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UPDATE!!!! Iowa meet-up...PART II. READ INSIDE!!


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Rarely used member
Apr 11, 2008
Ok boys and girls...Here is the info:

The Albaugh Classic
Saturday, August 8th, 2009
Albaugh World Headquaters/Talons of Tuscany Golf Club
1536 NE 36th St.
Ankeny, IA 50322
(suburb of Des Moines)
Registration 7:00am till Noon.
$20.00 to register your car in the show (includes 2 spectator admissions)
$10.00 Spectator (children 12 & under free)

Here are some details about this place and this show that make this a MUST SEE!!!!!!!!!!!

For those of you that have never heard of Dennis Albaugh, here is a short back story:
Dennis owns Agri-Star Chemical Co...among many other buisnesses. In short: this guy is LOADED!! However, Dennis is an EXTREMELY down-to-earth guy, and he just happens to have one of the largest private car collections in the nation. During this car show, his 130+ private car collection :eek: will be open to the public. This is really an awesome sight to see. He has some of the rarest and most unique cars out there. I was priveliged enough to visit his car museum a little over a year ago, when he had only about 85 cars. Here are a few teaser pics.




Last year was the first time Dennis opened his collection to the public. He is partial to Corvettes...but don't hold that against him...he is a great guy. That being said, there were ALOT of Vettes there last year, and they acted like they owned the place. So mark your calenders, and lets all show up and remind all the Vette owners their cars aren't the fastest things out there!!:D

I'm DEFINATELY going to this one!!

Anyone else??:biggrin: :biggrin:

---Keith :cool:
I think I should be able to make this. August 8th?? What time does the show start?
I assume sometime around 8 or 9 AM. You better come down the night before....maybe we can go smell some Paris. ;) :biggrin:
I try to go. It looks like fun. I probably wont bring my car as it is not show quality but I will go and look around.
Hell dude who cares! bring it anyway:cool:

Hey keith, I'm gonna have some GOOD pics coming later:biggrin:

rusty is becoming one again;)
I try to go. It looks like fun. I probably wont bring my car as it is not show quality but I will go and look around.

YOU HAVE TO BRING YOUR CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:
EVERY TR is SHOW QUALITY!!!!!!!!!!;) :biggrin:
We need the TR's to be MANY!!!:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Can't wait for pics Jesse!!;) :biggrin:
You may have talked me into it. I know a few others who are planning on coming as well. :biggrin:

P.S. Thanks for adjusting my tranny today and thank your father for opening my eyes to the possibilities of what can be done with old crappy paint. You’re lucky to have talent so close by (and with an a/c shop). If only I had a little more time.
You may have talked me into it. I know a few others who are planning on coming as well. :biggrin:

P.S. Thanks for adjusting my tranny today and thank your father for opening my eyes to the possibilities of what can be done with old crappy paint. You’re lucky to have talent so close by (and with an a/c shop). If only I had a little more time.

Anytime Bud!! Glad I could help. I'll prolly be leaning on you for technical help very soon!! took her out for a test drive and the tranny still sucks.:rolleyes: I was getting some other weird things goin on too....but at least it runs!!:eek: ;)
Not tot jack your thread but there is also a car show here in Pella 7-11-09. It runs from 8-4. If anyone is interested I would be happy to have you all come back to my house after the show. We could grill out drink beer and talk Buicks. I would need to know how many are coming to prepare.

I will attempt to attach the car show info here:

Resurrected Tin

From 07/11/2009 - 07/11/2009

Downtown Pella. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Stop by to check out over 300 classic cars on display throughout the downtown, grab a bite to eat, & take in some great shopping while you're at it! Download a registration form here. For more information, call Ron at 628.5610.
is the pella show a show with classes or more of a show and shine.....?

I have no idea. You would need to call the number listed and find out. I’ve only been there twice and I did not enter either time as I do not have a show car. I do not plan on entering this year either. I just go and walk around and enjoy all the beauty and labor others have put into their cars. I’m more excited about getting some buicks together to talk crap about mustangs.
I’ve only been there twice and I did not enter either time as I do not have a show car. I do not plan on entering this year either. .

:eek: eerrr WHAT????:eek: You shouldn't be so modest. Your car is a FINE example of a VERY NICE survivor. I believe it is MORE than worthy to be in a show!!! You need to enter it in the show! I'm not coming if you don't!! (I know, I know, no big threat there...but , I gotta try!!):biggrin: ;)
I got a little more information on the Pella car show.

Trophies are not given out by classes but rather each club will pick their favorite car (roughly 13). Entry fee is $20 and registration is 8-12 Saturday or you can register Friday night at the South Overlook where they will be having food, drink, and music. There will many gifts give out through out the day including cash. Ten $100 bill will be given out. Saturday 3pm the show goes back to South Overlook where they will feed and entertain you.

Anyway not sure if anyone is interested but I do plan on going as long as it’s nice out.
Quit worrying about what we're doing and get out there and fix your car;)

I finally went and picked up the 20s for the truck. Now I won't be running on skins! I'll post pics after I post buick picks-LOL! nah, I'll do it. I got 8 hours with nothing to do tomorrow, it will get done
Quit worrying about what we're doing and get out there and fix your car;)

I finally went and picked up the 20s for the truck. Now I won't be running on skins! I'll post pics after I post buick picks-LOL! nah, I'll do it. I got 8 hours with nothing to do tomorrow, it will get done

:p :tongue: :p
Quit worrying about what we're doing and get out there and fix your car;)

I finally went and picked up the 20s for the truck. Now I won't be running on skins! I'll post pics after I post buick picks-LOL! nah, I'll do it. I got 8 hours with nothing to do tomorrow, it will get done

Bling Bling Mutha Trucka!:biggrin: