TTA vs. GN transmission oil dipstick and tube ... big differences or not?

Jan Larsson

Active Member
Nov 22, 2001
As per the title ... if someone got one of each and could compare would be great ... not sure if lenght, bends, bracket position is totaly different or if they are very similar (or not) for the dipstick tube ...

Also is there's a major difference (lenght, markings, the "twist", handle) when comparing the dipsticks to each other?
different. I forget exactly. If I am down it the parts dept Ill try an find em. :cool:
Tube is same. Diptick is different.

Unless Dan "shows me" o_O
Julio that would be great if the tube is the same .... anyone got the original GM part number for it as it's not listed in my books for some reason ...

Dan when in the parts department next any chance you could check both the tube and the dipstick and compare and snap some photos?
Hey Jan
The tubes I have for t/a were differant bought these new same bends only differance was bracket for bellhousing bolt made alot better.Will dig one out and take picture.
Hey Jan
The tubes I have for t/a were differant bought these new same bends only differance was bracket for bellhousing bolt made alot better.Will dig one out and take picture.

Doc, if you could that would be great ... and if you got a TTA version to sell me that would be even better :)
Jan, when I dropped the trans from my TTA the tube got fubared, I compared it with a spare from my GN motors that I have laying around. The bends are similar but in different places. After fighting and cursing the GN tube for about 2 hours I straightened the TTA tube as much as possible and reused it. They are different, not saying it won't work, but I couldn't do it.
Good luck!
Jan, when I dropped the trans from my TTA the tube got fubared, I compared it with a spare from my GN motors that I have laying around. The bends are similar but in different places. After fighting and cursing the GN tube for about 2 hours I straightened the TTA tube as much as possible and reused it. They are different, not saying it won't work, but I couldn't do it.
Good luck!

Brilliant that is good to know, thanks for sharing this info and sorry you messed up your TTA tube :-(