I am taking my block and rods to a different machine shop tomorrow. I took the crank to a crank shop today and found out lots of interesting things. Just measuring with a micrometer showed my main and rod journals are tapered. 8 ten thousandths difference from center to edge on the mains and the rods were no better. He said this was not uncommon to find on not only K1 but Callies, Eagle, and anyone else's cranks that are made in China. He also said that this is a well known problem and that my engine builder and any engine builder should be aware of. This is disheartening to say the least. He is going to put the crank into the lathe to accurately check everything and let me know the outcome. So now I am going to be getting the rods and block measured up and possibly honed/re-sized to be correct, then giving the measurements to my crank guy so he can know what to grind the crank to to get the correct oil clearances. Then I can buy more bearings and get this thing put back together right the third time. Lesson here is that just because you buy a new crankshaft does not mean you can just drop it in and have everything work. I did not know this but my engine builder should have.