Fryguy said:
I must have really struck a nerve didn't I?
No nerve struck, you are just an empty waste of space taking up bandwidth. Again this response has nothing to say in terms of backpressure and that is because you have no clue what you are talking about lmao! Yes, bravo for Tony for running faster than Don with more of a setup than his! Bravo for Smokey for running faster than Don with a SBC lmao! You are absolutely clueless, and although I promised John in advance, making fun of you is just too easy and I can't help myself lol. By any chance, are you back on that ceramic train in the kids section on your lunchbreak again? Give it a little "whoo whoo" for me, will ya lmao...
Fryguy said:
If anything I post is incoherent, it's because you are a moron, and have no idea what you're talking about...
Irrelevant, answer the question...
Fryguy said:
I posted exactly what I knew about superchargers and sizing them, you disagreed, made a stupid post, and I refuted that by getting information from tech support because you didn't believe what I said. I made you look stupid...
On the contrary, you made yourself look stupid because you consulted a five dollar an hour tech, from, Procharger was it lol? You know nothing about superchargers, you never explored installing a wastegate on one, you just jibber jabber your way through this whole entire thread, and what is completely mind boggling is the fact that you are still here, with nothing to say or add. It is like you have this love affair with Don...
Fryguy said:
You also posted some stupid **** about the boost number being irrelevant, and I replied and tried to explain why it wasn't, that's when we got into the compressor maps....
You explained nothing, and you didn't "get into" compressor maps, you got lost in your own pathetic argument then relied on Dusty to put things back into perspective for you. Try again. Also, where is your response about backpressure...?
Fryguy said:
I'm fairly certain you learned from that post LOL. This is all from my experience...
The only thing I
asked and learned from you was about the McRib Still waiting on the backpressure response...
Fryguy said:
Now you want to act like you know about backpressure. You're completely retarded. I've learned something about backpressure, and especially as it pertains to the 47/88, as I ran this turbo many times and on a few different engines....
More jibber jabber, why not cut to the chase...
Fryguy said:
Even on a little 360, the 47/88 can choke the combination due to backpressure...
The 47/88 is rated at 1500 horsepower as per Dusty hismself...
Not to mention we're discussing V6's. Now who is the moron, Burger Boy...
Fryguy said:
... even if the boost is ice cold and the car is making power. That turbo is limited by it's turbine size (backpressure).
Nonsense! If the turbo is able to achieve 30-psi in the first place, with air temps being "ice cold", then backpressure isn't an issue whatsoever. Backpressure causes high EGTm effecting air temps, so if air temps are "ice cold" you won't have any detrimental backpressure. Try again...
Fryguy said:
The power is limited and it can create gasket issues....
Too funny lol!
Fryguy said:
This is from MY experience with this turbo...
... yet you speak of it from Tony's perspective, and imply that it is "too small" for his setup as compared to Don? When will you understand that Don's turbo is TOO BIG for his setup, and he has PLENTY left in it. Try again.
Fryguy said:
The supras do much better because the engine is smaller....
This is a Buick V6 site, what the hell are you talking about lmao? You CLEARLY were speaking on behalf of Tony's setup above running faster than Don with a "smaller" turbo, "not" your 360 or any other V8, so stick with the program will you and try to stay on topic...
Fryguy said:
The 47/88 turbine that Tony Gomes runs is more restrictive than the turbine on the 91 that Don runs, that's all I said....
How could you possibly say that without knowing the cam specs on the exhaust side on Tony's setup lol?
Fryguy said:
I'm kinda busy right now...
Could have fooled everyone here, because your constantly posting in this thread lmao! Busy? How? Was there a spill in the children's section lol...