Not to make a revolutionary statement, why doesn't someone start a thread concerning the TSM division and run with it.
>>With the time that you guys are putting in on this thread, You could have got it back, What are you guys afraid of Travis "Holding the rights" to it on his board???
If the information is retrievable,
>>> Thats just Great.... IF. How does a whole forum get deleted??? Then it's like No big deal to you guys.. Again, If it was the tranny section that got deleted, Lookout, heads would be rolling....
There has been things transpire behind the scenes which we had nothing to do with. Connect the dots and come to your own conclusions as far as that goes.
>>> WHY NOT TELL US??? You guys (Bruce) are saying it's not a conspiracy then what is it?? Why not tell us & there will be no speculation.......
This board does not have the complete facts, and they don't really have anything to do with our day to day function, other than it is causing some uproar within the membership here. The administration will do everything within their power to correct this situation, but we are dealing with things not within our power to resolve other than trying to retrieve a deleted section
>>> Then you should have someone (Jesse) handle's been gone for how long?? then you'll tell us the they (Corbett) couldn't retrieve the files cause they were gone too long.......
Like the old serenity prayer, "God grant me the strength to change those things I can, the serenity to accept those things I can't, and the wisdom to know the difference between the two." Guy's, it is beyond us to change this, so adopt some serenity and accept it. If it can be corrected within house, it will be, if not, then let's rebuild it.
>>>> F that. Come on guys thats just BS. Lets hear that it was accidently deleted, I hit the wrong key