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TurboTGuy vs GTR


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That is awesome.
It was no "squeak by" win either.
That GTR looked like it missed a few gears.

Nothing wrong with a GTR by any stretch of the imagination - but seeing it get so thoroughly disposed of by a simple ole, 25 year old Buick Regal is just too much fun.

You sure Capt'n America guy driving the GTR knew he was supposed to be racing? :D

Surprised you didn't get the ole "Yeah but race me in a slalom course - then we'll see"
GTR's can't "miss gears". The loose nut behind the wheel can only delay or short shift with the DRG. Delay is improbable as the GTR's transmission ecu would take over at optimimum shift point. Unless out of dynamic traction control, in which it would then shift a little after red line.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Awesome kills! I wish I was able to make it out that day. I decided to spend the day working on my GN instead. There have been some really cool GTR owners, and there have been some that are convinced that the GTR is the greatest car on earth. Those are the guys that are fun to beat up on. I'm excited about the track reopening, however I'll never hook with my setup so I may only make a pass or 2 each year. My time below was launching off idle.
Congrat on the kill. I'll need to find a local source for your 110 octane blinker fuid. LOL
Really? Considering what you have a link to are RACE CARS & my car is only a STREET CAR. No, I probably don't want to run them. So, what's your point?? Not trying to be as smart ass but, the cars in the video I was watching were street cars. I wasn't looking @ race cars, nor did I say I wanted to run them. Peace

I'm not sure what went sideways here.......

I'm pretty certain Lou was just poking a little fun at me, considering he is a good friend of mine and is also the man that built the street Buick you see in those videos............:wacky:
I'm not sure what went sideways here.......

I'm pretty certain Lou was just poking a little fun at me, considering he is a good friend of mine and is also the man that built the street Buick you see in those videos............:wacky:
I guess that's on me then......oooops! His reply came to my email, I though he was replying to my comment about your car out running the gtr. Like I said to him , I wasn't trying to be a smart ass or start anything with anyone. Thanks for letting me know about this. I will hit him back & clear this up. Peace