toyota truck TV commercial with GN in it

Originally posted by vicious6
Come on guys, I want to see this joke!!! :mad:

Maybe this thread will be like the GN burnout video thread. I waited eight months before someone drug it back from the dead and posted the video.
The other board posted a link to the ebay auction of the GN clone used in the commercial. I can see why it only bidded and sold for about $1500.00!:eek: You'll have to read the narrative about what the seller says about the V8 having more performance options than the V6 turbo.
Originally posted by Evans Ward
The other board posted a link to the ebay auction of the GN clone used in the commercial. I can see why it only bidded and sold for about $1500.00!:eek: You'll have to read the narrative about what the seller says about the V8 having more performance options than the V6 turbo.

I remember that auction, that car was ROUGH to say the least. The passenger door didnt even line up properly with the car. They really did just slap together a Regal to make it look like a GN on the outside.
The clone got wrecked in the video.

Rick Percy had the GNX that was in that video. It is a real one.

I still have not seen that video.

His car did not get wrecked.