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Use caution if dealing with Josh Doty in Springfield, MA (joshd1104)


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Active Member
May 26, 2001
I rent an Eastwood Fender Roller to Turbo Buick members.. He asked to rent it late last year. He received it right around Christmas. Never paid. Took weeks for me to get a confirmation that he had it. Then many weeks before contact again...I believe his sister has some serious health problems. Then he was gonna send it back...but never did. In April (that's about 4 months after receiving it) a member went by his house at my request to check on it. Doty got upset with that...telling me he'd had trouble with the tool upon receipt, family problems take precedence, etc etc. Interesting that he found time to make contact AFTER a guy came by. He advised his mother was gonna send it back (still never paid) on 7 April. Here it is mid-May and still no tool!!!

Sorry to hear of his family health issues, but this guy clearly don't care about anybody else...and now still has my tool and never even paid to use it.

So...if you run across him...make him pay up front, and don't trust him to do anything he promises.

Bob Kolhouse
That's a shame. Family issues are tough but that's not an excuse for not doing the right thing.
I remember the justin gunn guy on here that was screwing members over and had been lying about having some sort of terminal cancer or disease.
nothing surprises me anymore.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
I remember the justin gunn guy on here that was screwing members over and had been lying about having some sort of terminal cancer or disease.
nothing surprises me anymore.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app

Yeah, I remember his disease so well: It was called Fullacrapatitus. :rolleyes: Very terminal and spreads quickly. So, beware. It can cause all kinds of health problems, like a bullet to the head.....that's the biggest problem.

Bruce '87 Grand National
Update: 2 months later and Josh Doty (asshole) still hasn't responded or returned my Eastwood Fender Roller. Maybe someday I will find myself near Springfield, MA

Bob K
Address? I'll pay him a visit.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Thanks guys...another member has already offered to visit him.

Just be sure not to trust this guy if he shows up here again!!
Im a few states over. I could grab a few guys and make a coincidental visit if need be.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Unfortunately it sounds like this bozo needs a pillow party.
Unfortunately it sounds like this bozo needs a pillow party.

The LAST thing he deserves is a pillow party!

Somebody give ME a pillow party!:D


Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
I was thinking more like in Full Metal Jacket...
A "GI" party comes to mind.
We gave a couple of those to "deserving" barracks rats.
Involves pulling a fart sack over their heads, and wailing the crap out of them w/ a bar of GI soap in a sock. VERY effective at getting their attention.:smuggrin:
......or battery filled socks. I like that one better

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