The Official Happy Birthday Nordy Thread!!!

hey happy b-day. alittle late but im just getting back to the board
thanks man.. i saw in your post that your moving out here.. where will the new home be?

not sure. i was thinking i would be in an apartment for awhile but with all the foreclosures it might be the time to buy. We will see.
yea go to OC so you can pay more for your gas, insurance, homes, and get looked at like your a A hole for not driving a Benz, BMW or Lex.. OC isn't all that.. Sorry Brent.

There are parts of LA that are nice don't get me wrong I have a lot of friends that live out there. Also I don't know what parts of OC you've been driving in Mike maybe you just get that looked no matter where or what you drive I don't know that's your problem. All I'm saying is that OC is cleaner the crime isn't as high as it would be in LA also the roads are taken care of a hell of a lot better. That's why it's a bit more to live in OC it's cleaner less crime and less likely for your sh!t get stolen from you or hit by some one with no insurance period.

yea go to OC so you can pay more for your gas, insurance, homes, and get looked at like your a A hole for not driving a Benz, BMW or Lex.. OC isn't all that.. Sorry Brent.
Thought i would take a break from polishing my Porsche & say driving nice cars doesn't necessarily make us bad people.
hey i will do anything that i can for you guys once im on the department. Also my brother is LAPD so he can hook it up to.