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Upgrading, so selling parts


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Nov 15, 2004
I am upgrading to FAST and a 66, so selling the following:

3000 miles on:
PTE 52 $575 OBO
MSD 50s $200 OBO

200 miles on:
LT1 MAF $100 OBO
MAF Translater $150 OBO
Direct Scan $200 OBO

New in wrapper

Walbro 340 $100 OBO

All prices are plus ACTUAL shipping, no added fee!!

Thanks much
Rich :cool:
I will take the fuel pump and maybe the injectors will you go go 175.00 on the injectors let me know shoot your addy. I will send money on the pump asap and maybe the injectors .if I can get in touch with a friend . my zip is 39654

thanxs Randy
I also have a couple chips from TurboTweek, Dynotech,ATR (old school) and terminator for the 52 and 50 # injectors! Let me know if anyone is interested
interested in thechips, the translator and the MAF.. maybe we can do a package deal... let me know how much for all.. and do u have paypal???


Chips are as follows,
Stock Eprom
Dynotech 93 oct. street chip
ATR Pitbull
Terminator 2A
TurboTweak emissions, 114 oct, and 100 oct. ( which is perfect for 93 with alky)

All sales will be first come first serve! I have a list of who posted or pm'ed first.I will post as items are actually sold.

THe turbo comes with an adjustable wastegate , I also have a heavy duty actuator new for $75 plus shipping
are the injectors still available?

have the injectors been sold already?


Hey Jerry,
I haven't heard back from Southern Boost, but he has first crack at them, I am waiting for new parts which are due the end of next week, and will be taking them out of my car on the weekend of 28/29. So I will ship all parts in the beginning of May. I need to be able to pull the car out of the trailer and into the garage. I will touch base with everyone that has made offers in the middle of next week, and post what is avail.
Replied to PMs sent about Direct Scan...No replies, will proceed to next interested party tomorrow

sorry to string you out

I better let the injectors pass. The money I had set aside for them had to be spent on something else.