If the car when it hits 2nd under some throttle, hits hard/chirps the tires, the band is good. If the car when it goes into second rolls into the gear,slips, is very mushy..then the band is about to go.
Your thump could be normal.. the shifts are suppossed to be crisp, firm, fast. The more throttle the harder they hit. If the tranny performs as I describe..its ok.
The 2004r tranny clunks when put into gear.. sounds like bad universal joints. This is normal. Actually the TTA is less severe than the GN due to valve body changes in it. TTA valve body is TTA specific.
Lastly.. careful who puts theyre grubby hands on it.. you dont know the horror stories that abound on tranny shops as to the F'up the 2004r transmissions in our cars.. Its not a regular Monte Carlo transmission.. Actually pieces inside your tranny, are TTA specific.. yeah yeah..I can rebuild that..done plenty..lemme ... careful..
Hope this helps..
Only like 3-4 tranny shops in Forida that wont F'up the 2004r... out of a couple thousand shops.. dunno why.. its worse than body shops..lack of knowledge..people ship their transmissions to PTS in California to have them built.. wonder why??.. cuase theyre local tranny guys messed it up.
Biggest mistake made is valve body modifications.. that does 90 percent of the shops in..They think they know..until they drop the ball.