Turbo twins and the history channel with the GN's

Race Jace

Research, New Tech and Development
Staff member
Jun 19, 2001
I e-mailed these guys complimenting them on the show and offering a little insight from our point of view.

attached is their reply. some of you that criticized the so harshly might have a different attitude after reading their reply. They seem pretty cool to me.

My e-mail,

> Just wanted to thank you for doing a good job on that show. The Buick community was a little disappointed at the performance of these vehicles and that is the reason for the criticizm I'm sure you have received. It was nicely done and love the history part. and the interviews. I know it is hard to know all of the quirks of each model of car. I am impressed by your knowledge especially for your age. If you ever have any questions or problems with buicks in the future please feel free to contact me for advise as I know these cars inside and out and don't mind helping if i can.
> thanks again.
> RJC Racing
> Race Jace
> Jason Cramer

their reply,

Well thank you first off for the kind words...we try to do as much as we can in the time we have and since this is a first season, the TV people have less of a clue about automotive deadlines than even racers do....we had to beat the Historychannel people up to do the GN's because my brother and myself LOVE those cars, they killed at the streetraces when we were young.......I was a little disappointed with the cars perf but we only ran
them at 15 psi to make sure that we could get 3 good passes out of them, then blam...the friggin relay takes a s**t and we have to figure it out...since the show is a gameshow they have real rules about times and deadlines...we are given 15mins between rounds and that is it no BS.....if we played with the time between rounds and the other team lost because of it...lawsuit city.......we most likely had a few bad sensors also, I was kicking myself for not spending any time going over them before race day but
we were stuck filming and our friend Kenny D is way to busy to help look at the cars for us.....I wish I knew you 2 months ago, LOL......any way thank you for the kind words...at least let the Buick community know how hard we pushed for the GN show to happen, imagine some suits in a building trying to be convinced that a 1986 Buick was the way to go for a car history show?.about hotrods!!!!...it was not easy but we did get some Buick shine out there, and made some boost on the show!!.......again thanks, have a
great holiday season and keep watching, you will love the LA PD vs. NY PD coming up soon 68 Plymouth fury 3's 4 doors road racing...hahaha great
Eric Kozeluh..
Good email

Jason, I totally agree with you. From the very beginning, I've said that the critics (here and elsewhere) were WAY over the top in the criticism of a TV SHOW that is obviously meant to be entertainment, first and foremost.

Thanks for sharing the reply. I think they are good guys with performance at heart who are trying to get something new off the ground.

They just need some patience but they also deserve support.

Thanks again.
jason--that was really cool that you wrote them and they wrote you back! it was good to see the buicks on tv. nomatter how it turned out. and the shots of the westcoast nats. and all the history. i would have loved to help those guys.
I hated to se th critisizm from the board about this show.
If we all take a giant step back to each of our beginings, None of us knew enough about these cars to do much better.
I thought the show was cool, and it was great to see some of the old videos they dug up.
We should get them to do a rematch and drag an 87 into the Mix:D
Jason made a professional point of view and I'm sure thats why he got a great response. I can only emagine the hate mail the twins have recieved after reading a few threads. What bothered me about all the slamming was all the talk about no fuel pump or chip, Which they did install but didn't mention much about it. Most off the guys thought they didn't do these mods.
hlhammrt ,
totally feel you on the step back, i spent all this money on my car intercooler and a bigger turbo ( ta 33 ) down pipe and exguast , and i never picked up as much as i thought (15.7 to 14 .9) then i just read on this board , bought t- link and in one day at the track with t-link and still very limited knowledge i picked up .7 tenths 14.2 and there was so much more in the car just needed and still do know how to tune ,wish i would have done this before spending al that money.