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Two Detroit Police Officers Shot & Killed


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Bring that waste of space bastard to Texas and we'll fry him ofr the crime. That was three white officers killed by two different black men,,,where's the NAACP now,,,if those officers would have killed those two men they would have been screaming racism and everything else. :mad:
Sorry to here that Dean. Did you know either one?

For the life of me, why do they have to take people like this into custody? The only place he should have been going to was the morgue. :mad:
Re: Sad but this guy will walk

good lord that man needs to be burned at the steak, after me and everyother fire fighter and cop in the world beats him with the nozzel on the fire hose.

that really sucks about the two officers in mich. both these guys should rot in jail for the rest of there lives, i think they would be good friends.
Here, ya go, put faces to the names. These were two young kids, a 26 year old female officer with a fiance and a 21 year old male officer with a wife and a daughter. What a damn waste. I can't think of a punishment evil enough for this POS.

Officer Down

If nothing else, let their deaths be a reminder to us to never let our guard down.
Well I too have gotten the bad news. A friend of mine I have known since 1991, a deputy sheriff, former US Marshall, and a hell of a guy was killed in the line of duty right outside my jusrisdiction last thurs. Long story short, Mark rolled up on a suspicious vehicle occupied be 3 teen agers YES TEENAGERS, and the Grant suspect furnished a 12 Gauge shotgun and shot Mark in the face as he exited his vehicle. All suspects are in custody, and the mourning continues. It hurts, for the non-leos out there when any cop gets killed or dies it is family and it hurts. As we buried Mark yesterday it is a grim reminder to all that live and all that enforce the laws that there is this kind of element in our society. This makes my 7th LEO Funeral in 10 years for those killed in the line of duty that I personally know. My heart goes out to the brave souls in Detroit and all others that are truly victims of the hatred, fear, and cowardness that is shown towards law enforcement.

That senseless coward gets to spend a long time thinking about what he did at our expense whereas the family, the profession must suffer..

Originally posted by TTA 1387
Sorry to here that Dean. Did you know either one?

For the life of me, why do they have to take people like this into custody? The only place he should have been going to was the morgue. :mad:
I didn't know either of them. I'm hoping I'll be on duty the day of their funerals so I can make the procession and service in my patrol car... :(

It's unfortunate this state doesn't have the death penalty. It's also unfortunate the feds don't pick up these charges since murder is punishable by death under federal law....
I am kind of new to the forum here and didn't know there are several officers here. I am an Akron officer and agree with everything said above. As the other officers here can probably say, I have alot of stories I could tell. Just recently we had an off-duty officer working a "Metro Housing Authority" job get run over by a stolen SUV that contained 5 juveniles between the age of 14 and 17. The officer got off a shot before he was struck and drug. He sustained a broken hip, broken leg and tore everything in his knee. Probably a career ending injury! All five kids were caught and the parents are filing formal complaints of police brutality. You know these complaints are BS and the punks got what they deserved (lucky they didn't get worse), but the city states we take all complaints. I myself just came back from a knee surgery sustained when a drug suspect resisted arrest. I was out for six months, lost substantial income.....and the suspect, after pleading to all charges, got one year added to the probation he was already on. Then 3 years ago, I am involved in a shooting. Guy bailed from a stolen car and shot at another officer then me. He stated that he knew we were police and was trying to kill us. He did get 16 years, but what was he doing out in the first place having a violent criminal past. Sorry for the long read, but I just get PO'ed when criminals get a "slap on the wrist" so to say for serious crimes. As said earlier, if we as officers did these or lesser crimes, we are often hung out to dry. Alot of times it does not seem worth it to do this job. But you have to think of the people that do the right thing and respect the job, those are who you are protecting. To all those here in "blue", be safe and remember whats important----coming home at the end of shift!!! Thoughts and prayers to all those mentioned here!
Originally posted by GNvsTA
To all those here in "blue", be safe and remember whats important----coming home at the end of shift!!!

Damn straight...and do whatever the hell it takes to get there.
Weird , but sometimes I could just swear that there is biased down playing of these type incidents on the AP wire/big networks when the purps are minorities.
They need to make killing and officer a federal offence,going on five years as a P.O. in detroit and five fellow officer's killed in the line of duty....................

God bless too all the men in blue