Sean won the Super Turbo heads-up class with his Lumina. Running in the 8 second range.
Nice white turbo mustang runner-up, very very quick for a nearly stock looking car - sorry I missed his name. Great to have him running with us!
Gene's still tuning the new rig. Ran 9's and won fastest Buick around 148MPH.
Dan from GN Northwest won the "slow" Turbo Pro class. This was his first time EVER drag racing and the jerk goes and wins it all. That's it! Now he's hooked on drag racing forever and will probably never win again.:biggrin:
Rob, the Crazy Cunuck, was runner up. Now he finally knows my pain LOL.
There were about 10 cars running Turbo Pro and 3 or 4 I believe in Super Turbo. Nice turn out by the Canadians - heck of a commute for them. Great seeing a lot of familiar faces many years later. Friday weather was decent, just warm, but of course stupid HOT on Saturday. Air density was 2800-3000ft equivalent YIKES.
Very little breakage this year which was nice. Gene has something with the diff to work on and looks like Dennis gets to redo another headgasket. I was fighting boost control the whole time but was very happy to survive without and serious issues again - drove it 4 hours back to Seattle after beating on it at the track. Gotta love these cars!!
A big thanks to Sean and Shannon for hosting and making all the arrangements for this year's event. It's great to have Sean involved in the Grand National scene and making a big splash with parnering with Gene and Dan with launching GN Northwest. Thanks for their sponsoring the event as well guys. Really appreciate the extra time and money it takes for all of us to enjoy a great time together once a year.
I sure enjoyed myself again this year and look forward to next year.
Hope to see some other car events happening at GN Northwest as well.