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update on my grand national.


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One fast Hot Air
Sep 9, 2010
713 well heres my car several months ago when i first came on here looking to get help from every one on why i couldnt get it started. after try and fail attemps over and over again. i finially get it started and this is the out come. a smoking bbq pit. at that moment back in march i felt my pocket start to hurt (dont we all in our money pits ;) ) the wife said get rid of that crap ray. but i was determined to bring her back......

now 4months later and a complete rebuild from the inside out my grand national is alive. what was done heres the list... 60 over pistons, bored out block, new valves, new springs, new oil pump, shaved heads, cut polished and grinded crank shaft, new piston rods, new fuel pump, new head intake, new new gaskets, new oil pan, new bearings, new every thing. and now here the out come as of june 6th this year. my grand national is alive...

at this point i would like to thank every one that helped me on here and you know who you are. the list is to long to remember. i would also like to thank this
Gettle Automotive Machinists shop in lebanon pa.(Jorge Negron one of the best turbo mechinics out there.) for bring my motor back to life. after all the long hard night and foodless days i can finally enjoy my grand national. thanks TURBO BUICK....( if you look in my profile pics you can see all the work done to the motor. so check it out and let me know guys what you think..)
Second video says it's private, BTW, so cannot view it... But congrats on getting her running! :D
i just saw that im fixing that right now. hold on ok. i really want every one to see it running smooth
new engine

Congrats, did you take pic's or had someone else rebuilt it for you?

i didnt take them nor the videos they came from the shop the pics and video. but i was there when they took em...
Glad to see its alive

You must be happy . Its been a long road for you .. Break her in right . And get some track times .. Lets see whats up .. Have fun dont break her ..
hey oil man. you been right there with on this crazy ride... but its finally done. now i am just street driving her for the 1,500 miles then its a oil change. then another 1500 and another oil change. then open her up slowly. the shop recomended staying away from high ways for about 3000 miles just local driving to get her real nice and lose. but did you see the videos and how bad it was. and the after how great it was. its a proud moment for me. i feel like i just had my 3rd
At least

hey oil man. You been right there with on this crazy ride... But its finally done. Now i am just street driving her for the 1,500 miles then its a oil change. Then another 1500 and another oil change. Then open her up slowly. The shop recomended staying away from high ways for about 3000 miles just local driving to get her real nice and lose. But did you see the videos and how bad it was. And the after how great it was. Its a proud moment for me. I feel like i just had my 3rd

you get to drive yours now .. I havent seen mine in about three months waiting on all the fab work .. I will never make another gnx clone in my life . Waiting on other people to get motivated to do the job sucks .. Tick tick tick .. I might get to drive her before next winter im told ... But thats just a shot in the dark . Who knows i might get lucky .. Have fun out there on the mean streets ..
you get to drive yours now .. I havent seen mine in about three months waiting on all the fab work .. I will never make another gnx clone in my life . Waiting on other people to get motivated to do the job sucks .. Tick tick tick .. I might get to drive her before next winter im told ... But thats just a shot in the dark . Who knows i might get lucky .. Have fun out there on the mean streets ..

mine been in a shop for 4 months. and now driving it slowly is a killer. but next week she takes another trip to the shop. and thats the body shop. want to get it cleaned up and the a fresh coat of black. then its off to the apolstry shop to get my drivers seat done and the head liner. then from there off the the garage and put to sleep till next spring.. thats my plan for her.
Glad to hear that you finally got it running. I was thinking of the problems you had the other day, and wondering if you had ever got it figured out or not.

To drive it around slow would be tough, especially after all the waiting, i would imagine. But it sounds like you should be ready to go soon enough. I'm going to guess that it will feel like it was totally worth all the headache, once you can really run it!
Glad to hear that you finally got it running. I was thinking of the problems you had the other day, and wondering if you had ever got it figured out or not.

To drive it around slow would be tough, especially after all the waiting, i would imagine. But it sounds like you should be ready to go soon enough. I'm going to guess that it will feel like it was totally worth all the headache, once you can really run it!

yes it will be last night i couldnt help it i pushed it off a light at a camaro iroc last night and took him to the next lite. he told me nice monte carlo. i told him na its a buick. and pulled off slowly..lmao....