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THinking of Spraying Nitrous and Alchky together


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Jun 18, 2001
Im curious if anybody has done this i was thinking of running both I would run the Nitrous and Alchy togther directly after the intercooler to cool the charger air more and add stability from the alchy...... Im guessing no one has done this. i want to run nothing more than a 75 shot and the alchy should supply the exra fuel needed for the nitrous
Have you read up on the Pro-Pain (propane) injection system?

You might also consider it.

Yup.. a lot of the Viper guys are running propane and nitrous together.

Just spray the nitrous that is all you will need. Just make sure you have good octane. I think this would be to many things to do at once. Spray, alchy, and boost. A 75 shot will tremendously wake the car up. Also make sure you run a low timing chip.:cool:
well i plan on following anarchy's lead and running meth...since i have easy access to the stufff and i have seen how it reacts first hand i would rather run meth and nitrous combo.
Originally posted by JayC
Yup.. a lot of the Viper guys are running propane and nitrous together.

It really only makes sense once you study it.
The problem with nitrous has always been that it gets to the combustion chamber faster then fuel, since it's a gas. When you run it with another gas, they can both be expected to get to the cylinder at the same time, so no momentary lean out.

Of course further thought on this leads to even more evil ways to punish an enigne.......
ok so run the alcky ahead of the nitrous then should be the fix then so there would be a momentary rich condition then equal oout.
i think it would be a little unnerving to my mom to know my daily driver has a bottle of propane in the back of it...
Why? Its not much different than having 16 gallons of gas sitting under your rear end.
Originally posted by Sisaro
ok so run the alcky ahead of the nitrous then should be the fix then so there would be a momentary rich condition then equal oout.

More evil then that.

Reassure your Mom that the propane is far more secure/safe in its tank than the gasoline is in its tank.


well she really has no say on what i do with my car but i propane prices vs. Free meth and if i can get the alchy to atomize properly their shouldnt be a problem. Another thing how large are the storage bottles for propane.

The same size as what is commonly used on a home gas grill...

The propane is mega-cheap, & lasts a longggg time between refills, too!


Originally posted by Sisaro
i think it would be a little unnerving to my mom to know my daily driver has a bottle of propane in the back of it...

But the Nitrous is, OK?.

Carring an oxidizer (nitrous) with gasoline is somehow safer?.
yes im aware the N2o is ans oxidizer but since its not pure oxygen it has some lvl of stability to it and besides all it will do is allow a flame scource to burn hotter than normal with the ratio of pure oxygen vs nitrogen and what ever else is in the area.

I wanted to use the nitrous as an after cooler for the FMIC chilling the air dramatically more before mixing with the alcky and entering the intake. Thats what i was trying ti see if it was posssible. The nitrous power benefit is just a side effect of this therory.

Im trying to do this with keeping some lvl of steath i dont want the nitrous lines or bottle to be seen. And the alcky...well thats not to difficult to hide.:D

All this for more topend power.....
Sisaro, I had a few limited runs trying to mix the alchy and propane. What I found out was the alchy was needed in very small amounts. I will continue testing in the spring with smaller alchy nozzles, and may inject the alchy pre-intercooler, at a 50-50 mix. (alchy to water).

The advantage to this is having a little back-up in case one system fails IMO.

Your way may work fine, even if the nitrous gets there before the alchy because the alchy 'likes' hotter cylinder temps to work with anyway.

Sounds good! Let us know how things go...:)
You've Been A Trailblazer!


If you've got them handy, please link us up with any more pics from your propane install.


Happy Holidays!! :)
Sisaro, in my post I should have said that the "alchy is usable in small amounts." I did not wish to convey the meaning that the alchy is needed, tho it may,....-may-.... help the propane out a bit. I am not all that convinced that the addition of alchy, will assist boost increases all that much (without advancing timing to the 26-28* area, something I personally want to avoid) I want to see a good (not spark drowned) 25 psi, and 24* timing. Then propane is easily good to 23+ psi, so a tiny bit of water/alchy should be all that is needed to get the extra 25 horsies.

Two Lane..
Anyone that wishes to see the alchy set-up (and there isn't that much to see, other than the fact that I have gone with a smaller propane bottle) can E-Mail me, and I will end them pictures.

It would be nice if someone (like Two Lane) :) would volunteer to put them on a hosting service, as sending them will take a lot of time.

Hint Hint! ;)
I have run alky and NOS. Just get the car tuned right without the NOS, and then work it in. I started off rich and worked my way lean. Best time with 92 oct. Alky and NOS, is on my sig. Watch out though.......... it's addicting.:D