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tunning Razors kit


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Jul 4, 2004
Finally got my Alky installed on my T.

Having a hard time getting the sweet spot.

Once I get it to where it is running good on the high end and not sputtering from too much alky, I then have some knock on the ramp up.

Red light coming on at 8 pounds and then goes red at 16 pounds. Running approx 21lbs boost, 90 octane.

What adjustments should I make? Julio?

Stock motor with TE44, stock IC, 3" dp, 50lb inj.


You make fuel adjustments using the chip and fuel pressure. You make knock adjustments using the alcohol.

If it sputters it means too much fuel :D

The alky knob is not a fuel knob. Yes it does enrich, but if your rich.. add boost.

Typically on a Buick set the gain on 6.. put some boost to it.. everything works out. Boost as in 23-24 PSI and O2's in the 780-800 range at 90-100 MPH

Sputter means too rich. So drop fueling. More than likely fp has to come down a few lbs.

Ok ill check my FP.

not sure I follow you all the way? I can go along at full throttle with my hand on the gain dial and slowly turn it down till and sputtering goes away, turn the dial to the right, sputtering comes back.

Im sure Im not understanding the dynamics correctly.


Nope, no SM. Just watching my Knock gage for now, have been meaning to hook up my turbo link and see what is going on.

I have hooked up quite a few alky kits and never had to adjust much at all, just lucked out I guess.

this car runs just fine on 100 octane.

Ill play with it a bit.


if I were you id leave the car alone until you get some kind of scan tool on that thing. your playing with fire without one in my opinion
Nope, no SM. Just watching my Knock gage for now, have been meaning to hook up my turbo link and see what is going on.

I have hooked up quite a few alky kits and never had to adjust much at all, just lucked out I guess.

this car runs just fine on 100 octane.

Ill play with it a bit.



When you run 100 by itself your not introducing "more fuel" through the injection kit.

I'll give you this example and it should hopefully illustrate what we're trying to get at.

If you take a race chip made for 25 PSI boost it opens the injectors 90% to support enough fuel for 25 PSI boost.

If you take a street chip made for 16 PSI boost it opens the injectors 70% to support enough fuel for 16 PSI boost.

Now.. get this.. If you take an alky chip for 25 PSI boost, it opens the injectors 70% becuase it counts the alcohol injection system to make up the other 20%.

So when you run 100 octane fuel on a chip designed for 16 PSI fuel at 20 PSI.. the fuel pressure has to be cranked up to make up the extra 4 psi. Now you run alcohol at 20 PSI.. same car.. your flooding it by 20%.. actually more as a street/alcohol chip is designed for 25 PSI.

So your fix is to throttle the alcohol reducing it to fix your fueling issue.

this is why I wrote above..
"You make fuel adjustments using the chip and fuel pressure. You make knock adjustments using the alcohol.

If it sputters it means too much fuel

The alky knob is not a fuel knob. Yes it does enrich, but if your rich.. add boost."

Crank down fueling out of the injectors by chip re-programming or drop fuel pressure. Easy.
Almost forgot.. PLEASE get a scantool on the car during these tests. :D

Ok now Im getting what your saying.

As for the chip, I just has a Einstein moment:eek: and realized
that I do not have the car on alky setting! :confused::confused:
Duhhhhhh. Maybe this will help:eek:

I have a thumbwheel chip that Eric Marshal wrote for me with a alky setting and 100 octane setting as well. I just looked and it is on the 100 octane setting. Raining out so cant check it.

Pulling my scanmaster out of my other car and intstalling to monitor.

Ill keep ya posted.


Ok set the thumbwheel on the proper setting, still blubbering away.

Dropped the fuel pressure down a couple pounds, bingo, smooth as silk.

Dont you just hate it when your right Julio?

Ok set the thumbwheel on the proper setting, still blubbering away.

Dropped the fuel pressure down a couple pounds, bingo, smooth as silk.

Dont you just hate it when your right Julio?


Glad your getting it sorted out.

Add a little boost... add a little timing.. keep working on it ;)

you know i am only at about #3 on the knob? seems low from my other cars.

Barley cracking it open, any more and she blubers away....

about 770 on the MLV @ 22lbs, got a scan master installed today. Leaning her out and seeing what happens....

sorting it out...

I do not mean to complicate things for you. If you're only using 90 octane fuel and 3 on the alky controller with 22psi are you sure its not picking up knock retard?
I still say it has too much fuel and needs less injector or fuel pressure and a higher alky knob setting. Tune it so the alky knob is on 6 and it pulls clean.

You can crank up the boost and that leans it out as well.

Ok I am up at 25 pounds now, running good. MLV on 02's at 760ish at Top 3rd.
Gain knob still at 3, got to 4 and she blubbers.

So are you saying to drop my FP and then crank up the knob?


Ok I am up at 25 pounds now, running good. MLV on 02's at 760ish at Top 3rd.
Gain knob still at 3, got to 4 and she blubbers.

So are you saying to drop my FP and then crank up the knob?


Thinking.. if the car runs no knock, 760's.. and doesnt seem to have an issue.. leave it alone.

Maybe the Initial knob inside the controller can be turned down a little.. like if its at 12 go CCW to 11:30.. small adjustment and then run a higher gain number like 6.

With O2's at 760's I dont want you pulling any fuel. Especially since your not seeing any knock.

Sounds like the alcohol system is a tad aggressive thats why the knob is on 3, the only thing to tame it down is turning down the Initial.

car doesnt have a voltbooster correct.. if so that may be making the kit more aggressive. If not direguard this blurb.

At what PSI is the LED changing from Red to Green?

First post you said 16 PSI.. still true? With the knob on 3? If so leave the Initial alone.
Yes approx 16psi

You know we have some pretty good air up here, no humidity to speak of an about 40-50 degrees out. Maybe this is why I use less alky then down in the warm country?
