Fred 86 GN
Just put in a Reds 100 chip today and took the car for a test drive with DS hooked up. This chip has 27 degrees of base timing! Car ran very strong. Not sure I have quite enough octane in the tank though, since I was picking up a couple degrees of KR at 780mV O2. The GN is noticeably stronger than with the old 23 degree chip.
Here is the question -- is one degree of timing roughly equal to one psi of boost? Or two degrees of timing = one psi of boost?
Also, can chips be effectively "rated" by specifying the boost level to run them at? This 100 chip has the same timing as the 108 chip...just supposed to run less boost. Seems like a bunch of timing for 100 octane.
Here is the question -- is one degree of timing roughly equal to one psi of boost? Or two degrees of timing = one psi of boost?
Also, can chips be effectively "rated" by specifying the boost level to run them at? This 100 chip has the same timing as the 108 chip...just supposed to run less boost. Seems like a bunch of timing for 100 octane.