Ok, I'll bite.
So, you've got a 234ci +/- , roller cam, ported irons setup in a full weight car, wanting mid 10's on the foot brake with drag radials.
And the converter is a 9.5" 3500?
Ok, the 6776 will get you there, but you will have to push it pretty good, meaning 25-28psi range, 25-26* timing on alky and or race gas, with 60fts in the 1.5x range. So, suspension work would be mandatory if wanting to do this on the foot brake with drag radials. Also, is this turbo a journal bearing or dbb? Makes a big difference on spool up with your combo and getting the desired 60ft times. That is what I would expect with the 6776 S cover turbo and that combo. Two more questions about this turbo, does it have a .63 A/R housing or a .85 A/R? And are you running an internal wastegate setup, or external wastegate?
With regards to the 70GTQ, assuming it's a journal bearing with a .85 A/R housing, you will need more stall on the converter, to be able to foot brake it hard enough to get the 60ft times required. But, you won't have to push this turbo hard enough to run mid 10's. Boost somewhere in the 21-24psi range would typically be required. It's proven that the 70GTQ can run alot quicker and faster with this combo when it's pushed to the max. Depending on whose converter it is, if it's not a PTC, you might be looking at 3600-3800 on the stall recommendation. Unless you talk to Dusty about a new PTC 9.5" non l/u, then his stall recommendations would be totally different.
If it were my car, I'd opt for the more street friendly of the two, which in my opinion, would be the 6776.
Let us know more.