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Turbo Thunder payouts (More than GS nationals)


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9sec 17MPG Street Car
Staff member
Sep 24, 2001
Ive heard we will have better payout that the GS nationals :rolleyes:
Thats Good for us! and the West coast guys are all class! Sounds like there will be some heavy hitters this year too. :)
Plus the West Coast event is in chaos too. They're still trying to figure out where to have it.

I wonder if you post the anticipated purse money in the events section of this bulletin board if we would get a surprisingly stronger turn-out.

I expect if things get big this year at Bremerton, at next year's Turbo Thunder we should be able to have prime billing at Bremerton and control half of the track area :eek:
geno said:
Our little event will payout every dime to the racers :)
Were thinking $500 to each winner in all 3 classes and payout the rest of the money to everybody that makes it past the first round :) Us Buick guys never make it past the first round LOL :o (At least i dont)

What about $ bonus for low et or top speed? :)

Just a thought...
The way thing are looking for sponsorship we might have to do that :biggrin:
The quickest et of any of the cars gets a plaque along with quickest Buick stock block but we might have to give some $ also.When the final sponsorship check comes in we will decide how the money gets paid out :)
Dave you are one of the founding members and you have more say as i do :cool: :tongue: