Twin Turbo Regal?

well most of you are all wrong the only tr that had more then 1 turbo was GNX #666 it was a 6 cylinder 6 speed 6 turbo and was red :D
A few months ago, some kid the in the drive thru at Carls Jr. was educating me on the twin turbo buicks. I told him no car existed and he said he was 100% positive they did. I said no, and then he used that condesending toned...."well....I dunnnooo, you should look into that." I asked him if their wopper came with mayo and he wasnt sure so he went off to ask. I left laughing my ass off. he works at Carls, not Burger king. Such types are the car experts, just like your buddy who will be reading this thread. Give him my regards, lol.
There must be something actually to this, i thought the guy was just kidding & backing out, but a guy in the next town over from me races almost every body, got a nice car (cutlass)that runs decent but he will not race my car because he honestly thinks i have 2 turbos on my car (low 12s) but he'll jump on my brothers 87 turbo t in a heartbeat (mid 11s) because he think he only has one turbo & think he has a chance :cool: as if he has a chance--with either.
No theres nothing to it, but a stupid urban legend that people are too stupid/too lazy to research. Next thing we'll hear is that GM is going to make a 2008 GN thats nook-ular powered.
A good buick buddy of mine has a poster of a Riviera with twins and water injection. One of only a handfull made I guess. May not be a GN or T but it is a twin turbo buick.
Second turbo on the drivers side that is stupid. I ordered mine with two inline turbos that makes twice the boost.
WELL whith all this talk going on i went out and put my third turbo on to see what it would run at the drag strip, well the tech guy told me that i couldnt run my car on the track because i had to much horse power and that the track was only certified for 6000 to 8000 horsepower only oh well back to the streets :rolleyes:
alvin87gn said:
"Hypotestical Dickriviter valve " thats great, does full throttle speed carry those yet?

Oh man, the secret is out. but it is spelled Dickdiverter. They will be out soon. Beta testing is going on now but so far everyone that asked "hey is that a monte carlo" and "does that have twin turbos" has been repeled from the car :)

All of you have really done your homework. But don't forget the twin turbo program was "squashed" by Ralph Nader. Deemed a danger because they could catch fire/explode upon impact in the rear. That always seemed unlikely to me, with twins, wouldn't think anyone could get close enough to hit you. :confused: :confused:
Mine had a very small set of twins on it from the factory. I reciently had a big set installed and now she gets all the looks!

oh..... your talling about GNs, my bad.