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throttle body coolant bypass?


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Ken you crack me up!

Dude.. that is some funny stuff your laying down...

I figured a anyone that would build a twin turbo like you did would have some personality..

The factory put in the coolant lines knowing that someday a lot of people would be running ball bearing turbos that are water cooled making for an easy installation.:smile:
Don't forget to crush your fuel pressure regulator to more pressure...ha! (seriously...don't do it!)

Had this done to mine as a "dealer installed mod". I had mine in at the local Buick dealership one day, it may have been for one of the recall fixes (brake switch, original chip ??), but the head mechanic came up and said, "Let me up your fuel pressure a little bit. Make it run a little better." I said okay and he pulls out a socket and a hammer and whacks the regulator. It did seem a little stronger after that even if it was just in my head. :smile:

Dude.. that is some funny stuff your laying down...

I figured a anyone that would build a twin turbo like you did would have some personality..problems
Fixed. J/K, Fab ;)

I think we have hijacked this thread too much already. BUT....I remember the ATR news letter being a good source of info. (some of it bogus) but the KB catalog was entertaining. Jim was famous for exagger......err........embelishing his parts. I added up all the time savings in his catalog, and if you bought all of his performance parts, you could have given John Force a run for his money, ..........and probably WON! (But, only if you used his watercooled up pipe!!:rolleyes: ) Martyrs we were!:cool: I've been racing/building these things for 20+ years. Makes me feel real old when I say THAT!:mad:

I remember drooling over those KB catalogs too. I would add up the parts for different combos and see how much my et would drop. Between KB and Bowling Green Customs, I guess that as a kid living on a grocery store bagboy salary and not able to afford their stuff it actually saved me a bunch of money in the long run.
Old school, Bowling Green intake

Does anyone know about the bowling green intake, what is so special about it besides it's stamped BGC?

Not to get off the subject of THROTTLE BODY BYPASS SUBJECT OF INTEREST, but I did by the BGC intake, throttle body(70mm),plenum kit for a good deal and just had to have it! If you know what I mean.