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T6P.Com/ Administrator/Webmaster
Staff member
May 27, 2001
For those of you that dont know, Ive been dealing with a shoulder issue for the last several months that has greatly reduced my online time due to pain of working a keyboard/mouse. My fulltime job is in IT support so I spend 8+ hours a day at a keyboard and when I get home, Im usually too worn out to get back online and continue to do maintenance, etc here. Ive tried to stay on top of things best I can but like I said, at the end of the day, I just dont have the pain tolerance or energy to do much.

I built two PCs for Shane early last week right before my surgery and it took me 3 days to do what I could have done in 6 hours with 2 good arms. It literally took me 2 hours to put each motherboard in because I couldnt screw in but 2 or 3 of the mounts at a time without having to take a break.

I had shoulder surgery last Wednesday and am rehabbing my shoulder. Hopefully in a couple of weeks Ill be back to normal. If you messaged me and didnt get a reply, thats why. I plan to get caught up as soon as Im not basically one handed any more.

Just wanted to give you guys an update so you didnt think I fell off the face of the planet.
Get well soon brother. Now get off the 'puter! ;)

Unfortunately I used all my sick time and had to come back to work. I really could have used a few more days off. My right arm is about 40% right now.. which I guess is better than the 5% it was when I came home from surgery.
sounds like you need an apprentice! good luck!

Something like that.

If things dont change with Xenforo in the very near future, Im going to look at moving to yet another forum software package. As much as I love this package, the developers are tied up in litigation with vBulletin and that has stopped any new releases from coming. This was the hot ticket when it was released and had it been done by anyone other than the two guys who did it, it would have been but you gotta love lawsuits.

Feb is my cut off point. If Xenforo hasnt given any kind of update, we're going to move on.
Hope you are better bro!

Thanks for building two bad ass computers!
Take it easy...we will tighten up some here for you....
Take it easy...we will tighten up some here for you....

Thanks.. I wouldnt wish this on anyone. Its been a craptastic week since surgery. Im still not getting any sleep.
What were your symptoms? Got something going on with my shoulder about the past 3-4 months. Best way to describe is severe pain when reaching to adjust the radio in my truck. At least my Sciatica and back issues have cleared up for now.:) Hope you feel better soon.
What were your symptoms? Got something going on with my shoulder about the past 3-4 months. Best way to describe is severe pain when reaching to adjust the radio in my truck. At least my Sciatica and back issues have cleared up for now.:) Hope you feel better soon.

Before the surgery, I couldnt lift my arm past my chest. It felt like someone was stabbing me in the shoulder with a knife all the time. There was never any relief. This has been going on for months but early in the summer it started getting worse. My shoulder popped when I moved my arm around. I was told this was from the bicep tendon snagging on one of the bones in there. Also there towards the end I started having pain all the way down my bicep. It stopped at my elbow usually but sometimes it extended down into my fingers but that was rare. Thats what I had going on when I was building Shane's PCs and moving your elbow away from your body, like to use a screwdriver was agony.

I was off the bike all year because of this. I tried to ride in April when the season started and went on one ride and havent pulled my road bikes out since. The pain in my shoulder was just too great. I did take my mountain bike out a few times because its more upright but even that was painful. I spent half the time on the thing trying to shake the pain out of my arm.

I kept boxes of those instant ice packs here at my desk and Id go through 2-3 boxes of them a day sitting here. Ive got one on my shoulder right now.

What they found when they were in there was a lot of bone spurs, bursitis, a frayed labrum and a worn bicep muscle. The surgeon told me that I had a bone spur wearing away at the bicep muscle and if I had waited much longer before the surgery, it would have probably worn a hole all the way through the muscle.

He smoothed out all the bones in my shoulder, removed the spurs, etc. He flushed out all the bursitis and cleaned up the fraying at the labrum. He also opened up the channel in your shoulder that your bicep muscle passes through by cutting away some of the bone.

Incredibly crappy recovery.. sleeping is almost impossible. People suggested a recliner but I dont have one. I tried to sleep in bed with pillows behind me to keep me propped up. I probably havent slept 25 hours since Oct 31st. About 2-3 hours a night is as good as I do. Most nights its none. Cant get comfortable and the pain is relentless. Whole right side of my body in the shoulder area is a giant bruise running halfway down my arm as well.

I could have probably avoided this if I had seen someone about it sooner as physical therapy is an option early on if you dont have a torn labrum or rotator cuff damage. I'd encourage you to go see someone and get a second opinion if you arent comfortable with the first one. Thats what delayed my surgery, I just wasnt comfortable with the first surgeon I went to. Didnt help last week I got a letter that they injected me with some of that stuff from the meningitis pharmacy compounding place.
Had the same surgery 8 years ago... It takes time, re-hab. A reclined is a big plus, I also had a cooler pump that circulated ice water around my shoulder. Took 7 months before I said, hey, my shoulder doesn't hurt anymore!!! Then I banged it up playing hockey again!! Ugh!!!! Phil.
Had the same surgery 8 years ago... It takes time, re-hab. A reclined is a big plus, I also had a cooler pump that circulated ice water around my shoulder. Took 7 months before I said, hey, my shoulder doesn't hurt anymore!!! Then I banged it up playing hockey again!! Ugh!!!! Phil.

Ive got the cooler as well. That thing is a neccesity.

I just came from PT. They think about 3 months to 100%. I have full range of motion now, I just cant get it there. If I relax my arm and all the muscles and let them do the work, everything goes to where it should.

Bruising is worse today by far than it has been. Even the girl at PT was like "Wow, thats a lot of bruising."
i hope you feel better Jay. i hurt my back 2 years ago and its still not right so i know being in pain sucks!!!!! i wasnt even close to right for over a year. i went to the chiropractor and i'm somewhat better now but i dont go often enough so my pain comes and goes.

everything seems to work fairly smooth from this side on the computer so i appreciate whatever it is that you do behind the scenes over there. take it easy and get well !!!
i hope you feel better Jay. i hurt my back 2 years ago and its still not right so i know being in pain sucks!!!!! i wasnt even close to right for over a year. i went to the chiropractor and i'm somewhat better now but i dont go often enough so my pain comes and goes.

everything seems to work fairly smooth from this side on the computer so i appreciate whatever it is that you do behind the scenes over there. take it easy and get well !!!

There's a lot of backend work I need to do that I havent been able to do like getting the ads sorted. Thats a huge undertaking and if I dont do it right, its probably going to break things. I was waiting for a bug free version of the ad rotation software to be released and by the time our particular issue was addressed, I was pretty much on the shelf by then. Thats at the top of my list.

Another crappy night last night.. 0 sleep even with pain meds and I have some pretty heavy duty stuff. My arm is purple and Im in a lot of pain. Lack of sleep is really starting to pile up on me.
Get better soon Jay,

Who is Shane?

I was going to suggest that software that types what you say....
But customer service here would really take a hit. Thank god they don't have any that types what we think.
Get well.
Take care and get well.If your not healthy your not wealthy;)
