Ok, I misunderstood a few things before you go slamming me, again, this is not an area I have much knowledge in, just barely enough to know the terms. I thought the block was going to be zero decked, it is not. The CR would be in the 8.7 -9.1 range, doesnt need to be exact anyway on a turbo motor as a lower CR can be made up with boost, and 3 or 4 points is nothing to be concerned about unless it was NA. There is not going to be enough taken off the deck to warrant any special machining of the intake...which BTW I will be getting Champions heads and intake anyway so having Champion machine them a little to fit better isnt any big deal as they will be doing some custom machining to the heads already is my understanding. Once the heads arrive and the bottom end is together, then it will determine what head gasket thickness to use. May point out, the main caps will get a line bore whihc will also move the centerline slightly towards the top making the piston that much more slightly higher by a few thousandths.
Those pistons did not require any engineering design, or custom coding from the piston maker since these were essentially catalog order, you will be paying a much higher price for a real custom piston, yes they can make anything you want, but it will require their engineering signoff and custom machine coding, easily doubling or tripling the cost compared to an off the shelf piston.