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Staff member
Mar 1, 2005
It's 10:39 EST on Sunday morning the day after the 2017 Nationals.

I am sitting at my desk watching the supercross finals in vegas and surfing, two of my favorite things in the world....

Well I haven't been on facebook yet because I don't want to see who won the race. However my phone is blowing up with notifications about this years event. People are showing their pics, talking about how great it was, and showing love in general to the community. Its a wonderful thing to see, I can't wait to get on and see all the pics and respond! I will be on for hours I bet lol!

However as I hit "NEW POSTS," I don't see ANY posts about the nationals on!

THE PROBLEM is glaring obvious.... Facebook is the new hangout!


I totally understand it is the progression of technology. Things ebb and flow. I will be open and honest with you guys, as always. This board has never been about profit for me. As long as it covers itself and helps the event every year I am happy.

Well the last three years our google ad money has basically been cut by 2/3rds. Add that to the hit from the last few years events and I WAS thinking about NOT having the event next year. Clint announced at the show it may be the last event. Well I was overwhelmed with thanks and appreciation by the members and vendors the rest of the event. It did my heart good to say the least. Even had a new vendor step up and come on board!

So, I haven't crunched the numbers yet but we did better this year than last. I was so overwhelmed by the support and appreciation that we are going to keep it going as long as possible. So as of now there will be a 2018 nationals, details to come. Hopefully same weekend!

I had two guys that are super great friends and vendors of this board come to me Saturday and offered up some great ideas and pledged whatever support needed to make the board and the community the best it can be. Fast with Class...

If you have any ideas on how to help bring more people back to the board and help keep this great tradition going we have please feel free to post up!

At this point I do not want to do a donation button, anyone can support the board by pay pal at or

We are going to try to get some more 2017 National T Shirts to sale here and also a yearly t-shirt that is going to be needed to enter some great contests we have coming your way! Stay tuned and buckle up boys, we get ready to turn up BOOST ON THE BOARD!!!!!!
Shane thank you so much for putting this event on it's truly something special! Every single minute I was down there every single mile of the 900 plus miles I put on my car was worth It!! I will definitely get something going with the club so us MAGNA guys and gals will throw some support up for next years event and!!

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Shane, I wanted to personally thank you at the event, but never got to do that. Great event as always. I will never miss another one. Please keep it going.

It's 10:39 EST on Sunday morning the day after the 2017 Nationals.

I am sitting at my desk watching the supercross finals in vegas and surfing, two of my favorite things in the world....

Well I haven't been on facebook yet because I don't want to see who won the race. However my phone is blowing up with notifications about this years event. People are showing their pics, talking about how great it was, and showing love in general to the community. Its a wonderful thing to see, I can't wait to get on and see all the pics and respond! I will be on for hours I bet lol!

However as I hit "NEW POSTS," I don't see ANY posts about the nationals on!

THE PROBLEM is glaring obvious.... Facebook is the new hangout!


I totally understand it is the progression of technology. Things ebb and flow. I will be open and honest with you guys, as always. This board has never been about profit for me. As long as it covers itself and helps the event every year I am happy.

Well the last three years our google ad money has basically been cut by 2/3rds. Add that to the hit from the last few years events and I WAS thinking about NOT having the event next year. Clint announced at the show it may be the last event. Well I was overwhelmed with thanks and appreciation by the members and vendors the rest of the event. It did my heart good to say the least. Even had a new vendor step up and come on board!

So, I haven't crunched the numbers yet but we did better this year than last. I was so overwhelmed by the support and appreciation that we are going to keep it going as long as possible. So as of now there will be a 2018 nationals, details to come. Hopefully same weekend!

I had two guys that are super great friends and vendors of this board come to me Saturday and offered up some great ideas and pledged whatever support needed to make the board and the community the best it can be. Fast with Class...

If you have any ideas on how to help bring more people back to the board and help keep this great tradition going we have please feel free to post up!

At this point I do not want to do a donation button, anyone can support the board by pay pal at or

We are going to try to get some more 2017 National T Shirts to sale here and also a yearly t-shirt that is going to be needed to enter some great contests we have coming your way! Stay tuned and buckle up boys, we get ready to turn up BOOST ON THE BOARD!!!!!!

Hey Man,

Facebook may be a popular hang out. However, facebook can never replace the information and technical support that can be found via this site! So, while some may be visiting facebook, however, I can't ever imagine facebook fully replacing the forum.

I know that my concept may be to spend money to make money? However, in an effort to offset that then perhaps we could get some of our sponsors to consider sharing in the burden and or profits of some of this? So as to make this a more doable venture (with less risk and even greater reward to all)? Maybe have a percentage of profits for specific items go back to the forum. And to add incentive maybe these sponsors are gold or given better status / more notoriety? And the banners could direct forum members to get their turbo Buick forum "SWAG" via these very important supporting vendors?

The thing is that virtually every TB buddy I know has turbo "6" logo stuff (that you almost cannot find anymore). And I'm not talking about just t shirts I mean jackets, sweat shirts, coffee mugs, ice chests and even artic tumblers. So, I know that this stuff sells (and some of it is highly sought after at that)! And yet no one has it.

To start maybe it's mostly stickers, iron on patches (remember those) or coffee mugs, etc? Stuff that could be done up with cool sayings or the like? Need ideas for that? Then Google Turbo Buick memes and you will find virtually anything one can ever imagine.

I know that I for one would love to go and buy a bunch of cool swag that not only displays my love for turbo Buick's, but, one that supports my passion as well. And I would gladly do anything that I can do to support this forum! In that, I am eternally grateful for all of the help and support that I have received here!

Anyways I'm sure that someone can add to this? Or hopefully has an even better way to go about this?


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We've actually volunteered this before...paid membership to this site.
Let it be a perk which removes the advertising, gives us a cool banner on our avatar and gives us access the a 'members only' area.
I know Xenforo has plug ins (XenCentral, Pember and others) which can do this. It just takes the time to set it up.

Seedling's idea of swag that we can buy is also a great one.

I, along with many others, appreciate all that you do; my car would still be in shambles if it were not for the information and people from this site. I am not on Facebook so I would gladly pay yearly to have prime access to
There might be more chatter on FB but there is a real lack of any information. Not to mention the overall negativity.
I'd love shirts too and will definitely make a contribution toward this site.
Agree, the Facebook groups are childish with not much as far as good information. Plus, finding anything from the past is a pain. I've stopped looking there and still find everything I need. Too bad the board has slowed down, it is still the best spot to find good information

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I would have no problem paying a monthly subscription for no ads.
I know i have gotten into the habit of posting questions to the facebook members page. It has more traffic and can usually get an answer with in a few min of posting.

Now when I am googling for answers this board is the first one i look for answers. I generally try to search the answers first before i ask.
You'd get a hell of a LOT people on here if you change to

Just a thought.:rolleyes:

Bruce '87 Grand National
I spent more time here when I could get on the Android app. Tapatalk is okay but it doesn't always load for me unless I'm on wifi. The search doesn't always work either so maybe people go to Facebook for quicker answers and less people telling them to use the search button?

Any chance of bringing the app back as a paid one? I'd be the first one waiting in line to pay for it.

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This was my first time going to the event. We had a great time. I didn't get to visit Richards garage for long enough, but did get through there before the rain on Friday. I loved the action at the track. I was able to hang out with several other cool folks from Georgia and met some really nice people from the North as well. I know the tower is busy, but it was sometimes hard to tell who was racing each time, especially GN vs GN. The dinner was awesome, as the Cadillac Ranch is one beautiful special place! I did however think while the gurus were on stage, that I hope they stay in the sport for a long time! Those shoes would be very hard to fill! I hope to come again and maybe bring a car next time. (I've got a lot to learn between now and then) Luckily everyone I met was friendly and willing to answer my newbie questions. Love the board and couldn't be where I am without the info on here. Thanks for having the event. Kyle
This was my first time going to the event. We had a great time. I didn't get to visit Richards garage for long enough, but did get through there before the rain on Friday. I loved the action at the track. I was able to hang out with several other cool folks from Georgia and met some really nice people from the North as well. I know the tower is busy, but it was sometimes hard to tell who was racing each time, especially GN vs GN. The dinner was awesome, as the Cadillac Ranch is one beautiful special place! I did however think while the gurus were on stage, that I hope they stay in the sport for a long time! Those shoes would be very hard to fill! I hope to come again and maybe bring a car next time. (I've got a lot to learn between now and then) Luckily everyone I met was friendly and willing to answer my newbie questions. Love the board and couldn't be where I am without the info on here. Thanks for having the event. Kyle

The newbies are the future of this great family. This site is the place for documenting, discussing and searching out answers. If the torch is going to be handed to the next generation of enthusiasts, it will be here and NOT FB that keeps the cars running strong and this family passionate and knowledgeable on how to do it.

Mike Barnard
This website would be way better if I didn't have to sign back in every couple times I log out.
This website would be way better if I didn't have to sign back in every couple times I log out.

I never sign out. Just close it when you're done. That should keep you signed in.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This website would be way better if I didn't have to sign back in every couple times I log out.
It is your settings. We have a button to keep you logged in. If you clean all your history and cookies on each close of the browser it will log you out....
I like this site just fine. You guys have been very helpful with the few problems I've had with my T. If we have to pay for this, count me in! Oh, by the way Face Book is for Females! I used to peruse FB until I noticed that most of it is women talking about their days and "other things".
Hey Man,

Facebook may be a popular hang out. However, facebook can never replace the information and technical support that can be found via this site! So, while some may be visiting facebook, however, I can't ever imagine facebook fully replacing the forum.

I know that my concept may be to spend money to make money? However, in an effort to offset that then perhaps we could get some of our sponsors to consider sharing in the burden and or profits of some of this? So as to make this a more doable venture (with less risk and even greater reward to all)? Maybe have a percentage of profits for specific items go back to the forum. And to add incentive maybe these sponsors are gold or given better status / more notoriety? And the banners could direct forum members to get their turbo Buick forum "SWAG" via these very important supporting vendors?

The thing is that virtually every TB buddy I know has turbo "6" logo stuff (that you almost cannot find anymore). And I'm not talking about just t shirts I mean jackets, sweat shirts, coffee mugs, ice chests and even artic tumblers. So, I know that this stuff sells (and some of it is highly sought after at that)! And yet no one has it.

To start maybe it's mostly stickers, iron on patches (remember those) or coffee mugs, etc? Stuff that could be done up with cool sayings or the like? Need ideas for that? Then Google Turbo Buick memes and you will find virtually anything one can ever imagine.

I know that I for one would love to go and buy a bunch of cool swag that not only displays my love for turbo Buick's, but, one that supports my passion as well. And I would gladly do anything that I can do to support this forum! In that, I am eternally grateful for all of the help and support that I have received here!

Anyways I'm sure that someone can add to this? Or hopefully has an even better way to go about this?


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Another idea to help finance the board would be for vendors to have a round-up to the nearest dollar option when purchasing their products . I know Midway USA does this and donates the proceeds to the NRA .
I never sign out. Just close it when you're done. That should keep you signed in.

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I don't log out that's the problem. It does about once every week or two but none of the other forum websites ever do that
Shane I have been to both TB events and have enjoyed them. Talked to you both time. This is a business. Can't tell you what to do or hope for in the future. We are a dieing group. Need to remember people go to new things. I will support. Hope it all works out