contest shortly.
Triva Question Post #877 Started 5/21/09
Low fuel light is ½ the correct answer
Wrong Answers So Far:
passenger power seat
Lighted rear-view mirror
power 6 embroidered floor mats
145mph speedo
Trunk Release
upgrade CD player
full-loop seatbelt guides
twilight sentinel
EXPRESS down Power Driver side window
Leather Buckets
lighted inside rearview mirror
auto dimming rear view mirror
AM/FM CD Radio

New trivia contest: This one is Turbo Buick related and I need a correct answer so we can explore other options.....meaning some of you (us) may learn more about the cars.

Prize value $25

Open to anyone except Turbo Buick related past winners are eligible.


I m thinking of 2 factory options that were NEVER available in our cars (1984-1987 Turbo Regals), yet companies like myself have sold to owners over the years.

These 2 options came in other GM models.

They are interior related.

You must post both guesses in the SAME POST.

Post as many different posts as you want.

You must pick the 2 options I am thinking of.
Here is a little help on the other as technically it probably was not a stand alone option. I sold it in kit form meaning more than one part was involved. I never had them brand new only used to sell.

They really gave the interior a nice touch.

kirban 2 cents worth

As promised I will tell the answer to this question so we can move on. First as you look over the list about 6 or 7 of the above are options on other Buicks that you can easily install in your Turbo Regal.

The later CD radio is probably the best upgrade you can make which I covered earlier in this post.

The lited rear view mirror was quite popular when we sold them to owners that had the T-Tops since the only ceilng interior lites those cars received was the small circle ones on the back roof pillars.

The closed loop seat belt guides we still sell to this day and can be seen on many cars.

Two exterior upgrades from other cars work great also. One being the flip down license plate bracket that stays down when pushed when you fill your gas tank. Best low buck investment you an make that you would use regularly. This flip down plate comes off certain year F body cars.

Another good upgrade from a WS6 suspension F body is the hollow front sway bar. I think our bar is 32mm and this bar is 36mm. I know its bigger and I think my mm figures are correct. You do need different bushings to secure it to your frame. Being hollow its lighter. (I have one on my car also the flip down license plate holder and CD player.)

The answer?

Its the chrome pedal trim that surrounds the emergency brake pad, the regular brake pad and the gas pedal. Funny it was never on the Limited models. Going by memory as its been years since we sold them I think they came out of Pontiac Grand Prixs from the same time period. We sold the entire gas pedal as the trim was tough to remove intact. Makes for a nice cosmetic interior touch.

Again going by memory but I think all the brake pedal pads even have the slits in them for the chrome trim on the brake pedal.

So there you have it. Now you know what to look for if you want to add any neat upgrades that once installed look 100% factory.

Comments/questions are always welcomed.

Post your trunk ID label if you have not already.

A somber day of Rememberance.....Memorial Day see next post.
kirban 2 cents worth

A Day of Rememberance:

I know many of you depending on your age etc either have served, or have a relative that has served, or are still in the service. To all of you we give Thanks.

Like some of you that may be my age, I served in Vietnam in 1966-67. I was very fortunate to pull extremely good duty stationed mostly in Nha Trang, Vietnam. A coastal town. Besides being a photographer I was the Editor of the newspaper for the 17th Aviation Group.

Things affect people in different ways. It would be years before I could get up the courage to visit the "Wall" in DC even though I only live about 2 hours away. Its a moving experience to say the least for any of you reading this that served in that "conflict" as it was referred to back then.

I still have my short timers stick which was a small wooden carved stick that most servicemen at least in my area carried when they had less than 60 days left to serve in Vietnam. I can't say if this practice was throughout all the troops or not but it was a common practice in our group back in 1966-67.

Most Vets block these memories out of their minds....some with more success than others.

Again, thanks to all that have served.......and continue to serve.
Two things, one, congrates 54Rich!

And more importantly, let's keep those who gave all in our memories.
kirban 2 cents worth

I just checked one of the junkers etc and the original brake pad is slotted on both sides for the chrome trim even though it was never offered on our turbo regals. AMC GUY may be able to find it in one of my old newsletter to see what we sold them for. I am thinking they ran $25 to $35 a set.

Its amazing now, that these cars we fool with, now have history, So many things have gone and gone related to them and its interesting to remember what used to be available. I have all my olds newsletters and catalogs. If only our paychecks would have increased as much as GM prices has! Brake switches I think they used to be $18 each at one point.

Two new trivia contests coming soon. One easy one for those that focus on turbo regals and one slightly difficult one that focus on cars & history.
kirban 2 cents worth

Remember if you haven't yet post your trunk ID label.....

If you have our old touch & go theft system in your car we want to hear from you also.
kirban 2 cents worth

I just checked one of the junkers etc and the original brake pad is slotted on both sides for the chrome trim even though it was never offered on our turbo regals. AMC GUY may be able to find it in one of my old newsletter to see what we sold them for. I am thinking they ran $25 to $35 a set.

Its amazing now, that these cars we fool with, now have history, So many things have gone and gone related to them and its interesting to remember what used to be available. I have all my olds newsletters and catalogs. If only our paychecks would have increased as much as GM prices has! Brake switches I think they used to be $18 each at one point.

Two new trivia contests coming soon. One easy one for those that focus on turbo regals and one slightly difficult one that focus on cars & history.

In Dec 1998 they were running $35 a set. That is about the last set you had listed. At one time the set included a new GM gas pedal and used brake and emergency brake trim. Then GM discontinued the gas pedals and the set was all used.
A friend of mine had one of those touch and go system on his 86 GN but he has since sold it. I never really understood how the system worked. I am pretty sure Dennis knows him or has ran into him a number of times. Can someone explain how the system worked?
First off, I hope everyone had a safe memorial day and thanked a veteran. Freedom that we sometimes take for granted is not free.

Secondly, that was one tuff question! The last clue lead me to the answer, however, I had no idea that it was the right one. I thought the Saab Sonnett was the answer. Glad it’s over, there was a ton of cars on the list that I didn’t know existed and a bunch that are long forgotten. It wasn’t about the prize, it was about answering a trivia question that looked for awhile that no one was going to answer.

Dennis, your generosity is greatly appreciated, I think we have all learned from this thread. I’ll try to keep track of your questions, one at a time please?
First off, I hope everyone had a safe memorial day and thanked a veteran. Freedom that we sometimes take for granted is not free.

Secondly, that was one tuff question! The last clue lead me to the answer, however, I had no idea that it was the right one. I thought the Saab Sonnett was the answer. Glad it’s over, there was a ton of cars on the list that I didn’t know existed and a bunch that are long forgotten. It wasn’t about the prize, it was about answering a trivia question that looked for awhile that no one was going to answer.

Dennis, your generosity is greatly appreciated, I think we have all learned from this thread. I’ll try to keep track of your questions, one at a time please?

AMEN! Thank a VET!

Not so tough this time Dennis:cool:
kirban 2 cents worth

The "Touch and Go System" originally sold by us from around 1992 thru 1999.
The price varied during that time span because we dealt with one company originally and that company stopped making it and then I had another company who happen to own a turbo regal make them for us.

Going by memory it sold for around $55 to $65.

The reason it was so popular for our cars is the unit had no siren to install.

You only cut one wire in your car, the cranking wire.

It set automatically 25-30 seconds after you shut your car off...nothing to remember each time.

No switch to trigger. You simply touched one metal screw that was mounted in plastic such as your dash panel or console and any ground like the spoke of your steering wheel.

It has a valet mode meaning when you get your car worked on the car would start normally each time.

The entire control box is smaller than a pack of cigerettes.

It appealed to a wide range of owners especially those owners that like a stock car since nothing can be seen. So your car still looked stock.

This new one we just are having made has a smaller control box draws .004 amps old unit drew .0.l0 amps when car was not in use.

Unfortunately, not much is available today to protect our cars from theft. We used to sell the metal car guard that surrounded the steering column. Our source for them dried up but you see them once in awhile on ebay usually $50 or more.

No method is fool proof, however, the fact is, this system sets automatically, nothing to remember and you only cut one wire in your car. What happens is the car will not crank when this triggers in 25-30 seconds. The internal relay is automotive low voltage. Each unit is bench tested.

It will work on virtually any car/truck with no air bags no computer chip in the ignition key meaning the entire older collectible car market. Even if you have an alarm this wlll work in conjunction with it. You do mount a small L.E.D. lite we recommend you install it on the small panel that has the small air vent under your steering column.

I had one in my Syclone and my GN years ago....never a problem with them. Besides even if a problem arises you only have to reconnect one single wire.

I am not big on alarms and sirens this is slick because you don't have to remember heck you don't even have to lock your doors.

I already have my first samples and and in the midst of doing detailed directions specifically for the turbo regals with photos. We will have a special intro price on them once we have them ready to go. The projected retail price will be under $80 obviousily we can't match a price from 7-8 years ago.

I do know back in the day it has saved at least 2 cars from being stolen. The key is no switch or trigger is used. You touch two screws in the car at the same time.
Normal looking trim screws.....they can be existing screws. Plus, if your car has a good ground system you only need to touch one screw and any metal in your car such as the spoke on your steering wheel.
kirban 2 cents worth

54rich member send me pm so I can send yo your prizes....we all learned something....heck I never knew so many other possibilities existed.

Going to gear up for 2 trivia one Buick turbo related which should be fairly simple the other geared for all those that have won in the past....and you know who you are.

Here goes the turbo regal question:

No past winners can participate nor Buick related employees:

Sitting in your turbo regal, I am thinking of 3 things in the interior that can come loose over a period of time.

You must name all 3 that I am thinking of in the SAME POST.

Don't name the pull straps because they didn't come lose, they were lose from day one!

Prize value is $15

Remember the 3 have to match my 3 meaning if you get 2 out of the 3 I will not state which is correct and which is wrong.

You can take more than one guess however only one set of 3 per post!

The clock is ticking....

Good luck.....
kirban 2 cents worth

Trivia for all the past winners and open to non winners as well.

Prize value $25

During the 1940s-1950s-1960s a shaving cream company (Burma Shave) had a unique method of advertising to the motorist by placing a series of signs along the highways. Mostly in the midwest.

I am thinking of another company that used a slightly different approach that also captured the attention of the motorist as well.

Name the product and the method this company used.

I am guessing some of you may have to ask your parents for help on this one!

Prize value $50

The clock is ticking......

I may give other clues if this progresses unanswered in a few days time.

Good luck group...member tomorrow is a work day.
I doubt this is the correct answer, but I had to share it anyway.
