OK- so went out there and tinkered some more
- Redid every vac line I could find (kit from GBodyParts arrived a few days so good to knock that out). Replaced both check valves too. Wastegate solenoid, compressor and actuator lines already replaced.
- Verified that the grey Y- fitting off the wastegate solenoid was correct. The straight leg has the orifice plate and goes to the compressor, Y-leg to the wastegate actuator.
- Also sprayed carb cleaner around plenum vac block, throttle body and shaft seal area-- no rpm surges. Used some tubing as a stethoscope but didn't hear any telltales.
- Actuator arm has ample tension. When disconnected from the puck arm, the puck freely/ easily swings back and forth. Also the rod and puck arm about an .125 to .25 apart (guess this is the preload). Reinstalled arm to rod and put the clip back on.
- I took the hose off the wastegate solenoid and plugged the hose end (right near the elbow). Went for a drive and it was topping out at 8psi.
Next, should I remove the hose from the wastegate actuator completely and do a careful test drive (just until I see more than 12psi...)? Should I plug the open end once temporarily disconnected? Actuator unconnected should allow it to overboost, correct?