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TSA race results?


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Thanks to Richard Clark for his generosity and determination to keep TSA going. All of the cars were running strong, 3 cars above 120s the others were approximately 115-118 and improving every pass. I have pics showing Clay, Red and myself pulling the front wheel on our launches, track was hooking and the cool air was perfect so several great runs were made. Congrats to Red, John, Kip and Clay all are excellent competitors. I have to wonder what the future may hold for TSA now that the high tens became reality?

Hey Bill how about posting the pics of the cars pulling the front wheel? 2012 GS Nationals 029.JPG2012 GS Nationals 030.JPG
Your shot of Red there looks to have been taken at the same millisecond as mine but from the other side of the track. :cool:


Great videos Bill !
It would be nice to see copies of Bill's, Red's, & John's 10 second time slips posted here for all to view !
These cars are awesome! I know of another car being built now;) and I'm sure it will be in the hunt as well.Richard thank you for support and awesome payouts. You are a class act!!